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題目名稱: 手動瓶蓋壓蓋機的改進
李 欣
教 授
1. 2009年1月12日-1月16日,下達畢業(yè)設計任務書;寒假期間完成外文資料翻譯和開題報告;
2. 2009年3月15日-3月21日,指導教師審核開題報告和設計方案;
3. 2009年3月22日-4月18日,整體方案設計;
4. 2009年4月19日-4月25日,畢業(yè)設計中期檢查;
5. 2009年4月26日-5月16日,撰寫畢業(yè)設計(論文),答辯資格審查,學生修改整理論文,準備答辯;
6. 2009年5月20日畢業(yè)設計(論文)答辯。
論文題目: 手動瓶蓋壓蓋機的改進
學生姓名:李 欣
作者 李 欣 指導教師 洪新華
(河南科技學院 機電學院,河南 新鄉(xiāng) 453003)
摘要 瓶蓋壓蓋機是包裝機械中的組成部分,也是包裝機械中必不可少的一個環(huán)節(jié)。手動瓶蓋壓蓋機生產力落后、工作效率低、人工勞動強度又非常大,對其的改進可以有效的提高工作效率、生產能力、節(jié)省勞動力,從而提高經(jīng)濟效益,因此對傳統(tǒng)式手動壓蓋機進行改進是非常有必要的。
關鍵詞: 瓶蓋壓蓋機,壓蓋機機頭,送蓋裝置,送瓶裝置
The improvement of manually
Capping machine
Writer:Li Xin Tutor:Hong Xin Hua
Bottle Caps Capping Machine is an integral part of packing machinery,and is one of indispensable link. Capping machine manual cap backward productivity, low efficiency, artificial labor intensity is very large, its improvement can effectively improve efficiency, productivity, labor-saving, thereby improving economic efficiency, and therefore conventional manual machine to improve the gland is necessary.
Conventional manual (manual) capping machines are manually pressed against the cap, the improvement is the operation of machinery instead of manual operation, the use of automatic mechanical Capping Machine. It mainly consists of four parts about sending device the cap, transmission device of bottles out and in, capping machine head and capping machine main.
First of all, the cap transmission use of electromagnetic vibration device to send automatically send cover installation, with the cap by the magnetic properties of reservoir-cap from the transfer box to the vibration hopper, and then by the electromagnetic vibration device will be sent to the gland plane nose cap of the pressure mold covered the use of penalty gland preparation. Secondly, transmission device of bottles out and in first bottle of the transmission device to the bottle by the screw rod has the order of the separated, and then into the bottle from the bottle to the gland dividing wheel drive, in the course of the work and nose to complete by the gland machine action and then the bottle pressure dividing wheel will set aside a good bottle cap. Third, the capping machine head is the most important part of the gland, when glad, will be the quality of bottle pressure and the rate of broken bottles mainly depends on capping machine head and capping mode. Finally, the choice of motor and gear design, primarily on the basis of production capacity to choose the motor and the part transmission.
By improved, the automatic Capping machine machinery instead of the traditional manual machines to improve, it could enhance the work efficiency, also brought economic benefits.
Key words:Bottle Caps Capping Machine,Capping machine head,Send cover device,Send a bottle device
目 錄
摘要 0
1引言 1
1.1 壓蓋機的種類及分析 2
1.2 國外的發(fā)展狀況 3
1.3 我國與國外的壓蓋機發(fā)展水平差距 4
1.4 本文主要研究內容 4
2 總體方案設計 4
2.1 瓶蓋壓蓋機總功能的分析 5
2.2 功能分解 5
2.3 各功能元的原理方案及選定 6
3 主要部件的設計 8
3.1 送蓋裝置的設計 8
3.1.1 瓶蓋的定向分析 8
3.1.2 送蓋裝置 8
3.1.3 氣壓送蓋 9
3.2 壓蓋機機頭的設計 9
3.2.1 送蓋原理 9
3.2.2 壓蓋機機頭 10
3.2.3 壓蓋機機頭的特點分析 11
3.3 送瓶裝置的設計 12
3.4 傳動方案的設計 13
3.5 總體分析 13
4 結束語 14
致謝 14
參考文獻 15
河南科技學院 2009屆本科畢業(yè)論文 論文題目:手動瓶蓋壓蓋機的改進,姓名:李欣 院系:機電學院 班級:機教042班 指導教師:洪新華教授 完成時間:2009.5.20,概述,手動瓶蓋壓蓋機是依靠人工進行壓蓋,生產力落后、工作效率低而且人工勞動強度又非常大,對其的改進可以有效的提高工作效率、生產能力、節(jié)省勞動力,從而提高經(jīng)濟效益,因此對傳統(tǒng)式手動壓蓋機進行改進是非常有必要的。,改進手動壓蓋機的組成部分,瓶蓋的自動供送,上圖為:電磁振動送蓋裝置 下圖為:瓶蓋的定向設計,氣壓送蓋,在瓶蓋定向并進入送蓋槽滑道時,最后由壓縮空氣吹至壓蓋機機頭的槽口,完成送蓋。由與將瓶蓋吹到槽口所需要的力很小,所以只要壓縮空氣的壓力大于0.3MPa 滿足要求(如圖所示)。,壓蓋機主體結構,1 、2輥子; 3套筒; 4、5彈簧; 6頂桿; 7頂桿; 8彈簧; 9螺套; 10沖頭(心桿); 11壓頭; 12壓蓋模; 13槽口; 14導向環(huán)。,封蓋過程,,一是定位入口及預緊; 二是翻邊成彤; 三是捋緊壓實。 在壓蓋時,瓶蓋與瓶口之間的密封主要是由密封墊來保持,如右圖所示,密封墊產生了較大的彈性接觸擠壓變形,瓶蓋結構上的波紋型周邊由于壓蓋模的作用產生擠壓變形,卡在瓶子的封口凸棱的下緣,使得瓶蓋與瓶口機械勾連,得到牢固且密封性封口連接。,送瓶裝置,壓蓋機的送瓶裝置工作原理是:由鏈帶輸送瓶子,經(jīng)過螺旋分離限位器1將瓶子有序的隔開,然后在經(jīng)過進瓶撥輪2使得瓶子按序的進行壓蓋,進瓶撥輪準確的將瓶子送至壓蓋機轉盤3,然后在轉動的過程中,由壓蓋機機頭完成壓蓋,最后壓好蓋的瓶子由出瓶撥輪4將其排出,如圖所示。 (注意:進出瓶星形撥輪上瓶子中心的線速度為V1,壓蓋頭中心的線速度為V2,螺桿輸送速度為V3, V1=V2=V3 ),總體分析,蓋子放在儲蓋斗1中,通過電磁振動送蓋裝置2將瓶蓋定向并沿輸蓋槽4輸送至壓蓋機機頭槽口(壓蓋模),在氣嘴6的作用下,準確的定位,然后在工作過程中,壓蓋頭與星形盤7均由齒輪9帶動旋轉,瓶子被送入星形盤并正好位于壓蓋頭的下方,壓蓋頭與星形盤同步旋轉(此時瓶子也一起轉動)過程中,由于固定凸輪的凸輪,使得壓蓋機機頭上下運動并對瓶蓋施加壓力,四個壓蓋頭通過輥子與固定凸輪連接,即完成壓蓋工作。在轉動一周的過程中,完成4個瓶蓋的壓蓋工作,最后,壓好蓋的瓶子隨出瓶撥輪出來,如此,即可完成壓蓋工作,如下圖所示。 對于瓶子的高低不同,差別非常大時,可以通過調節(jié)蝸桿蝸輪10和螺母螺旋11使其升降,以此滿足不同的需要。,總結,此次將手動壓蓋機改進為機械自動式的壓蓋機,與傳統(tǒng)的壓蓋機有了很大的進步,如:不用人工送蓋,而且是自動定向送蓋;機械式壓蓋機機頭,自動壓蓋,碎瓶口率大大降低;在整個過程中減輕了勞動力等等。,致謝 本文的全部工作是在尊敬的指導老師的悉心指導下完成的,我的指導老師洪新華博士給了我很大的支持和幫助,在此我向洪老師表示由衷的感謝!在寫作期間,洪老師不耐其煩地幫助我修改論文,指出不足并讓我改正。在他身上真正表現(xiàn)出了一名老師耐心、負責的工作作風和一名學者一絲不茍的治學態(tài)度。至此論文結稿之際,謹向我敬愛的指導老師致以深深的謝意和崇高的敬意。,參考文獻 [1] 徐景珩.未來十年中國食品和包裝機械發(fā)展趨勢.北京:中國輕工業(yè)出版社,1998. [2]宮相印.食品機械與設備.北京:中國商業(yè)出版社,1993. [3]管敦儀.啤酒工業(yè)手冊.北京:中國輕工業(yè)出版社,1998:515 [4]胡繼強.食品機械與設備.北京:中國輕工業(yè)出版社,1999:145、150--153 [5]程凌敏,徐克非,楊琦云等.食品加工機械.北京:中國輕工業(yè)出版社,1992. [6]沈再春.農產品加工機械與設備.北京:中國農業(yè)出版社,1993:242 [7]程殿林.啤酒生產技術.北京:化學工業(yè)出版社,1998.9 [8]管敦儀.啤酒工業(yè)手冊(下).北京:中國輕工業(yè)出版社,1998:536--537 [9]劉筱霞.包裝機械.北京:化學工業(yè)出版社,2007. [10]張永茂,馬衛(wèi)東.AutoCAD機械繪圖實用教程.北京:機械工業(yè)出版社,2005. [11]孫波,何萬庫,趙美寧等.畢業(yè)設計寶典.西安:西安電子科技大學出版社,2008.,謝 謝 各位專家指導!,Mechanism and Machines
A system that transmits forces in a predetermined manner to accomplish specific objectives may be considered a machine. A mechanism may be defined in a similar manner, but the term mechanism is usually applied to a system where the principal function is to transmit motion. Kinematics is the study of motion in mechanism, while the analysis of force and torques in machined is called dynamics.
Once the need for a machine or mechanism with given characteristics is identified, the design process begins. Detailed analysis of displacements, velocities, and accelerations is usually required. This part of the design process is then followed by analysis of force and torques. The design process may continue long after first model have been produce and include redesigns of component that affect velocities, accelerations, force, and torques. In order to successfully compete form year to year, most manufacturers must continuously modify their product and their methods of production. Increases in production rate, upgrading of product performance, redesign for cost and weight reduction, and motion analysis of new product lines are frequently required. Success may hinge on the correct kinematic and dynamic analysis of the problem.
Many of the basic linkage configurations have been incorporate into machines designed centuries ago, and the term we use to describe then have change over the year. Thus, definitions and terminology will not be consistent throughout the technical literature. In most cases, however, meanings will be clear form the context of the descriptive matter. A few terms of particular interest to the study of kinematic and dynamics of machines are define below.
Link A link is one of the rigid bodies or members joined together to form a kinematic chain. The term rigid link or sometimes simply link is an idealization used in the study of that does not consider small deflections due to strains in machine members. A perfectly rigid or inextensible link can exist only as a textbook type of model of a real machine member. For typical machine part, maximum dimension changes are of only a one-thousandth of the part length. We are justified in neglecting this small motion when considering the much greater motion characteristic of most mechanisms. The word link is used in a general sense to include cams, gears, and other machine members in addition to cranks, connecting rods and other pin-connected components.
Degrees-of-freedom The number of degrees-of-freedom of a linkage is the number of independent parameters required to position of every link relative to the frame or fixed link. If the instantaneous configuration of a system may be completely defined by specifying one independent variable, that system has one degree-of-freedom. Most practical mechanisms have one degree-of-freedom.
An unconstrained rigid body has six degrees-of-freedom: translation in three coordinates and rotation about three coordinate axes. If the body is restricted to motion in a plane, there are three degrees-of-freedom: translation in two coordinate directions and rotation within the plane.
Lower and Higher Pairs Connections between rigid bodies consist of lower and higher pairs of elements. The two elements of a lower pair have theoretical surface contact with one another, while the two elements of a higher pair have theoretical point or line contact (if we disregard deflections).
Lower pairs are desirable from a design standpoint since the load at the joint and the resultant wear is spread over the contact surface. Thus, geometric changes or failure due to high contact stresses and excessive wear may be prevented.
Mechanism A mechanism is a kinematic chain in which one link is considered fixed for the purpose of analysis, but motion is possible in other links. As noted above, the link designated as the fixed link need not actually be stationary relative to the surface of the earth. A kinematic chain is usually identified as a mechanism if its primary purpose is the modification or transmission of motion.
Machine A mechanism designed for the purpose of transmitting forces or torques is usually called a machine.
Engine A machine that involves conversion of energy to produce mechanical power is commonly called an engine. Thus, the crankshaft, connecting rod, piston, and cylinder of an automotive engine would be an engine by the above definitions, while other drive train components such as the transmission, differential, and universal joint would be considered machines. Machines and engines may have the same configuration as other mechanisms that do not convert energy and are not intended to transmit significant levels of force or torque. Thus, for the purpose of kinematic analysis, the above distinction between mechanism, machine, and engine may be of only academic importance.
A Mechanism has been defined as “a combination of rigid or resistant bodies so formed and connected that they move upon each other with definite relative motion.”
Mechanisms form the basic geometrical elements of many mechanical devices including automatic packaging machinery, typewriters, mechanical toys, textile machinery, and others. A mechanism typically is designed to create a desired motion of a rigid body relative to a reference member. Kinematic design of mechanisms is often the first step in the design of a complete machine. When forces are considered, the additional problems of dynamics, bearing loads, stresses, lubrication, and the like are introduced, and the larger problem becomes one of machine design.
The function of a mechanism is to transmit or transform motion from one rigid body to another as part of the action of a machine. There are three types of common mechanical devices that can be used as basic elements of a mechanism.
Gear Systems Gear systems, in which toothed members in contact transmit motion between rotating shafts. Gears normally are used for the transmission of motion with a constant angular velocity ratio, although noncircular gears can be used for nonuniform transmission of motion.
Cam Systems Cam systems, where a uniform motion of an input member is converted into a nonuniform motion of the output member. The output motion may be either shaft rotation, slider translation, or other follower motions created by direct contact between the input cam shape and the follower. The kinematic design of cams involves the analytical or graphical specification of the cam surface shape required to drive the follower with a motion that is a prescribed function of the input motion.
Plane and Spatial Linkages They are also useful in creating mechanical motions for a point or rigid body. Linkages can be used for three basic tasks.
(1) Rigid body guidance. A rigid body guidance mechanism is used to guide a rigid body through a series of prescribed positions in space.
(2) Path generation mechanism will guide a point on a rigid body through a series of points on a specified path in space.
(3) Function generation. A mechanism that creates an output motion that is a specified function of the input motion.
Mechanisms may be categorized in several different ways to emphasize their similarities and differences. One such grouping divides mechanisms into planar, spherical, and spatial categories. All three groups have many things in common; the criterion which distinguishes the groups, however, is to be found in the characteristics of the motions of the links.
A planar mechanism is one in which all particles describe plane curves in space and all these curves lie in parallel planes; i.e. the loci of all points are plane curves parallel to a single common planar mechanism in its true size and shape on a single drawing or figure. The plane four-bar linkage, the plate cam and follower, and the slider-crank mechanism are familiar examples of planar mechanisms. The vast majority of mechanisms in use today are planar.
A spherical mechanism is one in which each link has some point which remains stationary as the linkage moves and in which the stationary points of all links lie at a common location; i.e., the locus of each point is a curve contained in a spherical surface, and the spherical surfaces defined by several arbitrarily chosen points are all concentric. The motions of all particles can therefore be completely described by their radial projections, or “shadows,” on the surface of a sphere with properly chosen center. Hooke’s universal joint is perhaps the most familiar example of a spherical mechanism.
Spatial mechanisms, on the other hand, include no restrictions on the relative motions of the particles. The motion transformation is not necessarily coplanar, nor must it be concentric. A spatial mechanism may have particles with loci of double curvature. Any linkage which contains a screw pair, for example, is a spatial mechanism, since the relative motion within a screw pair is helical.
桿件 一個桿件是一個嚴格的機構或其共同組成一個運動鏈。長期嚴格的桿件或有時只是使用一個理想化的桿件研究,由于機件拉緊不考慮微小撓度。一個完全不彎曲或不可拉長的桿件可能存在不僅是一種教科書式的模型,一個真正的機器的構件。對于典型的機械部分,最大尺寸的變化是只有長度部分的千分之一。當我們考慮多數(shù)機械裝置的運動特性時我們有理由忽視這個小小的運動。這個桿件定理中使用的一般意義上包括凸輪,齒輪,和其他構件除了曲柄、連桿和其他引腳連接組件。
自由度 自由度的數(shù)量的聯(lián)系是一些獨立的參數(shù)必須立場的每一個環(huán)節(jié)相對內或固定桿件。如果即可改造的系統(tǒng)可以完全確定指定一個獨立的變量,該系統(tǒng)有一個自由度。多數(shù)實用的機械裝置就有一個自由度。
高副和低副 鏈接的剛體之間包括高副和低副兩個要素。這兩個因素中的低副是兩個理論表面之間的接觸,而這兩個因素中的高副是理論的點或線接觸(如果我們忽視了撓度)。
機械裝置 機械裝置是一個運動鏈系中的一環(huán)被認為是特定的目的是為了分析,但運動可能是其他的環(huán)節(jié)。如上所述,特定的桿件為指定的桿件不需要與實際相對固定在地球表面。如果運動學鏈主要目的是緩和或傳輸動力,其就通常被作為一種機械裝置,
機器 這種機構設計是為達到轉遞動力或力矩的目的通常是所謂的機器。
發(fā)動機 一個機器需要能量轉換而產生的機械動力通常稱為發(fā)動機。因此,曲軸,連桿,活塞和氣缸的自動的發(fā)動機由上面所述的發(fā)動機的定義,而其他的傳動部件,例如變速箱,差速器,和萬向聯(lián)軸器都被稱為為機械裝置。機器和發(fā)動機或許有相同裝置,其他的機械裝置不能轉換動力,而是為了傳輸大的動力或者是扭矩。因此,為了運動學的分析,上述機械裝置、機器、發(fā)動機之間的區(qū)別,可能僅僅在學術上有重要性。
齒輪機構 在這種機構中,各各轉軸之間的運動是由相互嚙合的齒輪來傳遞。齒輪通常用來傳遞角速度比常值的運動,但是非圓輪可以用來傳遞角速度比為變數(shù)的運動。
凸輪機構 在這種機構中,輸入件的等速連續(xù)運動被轉換成輸出件的不等速運動。輸出的運動可以是軸的轉動、滑塊的移動、或者其他從動件的運動。這些運動都是從動件與作為輸入件的凸輪的輪廓的直接接觸而產生的。凸輪的運動設計就是采用解析法或者是圖解法來確定凸輪的輪廓形狀,使其能夠帶動從動件實現(xiàn)輸出運動的制定函數(shù)這個功能。
平面和空間連桿機構 此類機構也是用來使機構上的某一點或者是剛體實現(xiàn)機械運動的,兩岸的基本作用有三種:
(1)剛體導向 剛體導向機構是用來引導一個剛體,使其通過空間的一系列預訂的位置;
(2)實現(xiàn)軌跡 實現(xiàn)軌跡機構將引導剛體上的一個點,使其通過空間指定的空間軌跡上的一系列點;
(3)實現(xiàn)函數(shù) 此類機構所產生的輸出運動是輸出運動的指定函數(shù)。