英文技術資料及中文翻譯 中文翻譯 機械設計及最優(yōu)設計 機械設計是一門通過設計新產品或者改進老產品,滿足人類需求的應用技術科學。它涉及工程技術各個領域,主要研究產品的尺寸、形狀和詳細結構的基本構思,還要研究產品在制造、銷售和使用等方面的問題。 進行各種機械設計工作的人員通常被稱為設計人員或者設計工程師。機械設計是一門創(chuàng)造性的工作。設計工程師不僅在工作上面有創(chuàng)新性,還必須在機械制圖、運動學、運力學、工程材料、材料力學和機械制造工藝等方面有深厚的基礎知識。 如前面所述,機械設計的目的是生產滿足人類的需求的產品。發(fā)明、發(fā)現和科學知識本身并不一定能給人類帶來好處,只有當它們被用在產品上才能產生效益。因而,應該認識到在一個特定產品進行設計之前,必須先確定人們是否需要這種產品。 應當把機械設計看成是設計人員運用創(chuàng)造性的才能進行產品設計、系統(tǒng)分析和制訂產品的制造工藝的一個良機。掌握工程基礎知識要比熟記一些數據和公式更為重要。僅僅使用數據和公式是不足在一個好的設計中做出所需的全部決定的。另一方面,應該認真精確地進行所有的運算。例如,即使將一個小數點的位置放錯,也會是正確的設計變成錯誤的。 一個好的設計人員應該勇于提出新的想法,而且愿意承擔一定的風險;但新的方法不使用時,就恢復采用原來的方法。因此,設計人員必須要有耐心,因為所花費的時間和努力并不能保證帶來成功。一個全新的設計,要摒棄許多許多陳舊的的,為人們所熟知的方法。由于許多人易于墨守陳規(guī),這樣做并不是件容易的事情。一位設計過程師應該不斷地探索改進現有產品的方法,在此過程中應該認真選擇原有的、經過驗證的設計原理,將其與未經過驗證的新觀念結合起來。 新設計本身會有許多缺陷和未能預料的問題發(fā)生,只有當這些缺陷和問題被解決之后,才能體現出新產品的優(yōu)越性。因此,一個性能優(yōu)越的產品誕生的同時,也伴隨著較高的風險。應該強調的是,如果設計本身不要求采用全新的方法,就沒必要僅僅為了變革的目的而采用新的方法。 在設計的在設計的初始階段,應該允許設計人員充分發(fā)揮創(chuàng)造性,不受各種約束。即使產生了許多不切實際的想法,也會在設計的早期,即繪制圖紙之前被改正掉。只有這樣,才不致于堵塞創(chuàng)新的思路。通常,要提出幾套設計方案,然后加以比較。很有可能在最后選定的方案中,采用了某些未被接受的方案中的一些想法。 心理學家經常談論如何使人們適應他們所操作的機器。設計人員的基本職責是努力使機器來適應人們。這并不是一項容易的工作,因為實際上并不存在著一個對所有人來說都是最優(yōu)的操作范圍和操作過程。 另一個重要問題,設計工程師必須能夠同其他有關人員進行交流和磋商。在開始階段,設計人員必須就初步設計同管理人員進行交流和磋商,并得到批準。這一般是通過口頭討論,草圖和文字材料進行的。為了進行有效的交流 ,需要解決下列問題: (1) 所設計的這個產品是否真正為人們所需要? (2) 此產品與其他公司的現有同類產品相比有無競爭能力? (3) 生產這種產品是否經濟? (4) 產品的維修是否方便? (5) 產品有無銷路?是否可以盈利? 只有時間能對上述問題給出正確答案。但是, 產品的設計、制造和銷售只能在對上述問題的初步肯定答案的基礎上進行。設計工程師還應該通過零件圖和裝配圖,與制造部門一起對最終設計方案進行磋商。 通常 ,在制造過程中會出現某個問題??赡軙髮δ硞€零件尺寸或公差作一些更改,使零件的生產變得容易。但是,工程上的更改必須要經過設計人員批準,以保證不會損傷產品的功能。有時,在產品的裝配時或者裝箱外運前的試驗中才發(fā)現設計中的某種缺陷。這些事例恰好說明了設計是一個動態(tài)過程??偸谴嬖谥玫姆椒▉硗瓿稍O計工作,設計人員應該不斷努力,尋找這些更好的方法。 近些年來,工程材料的選擇已經顯得重要。此外,選擇過程應該是一個對材料的連續(xù)不斷的重新評價過程。新材料不斷出現,而一些原有的材料的能夠獲得的數量可能會減少。環(huán)境污染、材料的回收利用、工人的健康及安全等方面經常會對材料選擇附加新的限制條件。為了減輕重量或者節(jié)約能源,可能會要求使用不同的材料。來自國內和國際競爭、對產品維修保養(yǎng)方便性要求的提高和顧客的反饋等方面的壓力,都會促使人們對材料進行重新評價。由于材料選用不當造成的產品責任訴訟,已經產生了深刻的影響。此外,材料與材料加工之間的相互依賴關系已經被人們認識得更清楚。因此,為了能在合理的成本和確保質量的前提下獲得滿意的結果,設計工程師的制造工程師都必須認真仔細地選擇、確定和使用材料。 制造任何產品的第一步工作都是設計。設計通??梢苑譃閹讉€明確的階段:(a)初步設計;(b)功能設計;(c)生產設計。在初步設計階段,設計者著重考慮產品應該具有的功能。通常要設想和考慮幾個方案,然后決定這種思想是否可行;如果可行,則應該對其中一個或幾個方案作進一步的改進。在此階段,關于材料選擇唯一要考慮的問題是:是否有性能符合要求的材料可供選擇;如果沒有的話,是否有較大的把握在成本和時間都允許的限度內研制出一種新材料。 在功能設計和工程設計階段,要做出一個切實可行的設計。在這個階段要繪制出相當完整的圖紙,選擇并確定各種零件的材料。通常要制造出樣機或者實物模型,并對其進行試驗,評價產品的功能、可靠性、外觀和維修保養(yǎng)性等。雖然這種試驗可能會表明,在產品進入到生產階段之前,應該更換某些材料,但是,絕對不能將這一點作為不認真選擇材料的借口。應該結合產品的功能,認真仔細地考慮產品的外觀、成本和可靠性。一個很有成就的公司在制造所有的樣機時,所選用的材料應該和其生產中使用的材料相同,并盡可能使用同樣的制造技術。這樣對公司是很有好處的。功能完備的樣機如果不能根據預期的銷售量經濟地制造出來,或者是樣機與正式生產的裝置在質量和可靠性方面有很大不同,則這種樣機就沒有多大的價值。設計工程師最好能在這一階段完全完成材料的分析、選擇和確定工作,而不是將其留到生產設計階段去做。因為,在生產設計階段材料的更換是由其他人進行的,這些人對產品的所有功能的了解不如設計工程師。 在生產設計階段中,與材料有關的主要問題是應該把材料完全確定下來,使它們與現有的設備相適應,能夠利用現有設備經濟地進行加工,而且材料的數量能夠比較容易保證供應。 在制造過程中,不可避免地會出現對使用中的材料做一些更改的情況。經驗表明,可采用某些便宜材料作為替代品。然而,在大多數情況下,在進行生產以后改換材料要比在開始生產前改換材料所花費的代價要高。在設計階段做好材料選擇工作,可以避免多數這樣的情況。在生產制造開始后出現了可供使用的新材料是更換材料的最常見的原因。當然,這些新材料可能降低成本、改進產品的性能。但是,必須對新材料進行認真的評價,以確保其所有性能都滿足要求。應當記住,新材料的性能和可靠性很少像現有材料那樣為人們所了解。大部分的產品失效和產品責任事故案件是由于在選用新材料作為替代材料之前,沒有真正了解它們的長期使用性能而引起的。 產品的責任訴訟迫使設計人員和公司在選擇材料時,采用最好的程序。在材料過程中,五個最常見的問題為:(a)不了解或者不會使用關于材料應用方面的最新最好的信息資料;(b)未能預見和考慮擦黑年品可能的合理用途(如有可能,設計人員還應進一步預測和考慮由于產品使用方法不當造成的后果。在近年來的許多產品責任訴訟案件中,由于錯誤地使用產品而受到傷害的原告控告生產廠家,并且贏得判決);(c)所使用的材料的數據不全或是有些數據不確定,尤其是當其長期性能數據是如此的時候;(d)質量控制方法不適當和未經驗證;(e)由一些完全不稱職的人員選擇材料。 通過對上述五個問題的分析,可以得出這些問題是沒有充分理由存在的結論。對這些問題的研究分析可以為避免這些問題的出現指明方向。盡管采用最好的材料選擇方法也不能避免發(fā)生產品責任訴訟,設計人員和工業(yè)界按照適當的程序進行材料選擇,可以大大減少訴訟的數量。 從以上的討論可以看出,選擇材料的人們應該對材料的性質,特點和加工方法有一個全面而基本的了解。 當加工鋁時,我們主要關心的是:鋁粘住加工切削邊緣的傾向;保證有好的碎片排屑形成切削邊緣;和保證工具有足夠的中心強度來承受切削力而不被破壞。 技術發(fā)展,比如:Makino MAG系列,已經使工具商重新考慮任何工藝水平的機器技術。用正確的加工和編程思路是很重要的。 材料,涂料和幾何形狀是與減小我們所關注問題相關系的工具設計的三個因素。如果這些因素不能一起很好的配合,成功的調整磨削是不可能的。為了成功進行高速鋁加工,理解這三個因素是很必要的。 使組合邊緣最小化 當加工鋁時,一個失敗的切削工具模式是,被加工的材料粘住工具切削邊緣。這種情況會很快削弱工具的切削能力。由粘著的鋁形成的組合邊緣會導致工具變鈍,以至不能切削材料。工具材料選擇和工具涂料選擇是被工具設計者用來減小組合邊緣出現的主要工藝。 亞微米微粒碳化物材料要求很高的鈷濃度來獲得良好的微粒結構和材料強度屬性。隨著溫度的升高,鈷與鋁發(fā)生反應,鈷使鋁與暴露的工具材料碳化物相粘合。一旦鋁開始粘住工具,鋁會在快速的在工具上形成組合邊緣,使工具不可用。 在切削的進程中,減小鋁粘合著的工具的暴露碳化物的秘訣就是找到正確的碳化物的平衡來提供足夠的材料強度。在加工鋁時,為了減小粘附,使用能提供足夠硬度的紋理粗糙的碳化物來獲得平衡,來使變鈍變慢。 工具涂料 當嘗試減小組合邊緣時,第二個應該考慮的工具設計因素是工具涂料。工具涂料的選擇包括:TiN, TiAIN, AITiN,鉻氮化物,鋯氮化物,鉆石和鉆石般的涂料(DLC)。擁有這么多的選擇,航空航天磨削商店需要知道在鋁的高速加工應用中哪一種工作最有效。TiN, TiCN, TiAIN, 和 AITiN工具的PVD涂裝應用進程使這些選項不合適鋁的應用。PVD涂裝進程建立了兩個使鋁粘住工具的模式---表面的粗糙程度和鋁與工具涂料之間的化學反應。PVD進程形成了一個表面,這表面是比底層材料更粗糙的。由這個進程形成的表面“凹凸”使工具中的鋁在凹處快速集結。由于涂料有金屬晶體和鐵晶體特征,PVD涂料是可以和鋁發(fā)生化學反應的。一種TiAIN涂料通常是包含鋁的,這鋁很容易和相同材料的切削表面粘合。表面粗糙度和化學反應特性將會導致工具和工作片體粘在一起,以致形成組合表面。 OSG Tap and Die主導的試驗中,人們發(fā)現在高速加工鋁時,一個沒有涂染過紋理粗糙的碳化物的工具的表面優(yōu)于用TiN, Ticn, TiAIN, 或者ALTiN涂染過的工具。這個試驗不意味著所有工具涂料將減小工具的表現。鉆石和DLC涂料可生成一個非常光滑的化學惰性的表面。在切削鋁材料時,這些涂料很認為是能非常有效的提高工具的壽命。 鉆石涂料被認為是表現最佳的涂料,但這種涂料要一個很可觀的成本。對于表現價值,DLC涂料提供最佳成本,增加大約20%-25%的總工具成本,而壽命相對于未涂染過紋理粗糙的碳化物的工具來是,是增長得很明顯的。 幾何形狀 高速鋁加工工具設計的拇指定律就是使微粒排屑空間最大化。這是因為鋁是一種非常柔軟的材料。Federate通常是可以增長的,它生成更多更大的微粒。 Makino MAG-Series航空航天磨削機器,比如MAG4,要求額外關注工具幾何休和工具強度。擁有強大的80-hp的心軸的 MAG-Series機器將折斷工具如果他們不是用足夠的中心強度設計的。 總的來說,鋒利的切削邊緣一直都可以用來避免鋁的延伸。一個鋒利的切削邊緣將形成高剪切和高表面清潔,形成一個更好的表面和使表面振動最小化。結果是用優(yōu)良的紋理碳化物材料比紋理粗糙的碳化物材料更有可能獲得一個鋒利的切削邊緣。但由于鋁能粘住紋理好的材料,長久保持這各邊緣是不太可能的。 粗略的折衷方案 紋理粗糙的材料是最好的折衷。那是一種很強大的材料,它能擁有一個可觀的切削邊緣。試驗結果表明;在獲得長的工具壽命的同時擁有好的表面的可以的。通過工具來進行油霧冷卻是可以改進切削邊緣的保持的。霧化逐漸使工具冷卻,消除溫度急增的問題。 螺旋角度是一個額外的工具幾何考慮因素。傳統(tǒng)上來說,當加工鋁時,帶有高螺旋角度的工具已經被運用。高螺旋角度可以使微粒更快地從部分脫離,但卻增加力和熱,這是由切削運動導致的。一個高螺旋角被用在工具上,并且很大數量的凹槽可以使微粒排泄。 當以非常高的速度加工鋁時,由增加的力形成的熱量可能會引起微粒與工具焊接在一起。此外,一個有很高螺旋角的切削表面將比低角度的更快產生微粒。僅僅利用兩個凹槽工具設計使低螺旋角和足夠微粒排泄區(qū)域成為可能。由OSG主導的延伸性試驗中,當發(fā)展新工具流水線時,這被證明是最成功的方法。 英文技術資料 Mechanical Design and Optimum Design Mechanical design is the application of science and technology to devise new or improved products for the purpose of satisfying human needs. It is a vast field of engineering technology which not only concerns itself with the original conception of the product in terms of its size, shape and construction details, but also consideration the various factors involved in the manufacture and use of the product. People who perform the various function of mechanical design are typically called designers, or design engineers. Mechanical design is basically a creative activity. However, in addition to being innovative, a design engineer must also have a solid background in the areas of mechanical drawing, kinematics, dynamics, material engineering, strength of materials and manufacturing processes. As stated previously, the purpose of mechanical design is to product which will serve a need for man. Invention, discoveries and scientific knowledge by themselves do not necessarily benefit people; only if they are incorporated into a designed product will a benefit be derived. It should be recognized, therefore, that a human need must be identified before a particular product is designed. Mechanical design should be considered to be an opportunity to use innovation talents to envision a design of a product, to analyze the system and then make sound judgments on how the product is to be manufacture. It is important to understand the fundamentals of engineering rather than memorize mere facts and equations. There are no facts or equations which alone can be used to provide all the correct decisions required to produce a good design. On the other hand, any calculations made must be done with the utmost care and precision. For example, if a decimal point is misplaced, an otherwise acceptable design may not function. Good designs require trying new ideas and being willing to take a certain amount of risk, knowing that if the new idea does not work the existing method can be reinstated. Thus a designer must have patience, since there is no assurance of success for the time and effort expended. Creating a completely new design generally requires that many old and well-established methods be thrust aside. This is not easy since many people cling to familiar ideas, techniques and attitudes. A design engineer should constantly search for ways to improve an existing product and must decide what old, proven concepts should be used and what new, untried ideas should be incorporated. New designs generally have “bugs” or unforeseen problem which must be worked out before the superior characteristics of the new designs can be enjoyed. Thus there is a chance for a superior product, but only at higher risk. It should be emphasized that, if a design dose not warrant radical new methods, such methods should not be applied merely for the sake of change. During the beginning stage of design, creativity should be allowed to flourish to without a great number of constraints. Even thought many impractical ideas may arise, it is usually easy to eliminate them in the early stages of design before firm details are required by manufacturing. In this way, innovative ideas are not inhibited. Quite often, more than one design is developed, up to point where they can be compared against each other. It is entirely possible that the design which is ultimately accepted will use ideas existing in one of the rejected design that did not show as much overall promise. Psychologists frequently talk about trying to fit people to the machines they operate. It is essentially the responsibility of the design engineer to fit machines to people. This is not an easy task, since there is really no person for which certain operating dimension and procedures are optimum. Another important point which should be recognized is that a design engineer must be able to communicate ideas to other people if they are to be incorporated. Communicating the design to others is the final, vital step in the design process. Undoubtedly many great designs, inventions, and creative works have been lost to mankind simply because the originator were unable or unwilling to explain their accomplishments to others. Presentation is a selling job. The engineer, when presenting a new solution to administrative, management, or supervisory persons, is attempting to sell or to prove to them that this solution is a better one. Unless this can be done successfully, the time and effort spent on obtaining the solution have been largely wasted. Basically, there are only three means of communicate available to us. There are the written, the oral, and the graphical form. Therefore the successful engineer will be technically competent and versatile in all three forms of communication. A technically competent person who lacks ability in any one of these forms is severely handicapped. If ability in all three forms is lacking, no one will ever know how competent that person is! The competent engineer should not be afraid of the possible of not succeeding in a presentation. In fact, occasional failure should be expected because failure or criticism seems to a company every really creative idea. There is a great deal to be learned from a failure, and the greatest gains are obtained by those willing to risk defeat. In the final analysis, the real failure would lie in deciding not to make the presentation at all. To communicate effectively, the fowling questions must be answered: Dose the design really sever a human need? Will it be competitive with existing products of rival companies? Is it economical to produce? Can it be readily maintained? Will it sell and make a profit? Only time will provide the true answers to the preceding question, but the product should be design, manufactured and marketed only with initial affirmative answer. The design engineer also must communicate the finalized design to manufacturing through the use of detail and assembly drawings. Quite often, a problem will occur during the manufacturing cycle. It may be that a change is required in the dimensioning or tolerance of a part so that it can be more readily produced. This fall in the category of engineering changes which must be approved by the design engineer so that the product function will not be adversely affected. In other case, a deficiency in the design may appear during assembly or testing just prior to shipping. These realities simply bear out the fact that design is a living process. There is always a better way to do it and the designer should constantly strive towards findings that better way. The primary tooling concerns when machining aluminum are: minimizing the tendency of aluminum to stick to the tool cutting edges; ensuring there is good chip evacuation form the cutting edge; and ensuring the core strength of the tools is sufficient to withstand the cutting forces without breaking. Technological developments such as the Makino MAG-Series machines have made tooling vendors rethink the any state-of-the-art machine technology. It is vital to apply the right tooling and programming concepts. Materials coatings and geometry are the three elements in tool design that interrelate to minimize these concerns. If these three elements do not work together, successful high-speed milling is not possible. It is imperative to understand all three of these elements in order to be successful in the high-speed machining of aluminum. Minimize Built-Up Eagled. The surface peaks and valleys” created by this process causes aluminum to rapidly collect in the valleys on the tool. In addition, the PVD coating is chemically reactive to the aluminum due to its metallic crystal and ionic crystal features. A TiAIN coating actually contains aluminum, which easily bonds with a cutting surface of the same material. The surface roughness and chemical reactivity attributes will cause the tool and work piece to stick together, thus creating the built-up edge. In testing performed by OSG Tap and Die, it was discovered that when machining aluminum at very high speeds, the performance of an uncoated coarse-grained carbide tool was superior to that of one coated with TiN, Ticn, TiAIN, or ALTiN. This testing does not mean that all tool coatings will reduce the tool performance. The diamond and DLC coatings result in a very smooth chemically inert surface. These coatings have been found to significantly improve tool life when cutting aluminum materials. The diamond coatings were found to be the best performing coatings, but there is a considerable cost related to this type of coating. The DLC coatings provide the best cost for performance value, adding about 20%-25%to the total tool cost. But, this coating extends the tool life significantly as compared to an uncoated coarse-grained carbide tool. Geometry The rule of thumb for high-speed aluminum machining tooling designs is to maximize space for chip evacuation. This is because aluminum is a very soft material, and the federate is usually increased which creates more and bigger chips. The Makino MAG-Series aerospace milling machines, such as the MAG4, require an additional consideration for tool geometry-tool strength. The MAG-Series machines with their powerful 80-hp spindles will snap the tools if they are not designed with sufficient core strength. In general, sharp cutting edges should always be used to avoid aluminum elongation. A sharp cutting edge will create high shearing and also high surface clearance, creating a better surface finish and finish and minimizing chatter or surface vibration. The issue is that it is possible to achieve a sharper cutting edge with the fine-grained carbide material than the coarse grained material. But due to aluminum adherence to the fine-grained material, it is not possible to maintain that edge for very long. Coarse compromise The coarse grained material appears to be the best compromise. It is a strong material that can have a reasonable cutting edge. Test results show it is able to achieve a very long tool life with good surface finish. The maintenance of the cutting edge is improved using an oil mist coolant through the tool. Misting gradually cools down the tools, eliminating thermal shock problems. The helix angle is an additional tool geometry consideration. Traditionally when machining aluminum a fool with a high helix angle has been used. A high helix angle lifts the chip away from the pa When machining aluminum, one of the major failure modes of cutting tools the material being machined adheres to the tool cutting edge. This condition rapidly degrades the cutting ability of the tool. The built-up edge that is generated by the adhering aluminum dulls the tool so it can no longer cut through the material. Tool material selection and tool coating selection are the two primary techniques used by tool designers to reduce occurrence of the built-up edge. The sub-micron grain carbide material requires a high cobalt concentration to achieve the fine grain structure and the material’s strength properties. Cobalt reacts with aluminum at elevated temperatures, which causes the aluminum to chemically bond to the exposed cobalt of the tool material. Once the aluminum starts to adhere to the tool, it quickly forms a built-up edge on the tool rendering it ineffective. The secret is to find the right balance of cobalt to provide adequate material strength, while minimizing the exposed cobalt in the tools for aluminum adherence during the cutting process. This balance is achieved using coarse-grained carbide that provides a tool of sufficient hardness so as to not dull quickly when machining aluminum while minimizing adherence. Tool coatings The second tool design element that must be considered when trying to minimize the built-up edge is the tool coating. Tool coating choices include TiN, TiAIN, AITiN, chrome nitrides, zirconium nitrides, diamond, and diamond-like coatings(DLC). With so many choices, aerospace milling shops need to know which one works best in an aluminum high-speed machining application. The Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) coating application process on TiN, TiCN, TiAIN, and AITiN tools makes them unsuitable for an aluminum application. The PVD coating process creates two modes for aluminum to bond to the tools :the surface roughness and the chemical reactivity between the aluminum and the tool coating. The PVD process results in surface that is rougher that the substrate material to which it is app rt more quickly, but increases the friction and heat generated as result of the cutting action. A high helix angle is typically used on a tool with a higher number of flutes to quickly evacuate the chip from the part. When machining aluminum at very high speeds the heat created by the increased friction may cause the chips to weld to the tool. In addition, a cutting surface with a high helix angle will chip more rapidly that a tool with a low helix angle. A tool design that utilizes only two flutes enables both a low helix angle and sufficient chip evacuation area. This is the approach that has proven to be the most successful in extensive testing performed by OSG when developing the new tooling line, the MAX AL. - 13 -壓縮包目錄 | 預覽區(qū) |
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