Experiment research on grain drying process in the heat pump assisted fluidized beds
Jing Yang,Li Wang,F(xiàn)iXiang,Lige Tong,andHua Su Mechanic~Engineering School,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China
Abstract:A heat pump assisted fluidized bed grain drying experimental system was developed.Based on this system.a(chǎn) serial of experiments was performed under four kinds of air cycle conditions.According to the experimental analysis,an appropriate drying mediumair cycle for the heat pump assisted fluidized bed drying equipment was decided.which is difierent from the commonly used
heat pump assisted drying system.The experimental results concerning the drying operation perform ance of the new system show that the averaged coefi cient of perform ance fCOP1 can reach more than 2.5.The economical evaluation was perform ed and the power consumption for removing a kilogram water from grains was about 0.485 kW·h/kg(H,0),which shows its reasonable commercialefi ciency and great application potentiality in future marke
Key words:heat pump,fluidized bed,grain,drying,air recycle
1 Introduction
Nowadays there 1s an urgent need for the development of high capacity and high quality grain drying equipment in the agriculture of China[1].As the society and agriculture develop quickly,it is of important practical value to develop the efi cient,energy saving, non—pollution and even movable drying equipment to match the mechanization harvestry [2].
Traditional methods of drying involve the direct combustion of fossil fuel together with controlled ventilation.Such methods are obviously ineficient,with efficiencies never exceeding 20% ,not to mention the fact that expensive primary energy is depleted only to produce low grade heat[3].The traditional drying methods have been prevailing domestically up to now,not only for grain drying,but also for other matedals such as wood,cement,ceramics and medicine etc.As the power supply structure improved greatly by the hydropower and nuclear power development policy of the government of China,the research on the heat pump assisted drying system is of special meanings,due to the fact that a portion of power usually can supply more than 2 portions of heat energy for drying by using a heat pump.Recently there are quite a few scholars[4—8]findin their interests in heat pump assisted drying area and the great potentiality in future for heat pump applications in drying area.However the researches[9,1 0]mostly concentrate on the low temperature heat pump with the hot medium temperature lower than 55。C.There was still a blank in the high temperature heat pump assisted drying system with temperatures above 70。C and especially for the system with grain drying and heat pump working together,which is the great motivation of the present paper.Besides the gas—solid fluidized beds have obtained widely applications in drying area with so obvious advantages such as high gas—solid contact surface,high heat and mass transferrates,easy to be mechanically operated,usually with great continuous production capability and high quality of drying due to its uniform temperature field[11,121.
This paper combined the both advantages of heat pump and fluidized bed to develop a new type of graindrying experimental system.Based on this system,aserial of experiments was perform ed under different conditions.According to the experimental analysis,an appropriate drying medium—air cycle for the new type heat pump assisted fluidized bed drying equipment was decided.which is different from the traditional heat pump assisted drying system.Th e research results also show the optimistic future and the potential market competition ability of this new equipment.
2 Experiment
In a drying system with a heat pump and a fluidized bed together.there are three material flows:the grain flow,the refrigerant flow and the dry ing medium.Air flow.This air flow relates the grain flow to be dried and the refrigerant flow of the heat pump together and become the medium transferring the moisture and heat between the both,in which the flow rate.temperature.velocitv and humidity of the air influence the working condition of the heat pump,whereas the working condition of the heat pump also afects the temperature and humi dity of the air and further influences the drying process.Here the air circulation jn the system
is vital not only to the working performance of the heat pump and the dry ing process but also to the final structure of the whole equipment.Hence the experi.mental system was designed as shown in figure 1.which includes mainly four parts:fluidized bed drying room,heat pump,tube connection and several valves.
This system can realize four types of air circulation by adjusting difierent valves.Type one:close valves 1,2,4,5 and open valves 3,6,7,in which the air dis.charged from the fluidized bed flows only through the evaporator of the heat pump and then the condenser where it is heated and finally into the fluidized bed.performing a close circuit circulation.Type two:close valves 2,3,6 and open valves 1,4,5,7,in which the air discharged from the fluidized bed flows directly through the condenser and then into the fluidized bed.performi ng a close circulation,and the air from cir.cumstance flows through the evaporator of the heat pump.Type 3:close valves 1,3,5 and open valves 2,
4,6,7,in which the air discharged from the fluidized bed flows completely through the evaporator and then into the ambient.whereas the ambient air is absorbed through the condenser by the ventilator and then flows into the fluidized bed.performing an open circulation.Type 4:open all the valves and adjusting their turn—down ratio.in which the air discharged from the fluidized bed splits into two parts,one mixing with some ambient air flows into the evaporator and then into the ambient,the other mi xing with the ambient air flows into the condenser and then into the fluidized bed,performing an half close and half open air circulation.
3 Parameter measurements and principles
In this experiment,the parameters need to be meas.ured are the temperatures at the inlet and the outlet of the fluidized bed and the evaporator and the condenser,the flow quantities of the air through the evaporator,the condenser and the fluidized bed respectively,the high and the low pressures of the refrigerant.All the temperature measurements adopted digital tempera.ture sensors which were calibrated by the liquid in the glass therm ometer from 0 to l 00。C.The hot spherical wind velocity meter was used to measure the flow velocity and then to get the flow quantity.The power of the compressor was calculated based on its phase current measured by a multimeter.The refrigerant pressures were measured by elastic tube manometers.
The performance parameters of the system can be calculated based on these measured parameters by following formulae.
The air flow quantity:
v=(∑u/N) A×3600,m3/h;
The refrigerating output from the evaporator:
Qe=Vc·ρair·Cρ·(toe-tie)/3600,KW ;
The heating output from the condenser:
The compressor power:
The coeficient of the performance(COP)of the
heat pump:COP=QC/P
The flow rate of refrigerant:
The theoretical refrigerating output from the evaporator:
The theoretical heating output from the condenser
LQc=x×qc, KW;
The theoretical coefi cient of the performance of
the heat pump:
Here the theoretical cycle refers to the ideal thermodynamic cycle corresponding to the high and low pressures measured in the experiment.
4 Experimental results and analysis
4.1 Efects of air circulation type
In order to get the effect from different air circulations on the drying process,we conducted four types of air circulation experiments.keeping all the other conditions the same,such as the air flow quantity and the inlet temperatures etc.a(chǎn)nd found that the temperature at the inlet of the fluidized bed is the highest in type 2,that in type l is the lowest and that in type 3 is slightly higher than that in type l,that in type 4 is between that in types 2 and 3.This is because in type 2,the air circulates only through the condenser and the heat wasted is comparatively small resulting in the high temperature at the outlet of the condenser.The humidity of the air at the inlet of the fluidized bed was also higher,since the air discharged from the fluidized bed did not remove its moisture.However,in fact the connection tube was not closely sealed,therefore there was some fresh air from ambient flowed into the condenser.That is like such a circulation:close valves 3.6 and open all the other valves.in which the air discharged from the fluidized bed,mi xing with the ambient air flowed through the condenser and then into the fluidized bed,meanwhile some air from the fluidized bed flowed into the ambient through the interspace
between the fluidized bed and its blastcap.In this experiment system.1 0%一20% fresh air was estimated mi xing into the flow in air circulation between the condenser and the fluidized bed.Hence type 2 with a certain fresh air ratio can be chosen as the best air circulation used in the following experiments.
4.2 Efects of air flow quantity through the evaporator
Two experiments were performed.In one experiment.1 00 k2 grains were put into the fluidized bed with a moisture of about 25% fits denominator contains no water),and then the system was started and the airflow through the evaporator was kept relatively low at about 500 m /h.The performances of the heat pump are shown in figures 2-4.In the other experiment,the system was started firstly and the airflow through the evaporator was kept high at about 2500 m3/h. after the temperature at the outlet of the condenser reached about 70。C. 100 kg grains with a moisture of 27% were put into the fluidized bed.The heat pump performances are shown in figures 5-7.The air flow through the condenser is about the same
of 1 650 m3/h for both experiments.
Figure 2 Pressure variation of the refrigerant in the dry ing process at v~=soo ma/h.
Figure 3 Performance of the heat pump in the drying process at v~=5oo ma/h.
Figure 4 COPoftheheatpump atv~=5ooIll3,l1
Figure 5 Pressure variation of the refrigerant in the drying process at v~=25oo ma/h.
In figures 3,4 and 6,7,the theoretical results are all calculated from the ideal refrigeration circulation respectively coresponding to the high and low pres。sures of the refrigerant in figures 2 and 5.The comparison between figures 3 and 6 shows that the heat output from the condenser greatly increases by in creasing the air flow through the evaporator and the COP is much closer to the idea1 value in figure 7 than that in figure 4.Thus the airflow quantity through the evaporator is very important to the performance of the heat pump.In fact,the growing of the air flow quantity through the evaporator greatly enhances the heat transfer rate between the air and the surface of the evaporator resulting the worldng medium in it absorb more heat at the same temperature difference.Th e theoretical analysis also show that as the airflow increases further,the heat absorbed by the evaporator will reach its peak and then level off.
Figure 6 Performance of the heat pump in the drying process atv,=25oom3/h.
Figure 7 COP of the heat pump at v~=2soo m3/h.
4.3 Drying process of the heat pump assisted fluidized bed grain dryer
Figure 8 shows the temperature variations at the inlet and the outlet of the fluidized bed during the drying process under the same condition to the experiment at Ve=2500 m /h.It shows that both the temperatures rise gradually with time.At such temperature variation,the wheat drying process is shown in figure 9,which displays the wet moisture(the fraction of the water quantity contained in the grains to its total quantity)and dry moisture(the fraction of the water quantity contained in the grains to its absolute dry quantity)variations of wheat wifh drying time.W e can see that it takes about 60 min for the wheat to drv from a wet moisture of 21-3% to 13% .
Figure 8 Temperature variations at the inlet and outlet of the fluidized bed during the drying process at v,=2500m3/h.
Figure 9 W heat moisture variations during the dry ingprocess at v,=2500 m3/h
4.4 Economical evaluation
The factors afecting the commercial eficiency of the drying system are the drying time,the COP and power consumption of the heat pump.However the drying time mainly depends on the air temperature at the inlet of the fluidized bed.In order to analyze the com ercial efficiency of the system.we assume that the wheat is continuously dried bv the system as it was done by the most dryers in industry,the temperature at the inlet of the fluidized bed is about 70。C which was
obtained in the experiment.In such assumptions,we can obtain that the drying time needed for wheat to dry from its wet moisture of 20% t0 13% is about 35
min,which is deduced from another experiment[2]and will not be presented here.According to the known parameters mentioned above and the heat
pump power consumption in figure 6,including the blower power consumption in the system,the averaged power consumption of the system is gotten (about 5.5 kW)during the drying process.Considering the capability of the fluidized bed is about 100 kg,we can conclude its totally power consumption per unit grain output is about 0.0321 kW ·h/kg or that per unitwater removed from the grain is 0.458 kW ·h/kg(H20)
5 Conclusions
(1)Th e appropriate air cycle for drying grain is that the air discharged from the fluidized bed directly flows into the condenser of the heat pump with 10% 一20% flesh air where it is heated and then flows into the fluidized bed to form a circulation
(2)The airflow through the evaporator is very important to the perform ance of the heat pump.The higher the flow quantity,the beaer the perform ance of
the heat pump.
(3)Th e economical evaluation shows that if the system working at continuous state,its power consumption for removing a kilogram water from the grains is about 0.485 kW·h/kg(H2O)and shows great potentiality in the future market.
V,Ve,Vc:Th e flow quantities for the fluidized bed,the evaporator and the condenser,respectively;
u:The air velocity at the measured point.m/s;
N:Th e number of the measured points;
A:Th e tube across area,m ;
Qe,Qc:Th e refrigerating and heating outputs of the heat pump,kW ;
ρair:Th e air density,kg/m ;
Cρ:Th e air specific heat capacity,kJ/(kg‘。c);
toe,tie:Th e temperatures at the inlet and the outlet of the evaporator,。C:
toc,tic:Th e temperatures at the inlet and the outlet of the condenser,。C:
Ip:Th e averaged phase current of the compressor,A;
Vp:Th e phase voltage,V;
X:Th e mass flow rate of refrigerant.kg/s;
ηc:Th e compressor efficiency,about 0.9 here;
W:Th e theoretical compressor work per unit mass.
LQe,LQc: Th e theoretical refrigerating and heating output of the heat pump,kW ;
qe,qc:Th e refrigerating and heating outputs from theoretical cycle per unit mass refrigerant,kJ/kg;
COP,LCOP:Th e practical and theoretical coeffi—
cients of the perform ance of the heat pump.
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Jing Yang,Li Wang,F(xiàn)iXiang,Lige Tong,and Hua Su
空氣流數(shù): v=(∑u/N) A×3600,m3/h
來自蒸發(fā)器的制冷輸出功率: Qe=Vc·ρair·Cρ·(toe-tie)/3600,KW
來自冷凝器的熱輸出功率: Qc= Vc·ρair·Cρ·(toc-tic)/3600,KW
來自冷凝器的理論熱輸出功率:LQc=x×qc, KW
熱泵的理論性能指數(shù):LCOP= LQc/p;
為了獲得從在干燥過程中不同空氣循環(huán)的效應,我們進行了四種類型的空氣流通實驗.保持所有其他條件相同,如空氣流動量和入口溫度等。并發(fā)現(xiàn),型號2在流化床入口的溫度是最高的,型號1中是最低的,而且,型號3略高于在型號1,型號4在型號2和型號3之間。這是因為, 在型號2中空氣流通只能通過冷凝器并且余熱比較少地造成在冷凝器出口處的高溫。空氣相對濕度在流化床入口也較高,因為空氣從流化床排出沒有去掉其水分。然而事實上,連接管并不完全密封,因此,有一些新鮮的空氣從環(huán)境中流入冷凝器。這就是像這樣一個循環(huán):關閉閥門3,6和開放的所有其他閥門.其中的空氣排出流化床,與流經(jīng)冷凝器的空氣混合,然后進入到流化床,同時一些流化床里的空氣通過流化床及其風帽之間空隙流入周圍環(huán)境。在這個實驗系統(tǒng),在冷凝器和流化床之間估計有1 0 %一20 %的新鮮空氣混合到流動的空氣流通之中。因此,具有一定的新鮮空氣的比例的型號2可以作為最佳的空氣流通在下面的實驗中使用。
我們進行了兩個實驗,在一項實驗中,含水分約25 %的1 00千克谷物放入到流化床(其母體不包含水分)。然后系統(tǒng)啟動和通過蒸發(fā)器氣流保持相對較低的速度約以500米/小時。熱泵的工作情況是顯示數(shù)字2-4。在令一個實驗中,該系統(tǒng)首先啟動和氣流保持以高約2500 立方米/小時的速度通過蒸發(fā)器。在冷凝器出口處的溫度達到約70度后將水分含量為27 %的100公斤放入到流化床。熱泵的工作情況是顯示數(shù)字5-7 。這兩個實驗中,氣流都是以相同的1 650立方米/小時的速度通過冷凝器。