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液 壓 機
水由高處下降到一個低的高度的時候能產生能量, 可以用來驅動水輪和渦輪等機械.最高和最低水位之間的落差決定了每磅水的能量。水力可以來自很多自然資源, 例如瀑布和建有大壩的河流等.在沒有自然資源的情況下, 可以修建人工水庫。當能量充足的時候可以抽水到水庫來儲存水能, 當能量不足的時候, 這些儲存起來的水可提供能量來驅動渦輪。
工業(yè)的液壓機械的某些稱作儲蓄器的機械裝置被用來短時間的提供高效的功率.活塞負載重量后裝入缸體中, 然后水被緩慢的壓入缸體, 活塞和活塞負載的重物給強迫的升到一個高的位置, 當放下他們是,他們強迫缸體中的水迅速的流出, 為機器提供水的壓力能。
液壓機是由一種液體,特別是水的壓力來操縱。他們在工程領域的廣泛應用,例如: 地層移動、礦業(yè)、建筑機械、汽車工程、紡織工業(yè)、電站、農業(yè)機械等。
1 液壓設備
水、油壓力是常用的動力源, 比如壓力機、鉚機、起錨機、絞盤等機械. 水壓或者靜水力壓是約瑟夫布拉瑪(Joseph Bramah)發(fā)現(xiàn)的, 因此優(yōu)勢也稱布拉瑪壓力. 他主要包括連個缸體, 一個是用液體填充, 一個用活塞. 兩個缸體用管子連接起來, 也同樣用液體填充。一個缸體是小直徑的, 另一個是大直徑的. 根據(jù)帕斯卡定律, 外界作用在小活塞上壓強通過液體毫無損失的傳到被迫上升的大活塞的表面。對于兩個活塞來說, 壓強(單位面積壓力)是相同, 作用在大活塞上向上的壓力是作用在小活塞的幾倍, 因為大活塞的面積是小活塞的幾倍. 比如, 舉個例子, 小活塞的面積是2平方英寸, 100lb的壓力作用在它上面, 于是作用在具有50平方英寸面積的大活塞上的壓力就會有25000lb(100×50/2=2,500). 然而, 讓活塞一定時, 小活塞一定的距離也成比例的大于大活塞移動的距離, 這滿足能量轉換定律。如果小活塞移動25 英寸,大的活塞就會只移動1英寸。水壓被使用了, 比如, 使三維的物體從一片金屬壓縮成一個大的物體。
壓力起重器, 同樣是帕斯卡定律的一項應用, 用來施加大的壓力或者提升重物。
液壓機,也是實施帕斯卡爾的定律,是用來產生大力量和負重。像水壓機,它是由兩個不同尺寸的活塞筒中,由管道相連。當小活塞來回移到了相關處理,但液體泵入較大的圓筒活塞,迫使大型活塞議案。這樣力量薄弱的小型活塞可以應用于提高了一大沉重負擔。 液壓電梯也是適用Pascal的定律。象水壓一樣, 它的汽缸中包括兩個用管子連接起來的不同大小的活塞, 當小些的活塞靠連在他上面的手柄來回移動的時候, 壓迫液體進入大活塞的汽缸, 強制大活塞移動。這樣, 小力氣可以使用小活塞升起很重的負載。壓力電梯同樣是帕斯卡定律的一項應用。
2 壓力機的特征
1. 這些壓力機提供快捷的方式緩慢的積壓&快速的返回。變化速度可以人工進行預定;
2. 該結構經(jīng)過超聲波質量測試,能承受長時間的負載和重壓;
3. 通過計算機半自動的結構設計和有限元分析達到了極大化結構剛度;
4. 額外的長期的,精確的操縱進一步縮小磨損的額外精度設計;
5. 關閉或一拳打在液壓阻尼系統(tǒng)可以安裝壓力。 這將有效突破,通常產生噪音的科學手段穿上這種行動;
6. 低噪音包水電設計單位按國際慣例,國際知名的科學組裝部件作。按統(tǒng)計學的印刷設計準則,因而標準印章、灌木使用;
7. "邏輯控制器"(PLC)是在符合國際標準的壓力也使ABB/艾倫-布拉德利/西門子/Telemacqnice/Keyance提供最大的靈活性和收購生產完全符合國際標準;
8. 精確的機械結構都是正?;蟮玫降乃璧臏蚀_度及與PLATEN科學之間的角度提出的PLATEN;
9. 潤滑油: 方式/可以從油孔中心注油;
10. 移動PLATEN:這是假想的、重型的、工程測試板焊接性能最高的負荷重量.。PLATEN全是壓力減輕后焊接.。按platen標準規(guī)定't'時間。 液壓系統(tǒng)或機械操作按內部RAM要求也提供選擇性的請求或申請;
3 液壓缸
液壓缸是被用來加壓的液壓元件,它是依靠液體使元件產生線性運動和應力的驅動設備。液壓缸被使用在各種各樣的力的應用中。經(jīng)營的規(guī)格、配置或架置、建筑材料, 和特點是選擇液壓缸首要的考慮因素。
液壓缸的重要規(guī)格包括圓筒類型、沖程、最大工作壓力、打擾直徑, 和標尺直徑。
選擇為圓筒類型包括連接桿,焊接和填塞。使用一個或更多連接桿提供另外的穩(wěn)定的連接桿是圓筒液壓缸。連接桿通常典型地被安裝在圓筒型的外部直徑處。在許多應用中, 圓筒連接桿承受多數(shù)的應用的裝載次數(shù)。使用一套耐用被焊接的圓筒可提供穩(wěn)定的應用數(shù)據(jù)。液壓缸是一個被焊接的光滑的圓筒。填塞圓筒是作為填塞類型的液壓缸。一個液壓油缸的里活塞標尺斷面是超過二分之一的部分,是可移動的斷面的設備。液壓油缸主要被使用推擠而不是拉扯, 而且通常是在高壓環(huán)境中應用。沖程是活塞在缸筒中運動的最大距離。液壓缸可能有各種各樣的沖程長度, 從一英寸的分數(shù)到許多英尺。最大工作壓力是圓筒可能承受的最大工作壓力。缸筒直徑缸筒內圓的直徑。標尺直徑是被使用在圓筒的標尺或活塞的直徑。選擇為圓筒配置是簡單的配置或望遠鏡形。一種簡單的結構液壓缸包括唯一圓柱形缸筒和內部元件。一種望遠鏡配置液壓缸使用"擠撞" 圓柱形缸筒來擴大圓筒的長度。望遠鏡配置圓筒被使用在要求對一個長的圓筒的用途在一個空間特殊的環(huán)境里的不同應用。液壓缸可能是單一行程或雙重行程。一次唯一運動液壓缸只在一個方向上施加壓力。一次雙重行動液壓缸可能行動沿水平(X軸) 面, 垂直的(Y軸) 飛運動沿其他方向運動。選擇架構的方法包括耳輪緣、耳軸, 穿線, U-形鉤或目測。登上地點可能是缸蓋、兩端或中間體。生產材料包括鋼、不銹鋼和鋁。共同的特點為液壓缸包括缺一不可的傳感器、雙重末端標尺、液壓缸數(shù)據(jù)表和可調整的沖程。
區(qū)別在氣缸和液壓缸之間是他們供給動力的方式。當空氣圓筒引起線性行動和力量通過氣動力學的力量, 液壓缸用途加壓了流體。液壓缸是可利用的在三主要型(微型液壓缸也可使用): 連接桿, 被焊接和填塞。
連接桿液壓缸使用一個或更多連接桿增加穩(wěn)定性。連接桿典型地被安裝在圓筒的外部。在許多應用, 連接桿在這些精確度液壓缸里負擔應用的裝載的多數(shù)。被焊接的圓筒提供光滑的運動,由于他們的使用被焊接的圓筒, 提供穩(wěn)定性。液壓油缸有活塞標尺的一個斷面, 是超過二分之一移動的組分的斷面。液壓油缸主要被使用推擠而不是拉扯, 而且是最常用在高壓應用。
除他們的類型之外, 液壓缸可能被根據(jù)了他們的配置區(qū)分。二種主要配置是簡單和望遠鏡的(習慣液壓缸配置再是可利用的) 。簡單的配置液壓缸包括唯一圓柱形住房和內部元件。這是基本的液壓缸設計由多數(shù)液壓缸制造商使用。望遠鏡液壓缸使用"擠撞" 圓柱形住房擴大圓筒的長度。擠撞液壓缸被使用在要求對一個長的圓筒的用途在一個空間拘束的環(huán)境里的各種各樣的應用。
根據(jù)行動, 液壓缸可能是唯一行動或雙重行動設計。唯一行動圓筒被加壓為行動在只一個方向。頻繁地被使用帶來圓筒活塞回到原始位置。雙重行動液壓缸可能行動沿水平(X軸) 面, 垂直的(Y軸) 方向或沿其他方向運動。圓筒活塞的雙方可能被加壓為反復性行動。力量規(guī)定值可能不同,有些在相反方向。
4 一般液壓機構的組成
電源單位提供必要的液體壓力- 從主驅動電動機轉換機械動力。
4.1 電源部分:
最重要的組成部分在動力源是泵。這畫在液壓機液體油箱旁邊,并且由它通過線性系統(tǒng)在液體壓力下抵抗負載力。壓力不加強直到流動的液體遇到負載。油液過濾單位經(jīng)常也包含在電源部分。雜質可能進入系統(tǒng)由于是熱或冷的機械磨損、油, 或外在環(huán)境影響。因此, 過濾器被安裝在水力電路從液壓機液體去除土微粒。水和氣體在油是還破裂物質并且必須采取特別措施防止他們的產生。加熱器和致冷機被安裝來調節(jié)液壓機液體。這對液壓機實際應用中的需要有著特殊的作用。
-- 過濾和氣體分離由相應的部件;
-- 通過他們的表面是使液體冷卻。?
4.2 液壓部分
流體這是轉移準備的能量電源單位到驅動部分的工作媒介(圓筒或馬達) 。液壓機液體有各種各樣的特征。所以, 他們必須被選擇適合應用在考慮中。按不同情況進行調整,液壓機液體在一個礦物油基地頻繁地被使用; 這些指壓力油。
閥門是設備為控制能量流程。他們能控制和調控液壓機液體、壓力、流速和, 因而, 流程速度的流程方向。
有四種閥門類型被選擇與問題符合在考慮中。直通控制閥這些閥門控制流程液壓機液體和, 因而, 方向行動和安置的方向運作的組分。定向控制閥用手工, 機械上, 電子, 氣動力學來控制開動或液壓.他們改變位置和放大信號(手工, 電或氣動力學) 形成一個接口在電能控制部分和信號控制段之間。
4.3.2流程控制閥門這交互式與壓力閥影響流速。他們使成為可能控制或調控運動速度力量組分的。那里流速是恒定的, 流程變化必須發(fā)生。這一般被影響通過流程控制閥門的互作用與壓力閥。
4.3.3單向閥門在這類型閥門情況下, 分別被做在普通的單向閥門和被控制的單向閥門之間。在被控制的單向閥門情況下, 流程在封鎖的方向可能由信息控制。圓筒是轉換水力成機械動力的驅動組分。他們引起線性運動通過壓力在可移動的活塞的表面。
4.3.4缸筒(線性執(zhí)行機構)單作用圓筒可變的壓力只能向活塞的一邊作用,驅動運動只導致在活塞的一個方向.回歸沖程在一個彈簧的外力作用下產生。例子: Hydraulic ;Telescopic。駕駛運動被生產在二個方向的雙作用圓筒可變的壓力可能向或者活塞意思的一邊被應用。例子: Telescopic 有差別的圓Synchronous。
正如液壓缸一樣, 水力馬達是驅動組分由閥門控制。他們太轉換水力成機械動力以區(qū)別, 他們引起轉臺式或轉體運動代替線性運動。
Hydrostatic Devices
Water or oil under pressure is commonly used as a source of power for many types of presses, riveting machines, capstans, winches, and other machines. The hydraulic press, or hydrostatic press, was invented by Joseph Bramah and is therefore sometimes called the Bramah press. It consists essentially of two cylinders each filled with liquid and each fitted with a piston; the cylinders are connected by a pipe also filled with the liquid. One cylinder is of small diameter, the other of large diameter. According to Pascal lows pressure exerted on the smaller piston is transmitted undiminished through the liquid to the surface of the larger piston, which is forced upward. Although the pressure (force per unit of area) is the same for both pistons, the total upward force on the larger piston is as many times greater than the force on the smaller piston as the area of the larger piston is greater than the area of the smaller piston. If, for example, the smaller piston has an area of 2 sq in. and a force of 100 lb is exerted on it, then the force on the larger piston having an area of 50 sq in. would be 2,500 lb (100×50/2=2,500). However, when the pistons move, the distance the smaller piston travels is proportionately greater than the distance the larger piston travels, satisfying the law of conservation of energy. If the smaller piston moves 25 in., the larger one will only move 1 in.
The hydraulic press is used, for example, to form three-dimensional objects from sheet metal and plastics and to compress large objects.
The hydraulic jack, also an application of Pascal's law, is used to exert large forces or to lift heavy loads. Like the hydraulic press it consists essentially of two different-sized pistons contained in cylinders that are connected by a pipe. When the smaller piston is moved back and forth by a handle connected to it, it pumps a liquid into the cylinder of the larger piston, forcing the larger piston to move. In this way a weak force applied to the smaller piston can raise a heavy load on the larger one. The hydraulic elevator is also an application of Pascal's law..
Salient Features of hydraulic presses:
1. These presses provide fast approach slow pressing & fast return speeds. The change in speed can be manually preset to take place at any point of the stroke with the help of limit switches / proximity switches.
2. The frame is fabricated by ultrasonically tested quality profiles & plates of suitable thickness to with stand the load & longer life of the press. The frames are stress-relieved.
3. Maximum frame rigidity is achieved through computer aided frame design & finite element analysis.
4. Extra long, precision machined & hardened guides to face slides offer exceptional accuracy & alignment which further reduced to wear.
5. In blanking or punching hydraulic presses a damping system can be fitted. This effectively reduces breakthrough noise & tool wear normally generated by such operations.
6. The low noise hydraulic power pack unit is designed as per international practices & assembled with internationally reputed make components. The presses are designed as per ISI guidelines, hence standard seals, bushes are used.
7. "Programmable logical controls" (PLC) is provided in our presses of international standard make i.e. ABB/Allen-Bradley/Siemens/Telemacqnice / keyance, offering maximum production flexibility & Full compatibility with international standards.
8. Precise machining of the structural members is done after normalising to get the required accuracies like parallelism between platen & bed & right angularity between bed and the moving platen.
9. Lubrication: Ram slides / guides/ guide bushes are lubricated from a centralised lubrication arrangement.
10. Moving platen: It is a fabricated, heavy duty, tested welded plate construction for highest stiffness under heavy loads. The whole platen is stress-relieved after welding. 'T' slots provided in the platen are as per DIN standards. Hydraulic or mechanical ejector pins to operate from inside the ram is also provided as optional on request or depending on the application.
11. Die transfer rails or bolster sliding arrangement is also provided as optional in front side of the press for heavy tools applications.
About Hydraulic Cylinders
Hydraulic cylinders are actuation devices that utilize pressurized hydraulic fluid to produce linear motion and force.? Hydraulic cylinders are used in a variety of power transfer applications.? Operating specifications, configuration or mounting, materials of construction, and features are all important parameters to consider when searching for Hydraulic cylinders .
Important operating specifications for Hydraulic cylinders include the cylinder type, stroke, maximum operating pressure, bore diameter, and rod diameter.? Choices for cylinder type include tie-rod, welded, and ram.? A tie-rod cylinder is a Hydraulic cylinders that uses one or more tie-rods to provide additional stability.? Tie-rods are typically installed on the outside diameter of the cylinder housing.? In many applications, the cylinder tie-rod bears the majority of the applied load.? A welded cylinder is a smooth Hydraulic cylinders that uses a heavy-duty welded cylinder housing to provide stability.? A ram cylinder is a type of Hydraulic cylinders that acts as a ram.? A hydraulic ram is a device in which the cross-sectional area of the piston rod is more than one-half the cross-sectional area of the moving component.? Hydraulic rams are primarily used to push rather than pull, and are most commonly used in high pressure applications.? Stroke is the distance that the piston travels through the cylinder. Hydraulic cylinders can have a variety of stroke lengths, from fractions of an inch to many feet.? The maximum operating pressure is the maximum working pressure the cylinder can sustain.? The bore diameter refers to the diameter at the cylinder bore.? The rod diameter refers to the diameter of the rod or piston used in the cylinder.
Choices for cylinder configuration are simple configuration or telescopic figuration.? A simple configuration Hydraulic cylinders consists of a single cylindrical housing and internal components.? A telescopic configuration Hydraulic cylinders uses "telescoping" cylindrical housings to extend the length of the cylinder. Telescopic configuration cylinders are used in a variety of applications that require the use of a long cylinder in a space-constrained environment.? Hydraulic cylinders can be single action or double action.? A single action Hydraulic cylinders is pressurized for motion in only one direction.? A double action Hydraulic cylinders can move along the horizontal (x-axis) plane, the vertical (y-axis) plane or along any other plane of motion.? Choices for mounting method include flange, trunnion, threaded, clevis or eye, and foot.? The mount location can be cap, head, or intermediate.? Materials of construction include steel, stainless steel, and aluminum.? Common features for Hydraulic cylinders include integral sensors, double end rod, electro- Hydraulic cylinders and adjustable stroke.
Hydraulic cylinders are actuation devices that use pressurized hydraulic fluid to produce linear motion and force. Hydraulic cylinders are used in a variety of power transfer applications.
The difference between air and Hydraulic cylinders is the manner by which they are powered. While air cylinders generate linear motion and force via pneumatic power, Hydraulic cylinders use pressurized fluid. Hydraulic cylinders are available in three main types (with custom and miniature Hydraulic cylinders also available): tie-rod, welded and ram.
Tie-rod Hydraulic cylinders use one or more tie-rods to provide additional stability. Tie-rods are typically installed on the outside diameter of the cylinder housing. In many applications, the tie-rods in these precision Hydraulic cylinders bear the majority of the applied load. Welded cylinders provide smooth motion because of their heavy-duty welded cylinder housing, which provides stability. Hydraulic rams have a cross-sectional area of the piston rod, which is more than one-half the cross-sectional area of the moving component. Hydraulic rams are primarily used to push rather than pull, and are most commonly used in high-pressure applications.
In addition to their type, Hydraulic cylinders can be differentiated based upon their configuration. The two main configurations are simple and telescopic (again custom Hydraulic cylinders configurations are available). Simple configuration Hydraulic cylinders consist of a single cylindrical housing and internal components. This is the basic Hydraulic cylinders design used by most Hydraulic cylinders manufacturers. Telescopic Hydraulic cylinders use "telescoping" cylindrical housings to extend the length of the cylinder. Telescoping Hydraulic cylinders are used in a variety of applications that require the use of a long cylinder in a space-constrained environment.
In terms of motion, Hydraulic cylinders can be of single action or double action design.
Single action cylinders are pressurized for motion in only one direction. A spring is frequently used to bring the cylinder piston back to the original position. Double action Hydraulic cylinders can move along the horizontal (x-axis) plane, the vertical (y-axis) plane or along any other plane of motion. Both sides of cylinder piston can be pressurized for reversible motion. Force ratings can differ somewhat in opposite directions.
Components of a hydraulic system
The power supply unit provides the necessary hydraulic power – by converting the mechanical power from the drive motor.
1. Power supply section
The most important component in the power supply unit is the hydraulic pump. This draws in the hydraulic fluid from a reservoir (tank) and delivers it via a system of lines in the hydraulic installation against the opposing resistances. Pressure does not build up until the flowing liquids encounter a resistance. The oil filtration unit is also often contained in the power supply section. Impurities can be introduced into a system as a result of mechanical wear, oil which is hot or cold, or external environmental influences. For this reason, filters are installed in the hydraulic circuit to remove dirt particles from the hydraulic fluid. Water and gases in the oil are also disruptive factors and special measures must be taken to remove them. Heaters and coolers are also installed for conditioning the hydraulic fluid. The extent to which this is necessary depends on the requirements of the particular exercise for which the hydraulic system is being used.
The reservoir itself also plays a part in conditioning the hydraulic fluid:
--Filtering and gas separation by built-in baffle plates,
--Cooling through its surface.
2. Hydraulic fluid
This is the working medium which transfers the prepared energy the power supply unit to the drive section (cylinders or motors). Hydraulic fluids have a wide variety of characteristics. Therefore, They must be selected to suit the application in question. Requirements vary from problem to problem. Hydraulic fluids on a mineral oil base.
frequently used; these are referred to as hydraulic oils.
Hydraulic fluid
Valves are devices for controlling the energy flow. They can control and regulate the flow direction of the hydraulic fluid, the pressure, the flowrate and, consequently, the flow velocity.
There are four valve types selected in accordance with the problem in question.
-Directional control valves
These valves control the direction of flow of the hydraulic fluid and, thus, the direction of motion and the positioning of the working components.
Directional control valves may be actuated manually, mechanically, electrically, pneumatically or hydraulically.They convert and amplify signals (manual, electric or pneumatic) forming an interface between the power control section and the signal control section.
Pressure valves
These have the job of influencing the pressure in a complete hydraulic system or in a part of the system. The method of operation of these valves is based on the fact that the effective pressure from the system acts on a surface in the valve. The resultant force is balanced out by a counteracting spring.
Flow control valves
These interact with pressure valves to affect the flow rate. They make it possible to control or regulate the speed of motion of the power components. Where the flow rate is constant, division of flow must take place. This is generally effected through the interaction of the flow control valve with a pressure valve.
Non-return valves
In the case of this type of valve, a distinction is made between ordinary non-return valves and piloted non-return valves. In the case of the piloted non-return valves, flow in the blocked direction can be released by a signal.
Cylinders are drive components which convert hydraulic power into mechanical power. They generate linear movements through the pressure on the surface of the movable piston. Distinction is made between the following types of cylinder:
Cylinders? (linear actuators)
Single-acting cylinders
The fluid pressure can only be applied to one side of the piston with the result that the drive movement is only produced in one direction.The return stroke of the piston is effected by an external force or by a return spring.
-Hydraulic ram
-Telescopic cylinder
Double-acting cylinders
The fluid pressure can be applied to either side of the piston meaning that drive movements are produced in two directions.
-Telescopic cylinder
- Differential cylinder
-Synchronous cylinder
Like cylinders, hydraulic motors are drive components controlled by valves. They too convert hydraulic power into mechanical power with the difference that they generate rotary or swivel movements instead of linear movements.