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1、國家開放大學(xué)電大本科《英語教學(xué)理論與實(shí)踐》期末試題及答案(試卷號:1366) 2022盜傳必究 Information for the examinees: ? This examination consists of 2 parts. They axe: Section I : Basic theories and principles ( 40 points) Section 11 : Lesson plan (6° points) . The total marks for this examination are 100 points. Time allowed for c

2、ompleting this examination is 9()m,nu1es- .There will be no extra time to transfer answers to〔he Answer Sheet; Therefore, you should write ALL your answers on the Answer Sheet as you do each iask. 40 points Section | : Basic lheorics and Principles Qursitions I—20 arc based on Ihh part Dlrtctlo

3、tw; Chowr I he best answer fn?m At B or C for each question Write your answer on (hr Answer Sheet !? What syllabus does the followinR present? Unit i Animals Unit 2 Food Unit 3 Sport Vmt 4 Shopping Unit 5 Travel Unit 6 Pollution A Structural sylhbuju R Topic ?ylhbu& C. Skills syllabus. 2.

4、Which of the following metJiorfs does not tokratc errorn? A? i hr .Auditr lingual Method. K The Communicative Appro”,. C. The Direct Method. Whwh of the following is chArActenntic of acquisition? A. Form-tcKU!M*

5、ment support? "m learning in should hux/t a com rnuntraliz^ purpose and lhey should 6e a rrhearsal ft?r rtalAift ptrformancr^ A.'he Humanist Approach. B, fhe Communicative Approach. (? Fhe Audio lingua) Method- 5? Which Aspect □( needM analysis arn you concerned with when you decide which of th

6、r ,wci ex” to select (or dessiroom instruction? Te I E 人 about M5. pi% “ nKht O,uurg mg r?M ' ? au^rd ME〃g? T靜 wwd 血位“ SWW /V/rr>? urn/ 侃 g” /偵時(shí) A^rojt 偵人 「心《3 imu.S杼 had flu and did not W “ A*rw// but r> /aid lu 6r ddighimi. Th 2 The film wo〃ds' muit famous awards? the (.hears wre annuume^ tft

7、 I lollym^ni! in m ntghi . with thtf uiual mix of jurprnr anti difappairttnifnis. Most of /Ar Oscars urnt ro thr American film Amadeus. This is a xlory about (htt camf)oier Mozart and wtm ft^hl (htuf \ . including Rr^l Film o] thr Yeur. British film、did no/ Jo a% wll ?n uu/s Ao/m/ , although (irrr u

8、f thr lup au^urdi did go to a British Uur. Damf Peggy Aihcruft uvn her firxi (heat at the a^e u f 77. far Hfst Supporttnn Actress in /Ar (tlm A PaiSage tu Indiu. A. NeccMities. B. Wanteu C. Lacks. 6. In which of the following nctivitieA i? the teacher more of 4 contraller? A. Presenting new lang

9、uage. K ()rganizir)K a role-play activitye G Giving feedback or error corrections. 7. What docs lhe communication approach treat hnguagc as*? A. A system* R A means of commiinjcation- C. A set of habits. & Which of the following activities is communicative? A- Students do mini-research and qu

10、esiionnaires< H Students act out the dialogue in the textbook. C. rhr teacher asks cpirMion> ubout the reading materinL 9. Which o( thr following activities belongs to the productive type” A. Students listen to ft radio broadeaflt K Students read a piece of news to complete a elwirh C. Student

11、s discuss thr problem presented in the broadcast. 10> Authentic maiermls ore matennls pnxluctd for ? A- Native speakers B. Englkh learners G English leflchcrs 1 L What ftkill does one need to read between the lines? A> Skimmtnga Ii> Scanning. C Inferringt 12. Which of the following activitie

12、s enn be adopted ?t the pre-rtading ^tngr7 A. Re-arrangmK the materinh> B. Brainstorming the lopic- C Writing a nummary of the text. 13. Whrn n reader trie* to guc” the mcaninK al o new word bn&cd on the contentuul chus which one of the following Approachc* is he using? K? l op down Approach, A

13、? fkittom up Approach t Intrraclivr Appronrh. LL Which ImieninK 'kill cnrnbhww liMrntng ond wriTnig? A. Inforring. I< (or spccihc infornianon. C. Not(Mnk?ng. Ih Whni \hmild thr(ca< hrr iry lo hvokI when nelcctinH liatrning matcrliils? A I he texts scripted And recorded in thr fnndio. K 1 hr tex

14、tM with lm|jlicatc<| concepts beyond the comprohenpion o( Biydent*. C. Ih? text, drliv.fcd ihrou?h the mxenlA oihri thnh RP or Sundnrd American l^onuncionorh I W?ih convi tRnhonnl fcrhnique dorb the lollowiriK convcruAiion prment? 7/

15、h. Why9f JH/" “i” m u.uUh a f^MbuU tnahh. Would you like to rurne Mn? Sam | / 'd Mur ni !lf A. C hrrking undrrHiumhriR. B> Prlnvitmcm. C? Shuwm* undml"而w 】7? W Inch ul thr apskinK Irnnon should locu* on fhirncy mont? A. Hrwcnfation. R Prucfire. C ProducnoHe Whai role i? ? teacher lm? likely

16、tu piny w| the letter nuga of a Bpcukinft cImm? A. Demunaiirator. Ik Helper 「Currrclon 19. Which of thr lolluwihK uprrtktnK /trtivitirn ia mo?f produchvtr? A? Fluw-i hnri dndoxue. li. Scrambkcl di/iloguc^ 「<*?!!? curd 山ulogue ?(). Which ul I hr follnwina hrlp? (u trnin lidixrm tn pronunciation

17、^ A. Not ” ?IL H. She veil* ftejislirlh by vhc ne?*hore< 「? 1 want to do a good eked. , ? “ . 60 polnU Sctllnn || t Ix*M?n Plim 21"gU5 In Ihh E”n, you -tv pn^nki! with ? 土rl 山2,的 H心 the 伸ggr nW 小3 three raiding mcIIvK^: one prc-rcndln? nctMty.岫 rr.dhm aclblty and “nc pnU-rrmlliiK nctblty. Writ

18、e your niiMwrr <>n the Answer Shrr< The r?|uirrm Prr-rrMdhiK: Hdhatlng hurkground knuwlrdur uliout thr VV?rld E,p” > KcHthnu: tinhh the cxcrchc of true or Ulsr judKmrnl > Pont-rvHding: making nmimrnU You may fnllow thr l?hlr ?hm wflrr the 炒 Mnkc ?urc the thr

19、ee uiikHh* arc rrluinl to rarh other. RrndinK Mnfrruli Do you know anythlnx 山頑 the World Expo? hl

頃"頃 build (展5 E岫如their moM ndv.oced滿i?的"拈小小?(科植= gg wuh lol. 0( rxh.bK.on. and performanre. The 2010 5 瑚 Expo

20、 will beheld lwm May Ht to(ktober3Ui ? 2010. 192 counirien. re?ion. ?nd 50 mfgud gy wlH 僦”m in it. About 70 million vt.ttm,wdl comr U> the 心I ExjZ ^rc w,ll ?>e 2COtOOO voluntcrn working for iu The 岫 Expo wild m the Crynvl P& i? Hyde P?rk. London h &1.1" ho hoMcd U World Eg- more thun .ny other cou

21、ntry. But …Firs. ..me for ?二,。 h脾血World Em|m, The themr nf the則邱靜E仲h ”牌頃叫?如河依5: 啞如肖料物瑚?<,■皿碩dg lovely -nd wluy 臉bm M name “5 Fw、 lhe k. ha blue color rtpr^nlB the water. Im hm , IM ? wave in the 瑚> lo .how the watm wrlcomr 2 臨血 nil over thr world. The 亦咿 cd 血 SWxhm my ?5 i-pired by the Cbl-e 5頃蝴 艾煩

22、弋 ?bo look, like three people hoiding h.nd. togeiher. ?ymboliaing (象此)血禎頓 1 humankkncL *.?_ EmdMh 岫e whether the Jdlowlng mgmmi b true or g ?wording m the rru< .n? US han hunted thr World Expo more than 10 nmcR* (2>Th? 2010 Shanghai Expo will tot 6 tnontbju (3)Thc thrmc of ihr London Expo “冊心川

23、y,bE" h" .. SHE i? the mascot o( the 加林麗 which msn,皿頊血 m ? ⑴Thm i?

24、bEroam organitation Trfiching aid Assumed time rranwHion ( how to relate to the forrnrr ) Procedure- 1) 2) 3) Trarinition ( how to relate to the following activity) Activity 3 (P頑?mdlng) Objectives C^&sarootn organixAtJun Tcftching aid A^xumed Tinw Tran Mt ion ( how

25、 to relate to thr (ormrr nviivity) Procedure 1) 2) 3) Backup plun: < 1)FJrrdic 分分 ui pninlH (?(I pnlnlw Scclinn II i I rwm PI" 21. ,考客室和國分幅湛 Acthlly I (Pnrreading I

26、 ohjccr<*M*ni? xvml phciiow ol world rx|??> ?>n

27、 the urrrvn with 1平 I ft,, r*p

28、sit inn i (I)i. *w| country, a nd thr opportunity tn cotnmunirau with the rv?i of th< wnrhL You moy ham ytllir rc.oonw (nr your t hoiir. you km)w hiMciry? N”w kl,* mnn- 10 out 2”,- ActhII) 2 (rrudinu) Objecthe*: 10 tra

29、iti 山nk 4uni7;itinn: Individual work f

30、cxcrri*ca ” Proce riiid the text individuiilly b> luIGH thv (7) Pair wurk to check C2?) (irl ihr siudt rii^ itiro p^irs lo i hixk ilicir w hnvr you ftnished? Now「d like y

31、ou to check your nn>wcr^ with your jKirinrr io "< whrihiT yi)u hnvc diUrrvni idinr M (8) Fedlwk (2*> Itivttt individual to r^purt ilwir wnrk< Mjikv ^uru to a>k the >iudrht> tu rcporl how liny rend lo koi thv infortnahnti to rheck wlu thtr they rvnd thr evrry nc< in each paragrnpli. For t xauiplt ?

32、 th< tiachrr ran du likt w Ik> you have the s;itn< Uiswvri :* (fomL I an yuu tell u> how you rvmt to gri thv uifcit rnaliun?M w Ynctujilly wt do rim nevtl in read nil ihc fcxi> for exAmph we en find ihr informniion in the second (iftrngrnph by iimng W g u key word." Transit ion: < J*?11 wr know it

33、,hiwwy.l'd IM to know win thv: you like ii for iln Cla^srmim oruunizutinn: (iruup wurk Ivuchinu aid: multi med

34、ia AMumed lime; 6 rninuio rmmition: < 10) A^^tgn the task ( i *) <9 continued) "If you like ii? whm i> your n?n^on?M MWhst would you do if you becomt fi voluiilrrr < iIh two <111 du >rr wNnw plrax grt mfci nr<>up> nl Inin nnd di^run thv-r ipi? wthin^ ”

35、 Prm^lurr; (11 )Gr?Mp diHcUMioti (3,> Si udent * work inw khhii^ to dUciiM I hr two qur>r| plan Prcdidnl problems; < I)Tin may not know whm tin world rxpo is< r*

36、p? ruilly in tnidi rdcvi lopcd < 2? I h? *iu mny hnw M* with low limHHftgr niinprlvriri% Piishlhlr Milutinn%: (I I When rluMiMtiK thr |ihr |irr*i iiiAhon< the ivitvhrr ^hcmld k<< p in mind ih< (rnlurt * of your ^tuik niN Mnke ntirr to

37、hirludi- lh?^r plu>ti>^ nf I hr worhl expo with ChineM < <2)ln thru ”z? w< um includt M>nic iiifuniiMthin nnd rrhinnubitiini Miivitn ? In (orv wr sk tll<( xt lldvlit* t

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