8、 I hive an appointment with Mr. Xir
9、dge? the first bridge over the ThAmm ■■ you truvrl to London from the tn the most fnmouii of them nil. What mtke* Tower Bridge ao exanng? Why do viMtorw come from all over the world to ?rr
The thing that is lurpriMing about lower Bridge b that it in open in the middle It dom thto to let the big uh中
10、i? through to th? Pool uf Londum If you are lucky enough tn nee the bricluc with iu two opening ftrnu high in the oir? you will never (oruc! it.
On its north nide standM the Tower of l^ondon Although they look the ?amc
the Tower it almost n ihouMnd years old. and Tower Bridge U only Bbout one hund
11、red* it war built in the 1890b. Byl850, everyone Agreed that a bridge acroat the Thames near the Tower waa most ncccsory. But the demgner? nrgued about the new bridge for another thirty yedrs. Thtt Took no long because they had two big problems
21. Towrr Bridge la ?
A. nbout one thouniind yenrs ol
B. thr oldevt and the mom fumoun brldgr in London
C. fhr firm one you ran nee when you ?o from the mt? to lx)ndon
22. The Tower of London iff?
A. AcrosR (rom the Thum”
B. on the north of Tower Bridge
C. in the middle of Tower HridRe
23. Which of the following im NOT true rtcrorcling to the
A- You cah aee the bridge with two opening armii high in the air at anytime.
[1 Hy 1850 everybody fhouRht it nio?t ticcc^nty to h*vr ■ bridge built acronn the Thamesi near thr Tower.
C. It took the designrra thirty yrnm to orHiic nboiH the bridge heforr it wu? built.
24. The Tower Briel
14、le t? open in the middle in order to?
A. make it specinl
K attract (吸引)more people from the world to ?cc il
C. let the big ship through to the Pool of London
25. When wns the Tower Bridge built?
A. A thousand yearji aro>
It A hundred year* ago-
(1 Five thousniid yem ng
26-30 |g:調(diào)幅據(jù)貌文內(nèi)容判晰給出的邕
15、句是否正靖,正確的誤的寫并將答室 其在答H峨上.
PlUiKA好 2
Th。world's longcs! hijjhfgd rAilwAy route, running (rum Hcijing io Guari|(xhoui hm been In operation for ? few year*. It cuts travel time between the two cities from 22 hours to only 8 hour;,. With cornfnrtablr xrntA and quiet cabin?f thin hiRlvkperd line of(rr
16、 it pleasant journey for thouMJindn of travclcreu
Tht high nprrd railway conncrts Beijing with five provtncirtl rnpihtU. Purr uf the line, from Zhrngxhou to GiumgAhmit whk in ap?!rntion bciorr the whale line was connected. Che opening a( thr lieqing to Zhcn||£hou ?cctton hm connected the entire lim
17、 h covers a total length of 2,298 kilomricrn.
Th。Beijing (iu/ing/huu line connect# one third of China'M popuhliun nnd more than 40 percent of tin economic power# Travelers benefit from thr efficient network? and find that their hometowns urr not thm far Away,
An fhr American publication Nmuxd pots
18、 It: is nuw rn^ngid tn a h railway revolution^. Thcx 550 kdomrirr jmt hour high-spetti rmlwny tminii have mndc the country vi vn^t temtory etMibMantiftlly unwdkr". aful irhanRcd the country economically.
26. Thr worhIS longest hiuh railway roulr< runntn? from Brijinx to Gunngjthout hM been in oprrA
19、tton Fot a frw yEf
27. It cut> iravrl tune between the rwo citien from 22 hoursi to only 6 haur&
2H. Thr opening of thr Hcijing fo Zheng/hou wlion hm linkrd wnh thr totnl route.
29< T hr lieijing fjuMiiKehou line connects one third af Chinn populstion ond more than
W percent of itji economic pow
The” 350 kilometer pvr hour highspeed railwny Trnins have made thr country S vast territury -considerably *mnllerM. und changed the country eronnmicMlly.
四, ■!?(共汁20分.佃小短4分)
3L People who do not have wood miiMt *pcnd lur^e amounts of money on caokinit
21、 luck a,邢些杖有足怖木材的人tn僧花械大■的
32. h him a foul Irngth of 49? 968 km. of which 35. 57g km will be built over the w
A.它敏長度1(. 968公堆?只中35.578公V在榔」?
化它??長度的.968公*. H中布35.57A公-—腳在冊面上的.
。它長度49.968公里.K中35. 578公里企湖底.
33, Yau rAn buy almost every
22、thing , ai* lnn? you as you have iicrc^n lo the Internet nnd rnouRh monry.
34. Chmn*ii auto indutiry will continue to ?row in I hr next dewdr.
35, I'm not very (amihar with ('hincMr ciiMtom* formalitlrR.
C. AW中憤的習借和手餓不大熟愚.
1-5 正礪的語句完成下列對話,并將簽案序號寫在答題紙上。
1. B 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. C
6—2Q K:??下面的句子.從\JiX三個選項中逸出一個能填入空白處的正確迭項,并將答 案序號寫在答題紙上。
24、 B 7. B 8. B 9. C 10. B
11. A 12. B 13. C 14. C 15. C
I6. A 17. A 18. A 19. C 2Q? C
21—25矩:閱讀下列短文?從A,BJ三個送項中選出一個正確答案,并將答案序號寫在答強 紙上。
2L C 22. H
23. A
24. C 25; B
2& T 27. F
2& T
29. T 30e T
31. C 32. B 33. C 34- A 3, H