題 目
1、 翻譯2篇與課程相關的最新英文文獻,文獻翻譯要求在2000字以上;
2、 查閱和整理文獻并提交一篇反映課題內(nèi)容的文獻綜述,文獻綜述在3000字以上;
3、 獨立完成加濕器結(jié)構(gòu)設計、二維總裝圖及零件圖設計、三維圖設計,選擇一個成型零件進行加工工藝設計,提交一份開題報告。
4、 按照開題報告的進度計劃,獨立進行模型設計所需的數(shù)據(jù)計算,結(jié)合相關課程中涉及的經(jīng)驗公式與經(jīng)驗數(shù)據(jù),撰寫論文,論文正文不少于10000字。
1、 結(jié)合所學專業(yè)課程,通過查閱相關資料,溫習相關制圖軟件,完成畢業(yè)設計;
2、 查閱加濕器相關資料,分析現(xiàn)有某一型號加濕器的結(jié)構(gòu),結(jié)合專業(yè)課程制定畢業(yè)設計計劃,搭建論文正文主體框架,繪制2D總裝圖、零件圖、進行零件3D造型設計、計算總體方案設計過程中所涉及的重要數(shù)據(jù),完善設計骨架,匯整豐富說明書內(nèi)容,最后對格式進行標準化處理,檢索并翻譯外文資料,按論文指導手冊的要求完成畢業(yè)設計全部內(nèi)容。
[1] 《機械設計》第7版,濮良貴、紀綱明主編,北京:高等教育出版社,2001
[2] 《機械基礎綜合課程設計》,劉會英、楊志強主編,北京:機械工業(yè)出版社,2007
[3] 《AutoCAD 2009中文版從入門到精通》,唐人科技,北京:中國青年出版社,2009
[4] 《機械加工工藝裝備設計手冊》,機械加工工藝裝備設計手冊編委會,北京:機械工業(yè)出版社,1998.1
[6]《機械制造技術基礎》[M] ,盧秉恒,北京:機械工業(yè)出版社,2008.
[7] 《完全精通Pro/ENGINEER野火4.0中文版綜合教程》,林清安,電子工業(yè)出版社,2009;
[8] 《機電類專業(yè)畢業(yè)設計指南》,張桂香主編,機械工業(yè)出版社,2005
中國模具網(wǎng) http://www.mould.net.cn/
三維網(wǎng)技術論壇 http://www.3dportal.cn/discuz/
Pro/E天空論壇 http://www.proesky.com/
野火論壇 http://www.proewildfire.cn/
中國機械CAD論壇 http://www.jxcad.com.cn/
中國模具設計論壇 http://www.moldbbs.com/forum/
中華設計論壇 http://bbs.chinade.net/
1、 需要標識所涉及的加濕器型號
2、 注明加濕器的外型尺寸
3、 單片機溫度控制系統(tǒng);
1、 零件圖需要有圖框、零件尺寸標注需規(guī)范并符合制圖標準;
2、 圖紙完整;
畢業(yè)設計(論文)時間:2011年 6 月 20 日至2011年 11 月 30 日
計 劃 答 辯 時 間: 2011 年 12 月 日
工作任務與工作量要求:原則上查閱文獻資料不少于12篇,其中外文資料不少于2篇;文獻綜述不少于3000字;文獻翻譯不少于2000字;畢業(yè)論文1篇不少于10000字,理工科類論文或設計說明書不少于6000字(同時提交有關圖紙和附件),外語類專業(yè)論文不少于相當6000漢字。 提交相關圖紙、實驗報告、調(diào)研報告、譯文等其它形式的成果。畢業(yè)設計(論文)撰寫規(guī)范及有關要求,請查閱《寧波大紅鷹學院畢業(yè)設計(論文)指導手冊》。
分 類 號
密 級
專 業(yè)
班 級
姓 名
學 號
年 月 日
誠 信 承 諾
年 月 日
摘 要
This topic is the humidifier. Using 3D software, comprehensive use of the school's basic theory, basic knowledge of mechanical design and related professional knowledge, to complete the humidifier industrial design and particular parts of the mold design. The main contents include humidifier theme element is determined, using Pro / Engineer for product modeling, rendering, parts assembly, using CAD combined with Pro / Engineer drawing processing drawings, design summary.
Key Words: Humidifier, mechanical design, industrial design, modeling
目 錄
摘 要 I
Abstract II
目 錄 III
第1章 緒論 5
1.1加濕器定義 5
1.2 加濕器分類 5
1.2.1超聲波加濕器 5
1.2.2純凈型加濕器 6
1.2.3電加熱式加濕器 6
1.2.4浸入式電極加濕器 6
1.2.5冷霧加濕器 7
1.3 加濕器原理 7
1.4 家用加濕器 8
1.4.1特點 8
1.4.2 加濕器與健康 8
1.5三維造型設計的現(xiàn)狀和發(fā)展 9
1.6 常用三維軟件的介紹 9
1.6.1 UG 9
1.6.2 SolidWorks 10
1.6.3 Pro/E 10
1.7 Pro/E軟件介紹 10
1.8 本文主要研究內(nèi)容 11
第2章 加濕器的原理方案擬定 11
第3章 基于Pro/Engineer的產(chǎn)品造型及裝配 12
3.1 Pro/Engineer概述 12
3.2加濕器的造型設計、 13
3.2.1主體上部設計 13
3.2.2主體下部設計 16
3.3 加濕器的其它小零件組成 21
3.3.1.上蓋零件的創(chuàng)建 21
3.3.2 手柄 25
3.3.3加濕器主體其它零件,由于操作與上類似,不再敘述 26
水箱設計 26
3.4裝配各個零件 28
總結(jié)與展望 32
致 謝 33
參考文獻 34
第1章 緒論
1.2 加濕器分類
加濕器(humidifier)是一種增加房間濕度的家用電器。加濕器可以給指定房間加濕,也可以與鍋爐或中 央空調(diào)系統(tǒng)相連給整棟建筑加濕。
直接蒸發(fā)型加濕器通常也被稱為純凈型加濕器。純凈加濕技術則是加濕領域剛剛采用的新技術,通過 分子篩蒸發(fā)技術,除去水中的鈣、鎂離子,徹底解決“白粉”問題。通過水幕洗滌空氣,在加濕的同時還能對空氣中的病菌、粉塵、顆粒物進行過濾凈化,再經(jīng)風動 裝置將濕潤潔凈的空氣送到室內(nèi),從而提高環(huán)境濕度和潔凈度。所以非常適用于有老人和小孩的家庭使用,還可以預防冬季流感病菌。
浸入式電極式加濕器(immersed Electrode humidifier)是利用浸入水中的大面積的電極作為端子,以水作為加熱媒介,當電流經(jīng)由水轉(zhuǎn)移電能時,產(chǎn)生熱量,使水沸騰,產(chǎn)生蒸汽. 其特點是成本低,便于安裝和使用.但是精度較低,而且需要定期更換加濕桶維護。
此種加濕器利用風扇強制空氣通過吸水介質(zhì)時與水接觸、交換來增加空氣的相對濕度。此種加濕器的 特點是能隨空氣的相對濕度自動調(diào)節(jié),即空氣相對濕度低的時候加濕量大,空氣相對濕度高時,加濕量低;缺點是加濕量低(約為超聲波加濕器的1/5),噪聲相 對于超聲波加濕器大,但這種加濕器耗能少,噪音低。
1.3 加濕器原理
直接蒸發(fā)型加濕器也通常被稱為純凈型加濕器。純凈加濕技術則是加濕領域剛剛采用的新技術,純凈加濕器通過分子篩蒸發(fā)技術,除去水中的鈣鎂離子,徹底解決“白粉”問題。熱蒸發(fā)型加濕器也叫電熱式加濕器。其工作原理是將水在加熱體中加熱到100度,產(chǎn)生蒸氣,用風 機將蒸氣送出。所以電加熱式加濕器是技術最簡單的加濕方式,缺點是能耗較大,不能干燒,安全系數(shù)較低、加熱器上容易結(jié)垢。市場前景不容樂觀。電熱式加濕器 一般和中央空調(diào)配套使用,一般不單獨使用。 以上三者相比較,電加熱加濕器在使用中沒有“白粉”現(xiàn)象,噪聲低,但耗電大,加濕器上容易結(jié)垢;純凈型加濕器無“白粉”現(xiàn)象也不結(jié)垢,功率小,具有空氣循環(huán)系統(tǒng),能夠過濾空氣且殺滅細菌。
1.4 家用加濕器
家用加濕器產(chǎn)品集加濕,美容,清新和裝飾于一體的新型電器.產(chǎn)品有別于傳統(tǒng)加濕器,融合多種元素,不再是單一的家電產(chǎn)品.機器的人性化設計:采用風量強 勁且噪音低,壽命長的罩極電機及創(chuàng)新獨有的"零噪音設計"電路.讓用戶使用更加方便,睡得更加安靜,采用獨有"零噪音設計"的電路,當機器缺水后,風機, 變壓器,線路板全不工作,使你的機器更加省電,安靜,節(jié)能環(huán)保.采用專利的防溢水,漏電的結(jié)構(gòu)設計,使用機器安全,適合家庭使用。
家用加濕器內(nèi)部霧化動力源為超聲波霧化器, 將水霧化超微粒子,通過風動裝置均勻的擴散到空氣中,均勻加濕空氣,有效的防止家具因空氣干燥而出現(xiàn)裂紋;冷霧還有美容功效,補充肌膚水分,在家即可輕松 進行美容護理;高頻震蕩產(chǎn)生的負離子,能清除靜電,凈化空氣,讓您永遠生活在一個健康舒適的環(huán)境當中。產(chǎn)品采用超聲波霧化的技術,不需添加化學劑,不需加 熱,將水轉(zhuǎn)化為霧水,同時釋放大量的負離子。款式與外觀新穎,設計思維獨特,可作為室內(nèi)裝飾品.采用低噪音結(jié)構(gòu)消除噪音,特別適合老人,寶寶使用。
1.4.2 加濕器與健康
為了改善室內(nèi)的干燥環(huán)境,許多家庭都用上了加濕器,而在人們享受著濕潤空氣的同時,室內(nèi)的各種細菌也在這樣的環(huán)境中生長繁殖,這些細菌就是引發(fā)肺炎和呼 吸道疾病的元兇。這種被醫(yī)生們稱為“加濕器肺炎”的疾病,與夏季常見的“空調(diào)病”相似,都是由于有害微生物經(jīng)空氣進入了人體的呼吸道并引發(fā)了炎癥造成的。漂浮在空氣中以及散落在灰塵里、物品上的各種微生物,一旦溫度、濕度適宜時,它們就會快速地生 長、繁殖,抵抗力相對較弱的老人、兒童等人群吸入細菌后容易感染。冬季室內(nèi)的常見微生物除細菌外,還有霉菌、放線菌,這些都可引發(fā)肺炎或呼吸道疾病,而該 類病癥引起的痰咳,也會加速細菌的傳播。空氣加濕器若不正確使用,同樣也會對人體造成一定的傷害。
1.6 常用三維軟件的介紹
1.6.1 UG
1.6.2 SolidWorks
1.6.3 Pro/E
1.7 本文主要研究內(nèi)容
(1) 應用Pro/E進行加濕器零件的三維模型創(chuàng)建;
(2) 應用Pro/E對加濕器零件進行虛擬裝配設計;
第2章 加濕器的原理方案擬定
第3章 基于Pro/Engineer的產(chǎn)品造型及裝配
3.1 Pro/Engineer概述
Pro/Engineer 具有以下優(yōu)點:
(1) 參數(shù)化設計。相對于產(chǎn)品而言,我們可以把它看成幾何模型,而無論多么復雜的幾何模型,都可以分解成有限數(shù)量的構(gòu)成特征,而每一種構(gòu)成特征,都可以用有限的參數(shù)完全約束,這就是參數(shù)化的基本概念。
(2) 基于特征建模。Pro/Engineer是基于特征的實體模型化系統(tǒng),工程設計人員采用具有智能特性的基于特征的功能去生成模型,如腔、殼、倒角及圓角,您可以隨意勾畫草圖,輕易改變模型。這一功能特性給工程設計者提供了在設計上從未有過的簡易和靈活。
(3) 單一數(shù)據(jù)庫(全相關)。Pro/Engineer是建立在統(tǒng)一基層上的數(shù)據(jù)庫上,不象一些傳統(tǒng)的CAD/CAM系統(tǒng)建立在多個數(shù)據(jù)庫上。所謂單一數(shù)據(jù)庫,就是工程中的資料全部來自一個庫,使得每一個獨立用戶在為一件產(chǎn)品造型而工作,不管他是哪一個部門的。換言之,在整個設計過程的任何一處發(fā)生改動,亦可以前后反應在整個設計過程的相關環(huán)節(jié)上。例如,一旦工程詳圖有改變,NC(數(shù)控)工具路徑也會自動更新;組裝工程圖如有任何變動,也完全同樣反應在整個三維模型上。這種獨特的數(shù)據(jù)結(jié)構(gòu)與工程設計的完整的結(jié)合,使得一件產(chǎn)品的設計結(jié)合起來。這一優(yōu)點,使得設計更優(yōu)化,成品質(zhì)量更高,產(chǎn)品能更好地推向市場,價格也更便宜
(1) 啟動Pro/E,設置工作目錄
(2) 單擊【文件】→【新建】命令,在打開的“新建”對話框,選擇模板選項,改名字,之后單擊“確定”按鈕。
圖3.2.1 草繪曲線
(5) 單抽殼工具,距離為3,單擊,預覽正確,單擊,完成創(chuàng)建,如圖3.2.4。
(1) 啟動Pro/E,設置工作目錄
(2) 單擊【文件】→【新建】命令,在打開的“新建”對話框,選擇模板選項,改名字,之后單擊“確定”按鈕。
圖3.2.1 草繪曲線
(5) 單抽殼工具,距離為3,單擊,預覽正確,單擊,完成創(chuàng)建,如圖3.2.4。
3.3 加濕器的其它小零件組成
(1) 啟動Pro/E,設置工作目錄
(2) 單擊【文件】→【新建】命令,在打開的“新建”對話框,選擇模板選項,改名字,之后單擊“確定”按鈕。
圖3.2.1 草繪曲線
3.3.2 手柄
致 謝
[1] 劉小年,陳婷編. 機械制圖. 北京: 機械工業(yè)出版社, 2005
[2] 詹友剛. Pro/ENGINEER模具設計教程. 北京: 機械工業(yè)出版社, 2010
[3] 張建中,何曉玲. 機械設計機械設計基礎課程設計. 電子學報 :高等教育出版社, 2009
[4] 葉久新 . 塑料模設計指導 . 北京理工大學出版社,2009
[5] 楊興駿 . 互換性與技術測量 . 中國計量出版社,2009
[6] 金滌塵,宋放之 . 現(xiàn)代模具制造技術 . 機械工業(yè)出版社 ,2000
[7] 殷際英,何廣平.機器人[M]. 北京:化學工業(yè)出版社 2003.
[8] 周伯英. 工業(yè)機器人設計[M]. 北京:機械工業(yè)出版社 1995.
[9] 陳秀寧,施高義.機械設計課程設計[M].浙江大學出版社 1995.8.
[10] 王宗榮.工程圖學[M].機械工業(yè)出版社 2001.9.
[11] 吳相憲,王正為,黃玉堂.實用機械設計手冊[M].中國礦業(yè)大學出版社 1993.5.
Home cleaning service-oriented development and current situation of the robot
1 Introduction
In recent years, with the rapid development of Chinese industry, cleaner production and sales volume has increased significantly in China's market has great vitality. With the social progress and development, people's material and spiritual improvement of the quality of the urgent need to clean from the heavy work out. Thus the birth of a service-oriented home cleaning robots, mobile robots will be cleaning technology and the organic integration of technology to achieve the family hotels, office buildings and other indoor environment clean and semi-automatic or fully automatic, so has a broad market prospects. In this paper, cleaning robots, on the domestic and foreign research and its key technologies are introduced, and the development of cleaning robots in the near future a number of issues were discussed.
2 Cleaning robot research at home and abroad
In Europe America and Japan and Other developed countries, the development of cleaning robots earlier, is also a wider range of applications, the last two years, has developed a wide range of market-oriented intelligent cleaning robot.
2.1 Japan produced vacuum cleaner
Japan some company to promote the family in 2002 to use vacuum cleaner robot's trial seize the opportunity [1] in the first half of the year. This robot may when according to the room shape the floor condition, the quantity of refuse carries on the automatic cleaning the work, first along the room all around will walk a memory room shape, then, while avoids the obstacle by vertical, the crosswise way back and forth to move carries on cleanly after the clearing completes, the automatic stopping This vacuum cleaner robot equipment has 50 sensors, but on the other hand on the one hand walks automatically carries on the cleaning. It uses the light and the ultrasonic wave range sensor, the feeling presses the sensor to avoid the obstacle; Built-in has the rotation sensor, uses for to control walks the posture maintains decides marches forward the direction; Has installed the rudder sensor, may examine marches forward the direction error which produces as a result of the rug pattern influence, even if therefore, in the shop has on rug's floor also to be able the straight line advance. In addition, this robot in vivo also installs has prevents heat source and so on dropping variance sensor which, sensation warming stove from high place and so on. Stair rolls down thermal seniors, to examine own receives the external force size definite weight sensor and the skid resistant sensor, the examination increase power load sensor. It may most little maintain with the ordinary obstacle 10 cm the distances but when surveys the heat source, will handle jointly with the heat source will maintain at least 50 cm the distances. Its contour size for wide 292 mm, long 367 mm, high 265 mm, heavy 9.8 kg, the maximum traveling speed is 30 cm/s. When the sensor survey on floor's trash, will enhance the suction to usual15 times, simultaneously the traveling speed drop will be 15 cm/s, will carry on the cleaning carefully. Will not be having trash place by the 30cm/s speed migration the suction also 1O reduce, a charge may work 55 min will sweep clear 80 m2 the rooms, will vacuum the power is 90W.
2.2 Australia's V4 vacuums robot
Australia some company also to develop may go automatically and clean the room the V4 robot. This kind of completely automatic vacuum cleaner surface is smooth, the volume is very small, assumes the circular, the built-in acquisition radar, may search in each kind of room each, will not collide the furniture or other obstacles. Micro processes the small computer to cause it have is turning to roof pinnacle place can survey the direction, choice route of advance's ability. So long as place the completely automatic vacuum cleaner in the ground, it then may start to work automatically. Its acquisition radar can survey's away from the recent wall, is being suitable the first wall attracts floor dust the foreign matter all around; Then back and forth moves anomalous again in room other positions, and can before the close obstacle changes rapidly. Should vacuum the robot, because 360°has provided the obstacle sensor in main engine's periphery, therefore may cleans the ground during the examination wall and obstacle; After cleaning the place which may go, robot on automatic shut-off power source. No matter the room contour and the area size, the
ARNA guidance algorithm guidance robot all not covers up the region movement in any room to carry on the clearing in all directions, because robot guidance along room periphery, therefore it must found her spatial reference diagram, doesn't the robot need any programming "where to teach it to go to". This robot simplicity of operator only has 3 buttons:Starts the conclusion as well as the suspension so long as the people in laid aside simply in needed to sweep clear in the region or the room(this kind of completely automatic vacuum cleaner robot was very light, a hand might easy take up it), pressed down starts the button then.
2.3 Swiss trilobita vacuum cleaner is small “the trilobita”
Is Switzerland develops the production the completely automatic vacuum cleaner. Is small “the trilobita” high 13cm, diameter 35cm, the surface is smooth, assumes the circular, the built-in acquisition radar, may survey rapidly and avoids the table leg, the glassware, the pet or any other obstacles. Once micro processes the small computer to distinguish these obstacles, it may choose the route, and makes to the entire room judges and calculates, guaranteed that the room each corner is swept clear. And so on some do not have the natural barrier place in the staircase stair, so long as has magnet, will be small “the trilobita” then not to surmount. After being small “the trilobita” starts the start, I vivo acquisition radar can survey is away from the recent wall, is being suitable the first wall attracts floor dust and the foreign matter all around, it then can survey like the entire room the pattern, calculates time which the cleaning entire room needs. So long as a close obstacles, it will then establish the line of march, will not leave out each corner. Is small “the trilobita” attracts brushes installs the Chinese dress to have a patent design pulley, may cross the electric wire or the rug edge, is not impeded. When power source insufficiency, will be small “the trilobita” to return to charge automatically Booth to charge voluntarily. If this time room did not have the cleaning to finish, is small “the trilobita” to have the memory function, after sufficient good electricity, return to the original position to continue to vacuum.
2.4 American Rumba (Roomba) vacuum cleaner
By the American some institute artificial intelligence laboratory development’s wisdom automatic vacuum cleaner, the utilization artificial intelligence revolution and the guidance detection technology, cleans each inch floor intelligently, the real suction hole which and revolving matching is in sole possession of brushes, the clean effect is specially good. By the American TIME evolution was in 2002 one of coolest inventions. So long as presses down the switch, the Roomba completely automatic will assign the region to vacuum cleans, bumps into obstacle servo-assisted steering, will meet the staircase also automatically to detect cannot fall down, the special real suction hole, revolving will brush with revolving side brush the design, regardless of will be the rug or the floor, clean will be very convenient. Highly only some 10 cm, diameter 34 cm Roomba may with case sneak under the bed bottom or the sofa carries on cleans. The Roomba pattern is by mathematics operation idea design movement route. After Roomba start, will follow the spiral-shaped route revolution, by the helix revolution way which will expand gradually covers the space, when will bump will touch the wall or the furniture and so on large-scale obstacle, its special obstacle induction regulator can resist the wall surface protection fuselage not to receive damages, Roomba along the wall or the furniture advance, by now the body side hair brush sweeps into the corner perhaps the furniture edge sully dust detritus in the vacuum cleaner. Have swept clear part of space after the wall or the furniture, Roomba will transfer a 90°direction and sweeps the room according or the above route another head, was so alternately redundant, the screw revolution route to be possible back and forth to attract the room, the cleaning finishes namely the automatic stopping. This only heavy 2.5Kg, selects the charge method the vacuum cleaner convenience to be practical, the selling price is only 200 US dollars, already went on the market in Europe and America.
2.5 Domestic present situation
Domestic also started the related research development work at present, specially was moving robot’s movement plan and the control aspect has achieved certain achievement, vacuumed the robot for the research developed the omni-directional motion ground cleaning robot, this robot’s control system could explain the remote control signal accurately, and to organism issuing working order, momentarily received “the eye”(i.e. infrared light electric switch and supersonic sensor) the sensation four direction exterior barrier information, and requested the robot to make straight line or to change the movement according to the above, marched forward, it did not stop rotates the floor to brush, filled in “the stomach” completed the ground in dust, this kind of robot one time charged works sustainably for a half hour, had the intelligent power source management function, lengthened the running time, the average each minute running speed is 15m. in addition, should vacuum the robot to use the open style robot control structure, realizes the hardware to be possible to expand, the software to be possible to transplant, may to integrate, enables the robot to have the better function compatibility as the service carrier. At the same time, other colleges and universities to moved vacuum the robot also to do the massive research work, has made many progresses.
3 Vacuum robot’s key technologies
A idealization to vacuum the robot assembly system to be usually composed of four parts: the shifting mechanism, the sensation system, the control system and vacuum the system. The shifting mechanism is vacuum robot’s main body, had decided vacuum cleaners’ movement space, uses the wheeled organization generally; the sensation system uses the ultrasonic wave distance gauge, the contact and the close sensor, the infrared sensor and the CCD camera generally and so on; along with the recent years computer technology, the artificial intelligence technology, the sensing technology as well as the motion robot technology’s rapidly expand, vacuumed the robot control system’s research and the development has had the solid foundation and the good prospects for development. Vacuums robot’s control and the working conditions often is indefinite or changeable, must therefore give dual attention to the security reliability, the anti jamming as well as understand the environment through the suitable modeling method, obtain the environment more information, in recent years indicated to intelligent robot’s research, regarding the work in the multiple structure environment’s independent- like migration robot, must further enhance its independent degree, mainly depends upon the pattern recognition and the intelligence method, but also needs to further develop the overall situation model, thus gains the overall situation information influence big key technologies is : the multi-sensor fusion technology, vacuum the technology, the Chinese Journal of Power Source and so on.
3.1 Way plan technology
The way plan is the working conditions information which arrives according to the robot sensation, according to some kind of optimized target, plans one in the initial station and the target point with the environment barrier non-collision’s way, and realizes must sweep clear the region the reasonable complete way cover, its essence is moves in the robot rate process the guidance and evades bumps. The robot working conditions are different, divide into the static structurization environment, the dynamic sixth branch to know the environment and the dynamic indefinite environment. Since the 1970s research, has moved robot’s way plan to be different according to the robot gain environmental information way, divides into three type[3] approximately: ①Based on the model way plan, mainly processes the structurized environment, the plan method has the grid law ,to be possible the view law, the analysis sites law and so on; ②Based on the sensor information’s way plan, mainly uses in the non-structurized environment, overcomes the factor which the environmental condition or the shape are unable to predict that the method has the artificial potential field law, the determination grid law and the fuzzy logic algorithm and so on; ③behavior based mobile robot path planning is the light mobile robot path planning problem for research in the new trends, is the navigation problem is decomposed into many relatively independent unit that acts primitives such as collision avoidance, target tracking, guidance. With the development of computer technology and the development of sensor technology, multi-sensor integration and information fusion technology in intelligent robot has obtained the widespread application, unstructured environment, mobile robot is the robot technology development, based on multi-sensor information fusion for mobile robot obstacle avoidance strategy and path planning technology is one of the key technology for.
3.2 Multi-sensor fusion technology
In order to make the robot vacuum cleaners work, must be on the position of the robot, posture, speed and system state monitoring, and robotic perception the working environment of static and dynamic information, the robot cleaner corresponding work order and operation content can be naturally adapt to changes in the work environment, usually divided into internal and external sensor, wherein the internal sensor encoder, linear accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetic compass is used to control and monitor the robot itself; the external sensor includes visual sensors, ultrasonic sensors, infrared sensors, contact and proximity sensor, installed in the robot itself for the sense of purpose external environment information. From the domestic cleaning robot can be seen, the cleaning robot uses a large number of sensors, effectively putting a lot of sensor observation information fusion processing, thus enabling the robot to obtain the most substantial external environment information, its main advantage is in the same observation conditions, can coordinate the use of multiple sensors, the distributions in different positions the more homogeneous or heterogeneous sensor provided by the local incomplete measurements and related database of relevant information to be integrated, elimination of multiple sensor has complex and contradictory, and complementary, to reduce uncertainty, and thus access to the object or environment consistency description, this is a single sensor cannot be obtained. Application of multi-sensor fusion technology to improve the mobile robot, obstacle recognition environment modeling, obstacle avoidance accuracy plays an important role in fusion methods mainly include: the Kalman filtering method, Bayes estimation method, statistical measures, D - s inference method, fuzzy logic method and production rules.
3.3 Vacuum technical
The vacuum cleaner is composed of high-speed rotation of the fan in the body is formed inside a vacuum thereby to produce strong airflow, the dust and dirt suction through the suction machine body of dust filter bag. Vacuum system includes a dust filter, dust bag, exhaust pipes and other accessories, the dust suction capacity depends on the size of the fan speed. Recently, an Australian company developed a new principle of air dust filter. The vacuum cleaner is a closed system, neither the external air suction, and inorganic from gas discharge, so no dust filter, dust bag, an exhaust pipe and other accessories the principle is to use the Coanda effect to form a low pressure gas vortex, the sediment trapped within the vortex chamber of vacuum cleaner.
3.4 Chinese Journal of power sources
Mobile power in cleaning robot plays an important role, it is the source of life of cleaning robot. Mobile power required for moving mechanism with power, control circuit for providing a stable voltage, for vacuum operation module and sensing observation module providing energy. In this field, generally used as mobile power chemical batteries, lead-acid batteries, such as NiCd, NiMi ideal power supply in the discharge process should be able to have: ① to maintain a constant voltage; the small resistance to quickly discharge; ③ rechargeable; the cost is low characteristic. But without a battery may also have these advantages. As a result of indoor mobile robot with small volume, light weight, so the power of the volume weight is also an important consideration, which requires the designer to select a small size, large capacity, can be repeated use of high battery, as much as possible to increase suction machine uninterrupted working time.
4 Conclusion with forecast
Robot vacuum cleaner as a service robot in the field of a new product, will make people in the unattended condition easily complete the indoor environment cleaning work. Therefore, the cleaning robot can mass production to reduce costs, lower prices to enter the market, will have a great market prospect, relevant information is also predicted the cleaning robot is the next few years demand is the largest service robot. Although the country by external cleaning robot research and development has made some achievements, but the cost is too high and many key technical problems to be solved mainly in the following 3 aspects:
(1)at present, the high price is a serious major factors affecting cleaning robots into the home appliance market, in order to significantly reduce the cost, must develop a smart sensor dedicated motion control of digital processing chips; Secondly should see the application of Bluetooth technology in the household appliance industry, through the use of Bluetooth technology to transfer the digital processor of high cost on the user's PC, is expected in the short term to reduce the cost of cleaning robots in thousand Yuan.
(2) future of sucking dust robot will to independent type and artificial intelligent of development, so must combination existing of based on since adaptation control, and forecast control, and fuzzy logic, and neural network, mobile robot movement planning and control technology, research on environment obstacles with does security reliable of anti-collision function of intelligent movement planning and controller and the efficient of sensor fusion algorithm, is in reality environment in the implementation has good of since adaptability and robustness behavior of robot of key.
(3) power supply technology is one of the core problems of cleaning robots work, in addition to robot movement outside, dust control and power circuits, also need to optimize automatic charging, charge to ensure the robot can keep up to date with auto-complete cleaning tasks for the specified environment. Study of improving life expectancy, reducing the volume of chemical batteries at the same time, a new proton exchange membrane fuel cell with big power, high energy, long life and small advantages, provided a suitable power supply for mobile power, at present, the Shanghai fuel cell research at a University in this area is a good attempt. As the key technology of cleanin