1、雅思口語考?官最愛問的?170個經(jīng)?典問題 1. What"s your name? 2. Does your name have any speci?al meani?ng? 3. Where? were you come from? 4. What kind of lands?cape surro?unds your homet?own? 5. What is the main crop in your homet?own? 6. What is the diffe?rence? betwe?en Beiji?ng and your homet?o
2、wn? 7. What are the main place?s of inter?est in your homet?own? 8. What is the clima?te like in your homet?own? 9. What is the chara?cter of the peopl?e like in the regio?n where? you live? 10. What are the diffe?rence?s in accen?t betwe?en the peopl?e of your homet?own and Beiji?ng?
3、 11. What is peopl?e"s favor?ite food in your regio?n? 12. How do you make dumpl?ings? 13. What do you do durin?g the Sprin?g Festi?val? 14. Why is the Sprin?g Festi?val so impor?tant to Chine?se peopl?e? 15. Can you descr?ibe one of the main festi?vals celeb?rated? in your count?ry?
4、16. Tell me somet?hing about? the Lante?rn Festi?val. 17. Tell me somet?hing about? the Qing Ming Festi?val. 18. Tell me somet?hing about? the custo?ms of your count?ry. 19. How long have you lived? in Beiji?ng? 20. What is the weath?er like in Beiji?ng? 21. How do you compa?re the cl
5、ima?te in Beiji?ng with that in your homet?own? 22. What place? in Beiji?ng do you like best? Why ? 23. Which? is the worst? place? you"ve been to China?? 24. Which? is the best place? you"ve been to China?? 25. What place?s in Beiji?ng shoul?d a forei?gner visit?? Why? 26. What are t
6、he major? socia?l probl?ems in Beiji?ng? How can they be solve?d? 27. What is the bigge?st probl?em China? faces?? 28. What place?s in Beiji?ng shoul?d a forei?gner visit?? Why? 29. Could? you tell me somet?hing about? your famil?y? 30. Have you any child?ren? 31. What is your child?"
7、s name? Does his name have a meani?ng? 32. What does your wife/husba?nd do? 33. When did you get marri?ed? 34. Descr?ibe your weddi?ng. 35. How have weddi?ngs chang?ed in recen?t years?? 36. Are there? any speci?al custo?ms about? weddi?ng in your regio?n? 37. Descr?ibe a tradi?tio
8、na?l weddi?ng cerem?ony. 38. Where? did you go for your honey?moon? 39. Did you have to ask for permi?ssion? from your paren?ts befor?e you got marri?ed? 40. Is it accep?table? for coupl?es to live toget?her witho?ut marry?ing? 41. Where? do you think? a newly? coupl?e shoul?d live? Livi
9、n?g with their? paren?ts or on their? own? 42. What respo?nsibi?litie?s shoul?d a coupl?e take? 43. How do Chine?se usual?ly celeb?rate birth?days? 44. Are there? any tradi?tions? conce?rning? the birth? of a baby? 45. What kind of paren?t do you inten?d to be? 46. What do you think?
10、of One-Child? Polic?y in China?? 47. Why do peopl?e in China? tradi?tiona?lly want to have a son? 48. What diffi?culti?es do Chine?se farme?rs have conce?rning? their? old age? 49. What do you think? needs? to be done in order? to relie?ve the farme?r"s worri?es? 50. What hope or fears?
11、do you have for your child?ren? 51. What sort of cultu?re do you hope your child? will grow up in? 52. Are you going? to bring? up your child? diffe?rentl?y from the way you were broug?ht up? How? 53. Do you enjoy? shopp?ing? 54. Who does most of the shopp?ing in your famil?y? 55. Wha
12、t are you good at cooki?ng? What is your favor?ite dish? 56. Who does most of cooki?ng in your famil?y? 57. Is there? *** discr?imina?tion in China?? 58. How do you sum up women?"s condi?tions? in China?? 59. What are the cause?s of *** discr?imina?tion? 60. Shoul?d gover?nment? pay c
13、erta?in salar?ies to those? house?wives?? Why or why not? 61. Would? you want your wife to conti?nue with her caree?r or to stay at home takin?g care of the house?hold after? you get marri?ed? 62. Have you ever wishe?d to be one of the oppos?ite ***? Why (why not)? 63. What would? you do if
14、 your next-door neigh?bour were noisy? nearl?y all the time? 64. Do you have a lot of frien?d? 65. What does frien?dship? mean to you? What kind of peopl?e do you make frien?d with? 66. What is your major?? 67. How do you like your major?? 68. When and where? did you gradu?ate? What q
15、uali?ficat?ions have you obtai?ned? 69. Do you still? remem?ber your schoo?l days? 70. What impre?ssed you most when you were at unive?rsity?? 71. Which? is the best unive?rsity? in your count?ry? 72. Could? you sum up your own study? habit?s in a few point?s? 73. What do you think? o
16、f the pract?ice of setti?ng up key schoo?ls in prima?ry and secon?dary schoo?l educa?tion in China?? 74. Do you think? the subje?cts you are study?ing today? are relev?ant to prese?nt-day socie?ty? Why ? 75. What do you think? educa?tion shoul?d be? Shoul?d it be a proce?ss of learn?ing what i
17、s usefu?l for your futur?e life or shoul?d it be simpl?y learn?ing for enjoy?ment? Why? 76. What do you do for a livin?g? 77. What do you do in the offic?e every? day? 78. Since? your job seems? too profe?ssion?al to me, could? you expla?in it in detai?l? 79. What are your job prosp?ec
18、ts? 80. If you had the oppor?tunit?y to chang?e your job, what would? you do with it? 81. Do you have any ambit?ious? 82. Will any possi?ble futur?e chang?es affec?t your job in any way? 83. What are your spare? time inter?ests? 84. How do you spend? your weeke?nds? 85. What is you
19、r favor?ite sport?? What are the rules?? 86. What is the most popul?ar sport? in your count?ry? 87. What are the sport?ing facil?ities? like in your unive?rsity?/Beiji?ng? 88. What do you know about? Qigon?g? Do you belie?ve in Qigon?g? 89. What do you do in your spare? time? 90. Do y
20、ou often? read newsp?apers?? If not, why ones do you read? 91. What do you think? of compu?ter? 92. Do you think? compu?ter has chang?ed our life so much? 93. Do you often? go to the cinem?a/theat?re? 94. What kind of films? do you like best? 95. Do you often? watch? TV? What is your
21、favor?ite progr?am? 96. Do you think? watch?ing TV too much is a waste? of time? 97. What kind of music? do you enjoy?? 98. Who is your favor?ite film star? Will you descr?ibe him/her to me? 99. Do you enjoy? trave?lling?? 100. Where? have you been trave?lling? to? Which? place? inter
22、?ested? you most? 101. Do you smoki?ng? 102. Do you think? smoki?ng is a probl?em that needs? speci?al atten?tion and has to be solve?d? If so, why? 103. What do you know about? ABC? 104. What probl?em do you think? you will have in ABC? 105. How will you overc?ome the diffi?culti?es?
23、 106. Do you think? you will be able to cope with Engli?sh-deman?ds of your inten?ded study? progr?am in ABC? 107. What diffi?culti?es do you think? you’ll encou?nter in your studi?es in ABC? 108. Can you imagi?ne what life in Brita?in/Canad?a/Austr?alia/Londo?n, etc. would? be like? 109
24、. How will you fare in Brita?in/Canad?a/Austr?alia, etc. witho?ut your famil?y? 110. What do you inten?d to study?? 111. Which? unive?rsity? are you going? to study? at? 112. Why did you choos?e this unive?rsity?? 113. Where? are you going? to study? in ABC? 114. What are you plans? i
25、n ABC? 115. What is your resea?rch propo?sal all about?? 116. What do you hope for most from your study? abroa?d? 117. Will your study? abroa?d help your job prosp?ects after? come back to China?? 118. Shoul?d you study? more theor?y or do more pract?ice? Give your reaso?ns, pleas?e.
26、119. What kind of diffe?rence?s in the cultu?res are you expec?ting betwe?en China? and the ABC? 120. How will your study? in Brita?in benef?it your work in China? when you come back to China?? 121. What do you inten?d to do after? you finis?h study?ing? 122. What will be your main probl?em
27、 when you are study? in a forei?gn count?ry? 123. What probl?em can you fores?ee in the futur?e when you come back to China?? 124. Will there? be any adjus?tment? probl?ems in your life when you come back to China?? If so, what are they? 125. Will you have to make any chang?es in your work/
28、life when you come back to China?? 126. Do you think? there? will be a gap betwe?en your knowl?edge gaine?d in China? and the level? of knowl?edge you are going? to encou?nter on arriv?al? If so, what will it be? 127. What do you think? of the futur?e of China? keeps? an open polic?y? 128
29、. What do you regar?d as the most signi?fican?t event?s in your count?ry’s recen?t histo?ry? 129. Are there? any speci?al place?s you want to see in Canad?a? What are they? 130. What do you espec?ially? want to do in Canad?a? 131. How do you like your life in ABC Unive?rsity?? 132. What
30、do you think? of the train?ing in the unive?rsity?? 133. In what way do you think? unive?rsity? train?ing is helpf?ul or falls? short?? 134. What aspec?t of Engli?sh do you find the most diffi?cult? 135. Do you find Ameri?can Engli?sh easie?r to under?stand? than Brita?in Engli?sh? 136.
31、What sport?s are playe?d in your count?ry? 137. Could? you descr?ibe the tradi?tiona?l archi?tectu?re of your count?ry? 138. What role dose relig?ion play in every?day life in your count?ry? 139. What would? you regar?d as the most signi?fican?t event?s in your count?ry"s recen?t histo?ry?
32、 140. How aware? do you think? peopl?e are nowad?ays about? envir?onmen?tal issue?s? 141. Could? you tell me why you chose? to study? at the unive?rsity? of ABC? 142. What role dose touri?sm play in your count?ry"s econo?my? 143. How serio?us is unemp?loyme?nt in your count?ry? 144. In
33、 your opini?on, what are the most serio?us probl?ems assoc?iated? with moder?n life? 145. What do you think? have been the most impor?tant chang?es in your field? over the past 5 years?? 146. What are you going? to major? in ? 147. Are you going? to do your own cooki?ng when you are at univ
34、e?rsity?? 148. Some local? stude?nts feel that overs?eas stude?nts get prefe?renti?al treat?ment. What is your opini?on? 149. Do you think? you will be able to cope with the Engli?sh-langu?age deman?ds of your inten?ded progr?am? 150. What do you think? are the main cause?s of road accid?en
35、ts? 151. Do you think? the gover?nment? is doing? enoug?h to preve?nt road accid?ents? 152. As there? are more and more priva?te cars, what do you think? the gover?nment? shoul?d do in order? to encou?rage citiz?ens to use publi?c trans?port? 153. How do you see yours?elf in ten years?" tim
36、e? 154. Have you ever thoug?ht to have your own busin?ess? 155. What busin?ess do you hope to have? 156. Do you know about? any polic?ies about? openi?ng a busin?ess abroa?d? 157. What are your plans? for your futur?e? 158. Why do you think? there? are more and more peopl?e leavi?ng t
37、o immig?rate to other? count?ries? 159. Is it good for China? that so many peopl?e are going? to other? count?ries? 160. Will your life chang?e a lot after? you immig?rate to ABC? 161. What will you do if you are ill abroa?d? 162. Do you know what to do in case of emerg?ency? 163. Wha
38、t will do if you canno?t find a job in ABC? 164. Why do you want to immig?rate to ABC? 165. What will you do after? the IELTS? test? 166. What will do if you fail the IELTS? test? 167. What"s your dream? job? 168. How long have you been learn?ing Engli?sh? 169. What troub?les you m
39、ost at the momen?t? 170. Does your famil?y suppo?rt your decis?ion on going? ABC? What help do they offer?? 妙語連珠中?有的題目 手工制品 somet?hing you made by yours?elf 收到的一個?比較重要的?卡片或者是?來信 a lette?r or email? you recei?ved 法律 a law in China? 特殊的一頓?飯 a speci?al meal 上個星期 last weeke?nd 家里傳下來?的老東西
40、Old thing? in your famil?y 想拜訪的人? A perso?n you want to visit? 想學的第二?門外語 A secon?d forei?gn langu?age you want to learn? 一次公共活?動 A publi?c event? 原來的11?月的題目也?考。明年的同學?也要按照這?個準備 第二部分 A piece? of equip?ment 一定要考的?。 第一部分增?加題目 周末干什么?? 喜歡現(xiàn)在的?周末還是以?前的周末? 花的問題 你喜歡鮮花?嗎?在中國,人們在節(jié)假?日喜歡送花?嗎?
41、在中國花有?什么特殊的?花語嗎? 中國人用花?做禮物嗎?你收到過花?嗎?花在中國有?什么特殊的?意義嗎? 喜歡花嗎.有什么特殊?meani?ng.現(xiàn)在人喜歡?收到花嗎? Cooki?ng Who does the cooki?ng in your famil?y? What does he or she often? cook? Fruit? Do you like fruit?? How often? do you eat fruit?? What kind of fruit? do you like best? Why? What are the benef?its
42、 of eatin?g more fruit?? Veget?ables? Do you like veget?ables?? How often? do you eat veget?ables?? What kind of veget?ables? do you like best? What are the benef?its of eatin?g veget?ables?? Drivi?ng Do you often? drive?? Is it neces?sary to learn? drivi?ng? Is it impor?tant to drive? well
43、? When would? you allow? your child?ren to drive?? News How do you get the news? What kind of news are you inter?ested? in? Is it the same for the old and young?? Is it impor?tant to know the news? Handw?ritin?g Do you often? write? lette?rs? Is the handw?ritin?g impor?tant nowad?ays? What
44、 are the benef?its of handw?ritin?g? Daily? Life What do you do durin?g your daily? life? How do you alloc?ate your worki?ng time and your study?ing time? What do you do with the inter?net? When do you get up every? day? What is the best time of a day? Frien?ds Do you want to go out alone? o
45、r in a group?? How often? do you meet your frien?ds? What do you do when you are with frien?ds? Holid?ays How do you spend? your holid?ay? What do you like and disli?ke to do in your holid?ay? 各位考生可?以參考妙語?連珠,不要完全照?搬答案。 food What food do you like? What food don’t you like? Which? resta?uran
46、t? is your favor?ite? Bicyc?le Are bicyc?les popul?ar in China? or in your homet?own? Has the numbe?r of bicyc?le rider?s in China? chang?ed much in the past few years?? How old were you when you first? learn?ed to ride a bicyc?le? What do you think? are the advan?tages? and disad?vanta?ges of
47、bicyc?les compa?red to cars? Would? you say bicyc?les are suita?ble for peopl?e of all ages? Birth?day Do peopl?e in your count?ry celeb?rate birth?days? How? Do u think? it is impor?tant for peopl?e to celeb?rate them? How did you celeb?rate your last birth?day? Is the birth?day more impor?ta
48、nt for adult?s or young? peopl?e Email? Do you often? write? email?s? What are the advan?tages? of writi?ng email?s? What types? of email?s/lette?rs do you write?, busin?ess or perso?nal? Which? one is hard? What’s the diffe?rence? betwe?en lette?rs and email?s? Inter?net What do you do with
49、inter?net? What are the advan?tages? and disad?vanta?ges of inter?net? Do you think? that life is bette?r with the inter?net? When did you begin? to use the inter?net? What’s the influ?ence of the inter?net on you? Livin?g place? Do you live in a house? or a flat? What is there? on the wall?
50、 What can you see from the windo?ws of your home? swimm?ing do you like swimm?ing? when did you learn? to swim? where? do peopl?e swim? what are the benef?its of swimm?ing? 名字 學習/工作 家鄉(xiāng) 常規(guī)問題 Music? Shopp?ing Sport? Film Readi?ng TV Weath?er Drawi?ng Do you like drawi?ng? Wha
51、t are the benef?its of drawi?ng? What are the benef?its of drawi?ng for adult?s? Art Do you think? the art is impor?tant to life? Can you give an examp?le of arts you learn?? What kind of art do you like? What kind of art exper?ience? did you have when you were young?? What kind of art are yo
52、u good at? 第二部分 以后的PL?AN,準備做什么?,和誰一起做?,為什么要? 第三部分: 國際上有哪?些事情是很?重要的,比如污染,環(huán)境等 這些問題該?怎么解決?該由誰來解?決 Part 2 Descr?ibe a group? activ?ity you took part in at colle?ge what did you do who was with you how the team influ?enced? you Part 3 關于coo?perat?e/Team的
53、?問題 PART2?.perfe?ct clima?te you like PART3?. 關于氣候的?衍生 夏天很熱 冬天很冷 你怎么想 你覺得氣候?對人的LI?FESTY?LE有什么?影響 part 2, perfe?ct clima?te the clima?te of your homet?own. north? or south?. Diffe?rence? of life style? in north? and south? China? becau?se of clima?te Do you think? that peopl?e in south? China?
54、are more relax?ing? descr?ibe a small? shop where? is it? what it sells?? what dose it look like? what do you like or disli?ke about? it? Part 3 big shop & small? shop的?servi?ce 有什么不同?? 你覺得sm?all shop 有存在的必?要嗎? 你買什么會?去smal?l shop? 不同age?的人對sh?oppin?g有什么不?同看法? par
55、t2?: descr?ibe one intel?ligen?t perso?n. who? when did u meet? where?? why do you think? he/she is intel?ligen?t? part3?: there? are more and more intel?ligen?t child?ren nowad?ays, what do you think?? if peopl?e just send them to the speci?al schoo?l, do you think? is an appro?priat?e idea?
56、 why can the infor?matio?n techn?ology? affec?t the child?ren? what did you play when u were young?? What’s the diffe?rence? betwe?en now and past? what do you think? of the fact that child?ren play with other?s or play alone?? which? one is bette?r? why? what can be impro?ved when the child?r
57、en play toget?her? benef?its? what do you think? if the teach?ers are repla?ced by the artif?icial? intel?ligen?ce, such as: compu?ter can repla?ce teach?ers in schoo?l, whats your opini?on? P2 a car or vehic?le you would? like to have in the futur?e P3 跟CAR有?關,PUBLI?C TRANS?PORT在?上海怎么樣?,有什么問題
58、?,怎么提高... a count?y 1、你怎么知道?這個國家的?? 2、這個國家在?那兒? 3、如果你生活?在那,你想從事什?么工作? PART3? 1、你有沒有想?過live?在哪個國家?? 2、如果你以后?長期居住那?(不是周末度?假),你有什么準?備? 3、你覺得如果?在那生活會?有什么不適?應,或者不同 what do u think? is the best way to learn? a forei?gn langu?age? do u like p
59、lay compu?ter game ?why? part2?.resta?urant?。哪里?food type?為什么喜歡? part3?.為什么人們?喜歡去飯店?吃?比較傳統(tǒng)食?物和fas?t food?貴的res?taura?nt一定好?么? 第二部分學?外語的方法?,你怎么學外?語的,在那兒學,和誰學,這種方法對?你外語有什?么提高。 第三部分語?言,漢語難學嗎??英語是怎樣?成為世界通?用語的?隨著中國經(jīng)?濟的提高,漢語可能成?為通用語嗎??Part 2. Compe?titio?n Descr?ibe a compe?titio?n relat?ed to a
60、 perso?n 1. who is the perso?n 2. what is compe?titio?n about? 3. when and where? did that happe?n Expla?in how do you feel about? this compe?titio?n. Part 3: In prima?ry schoo?ls what kind of compe?titio?n do they have? Do you think? it usefu?l for very young? child?r
61、en to have compe?titio?n? Do you think? peopl?e compe?te natur?ally or learn?ed? Is compe?titio?n good for you? Why? PART2?: PART2? 描述一個在?比賽中獲勝?的人 PART3? 關于COM?PETIT?ION,問了N多問?題,主要圍繞競?爭和小孩子?的教育 全國的口語?考題在一次?考試中是相?同的。但是如下試?題分布在周?六,周日,周一,周二。范圍基本就?是預測的內(nèi)?容(除非遇到換?題)。預測中的考?題是分散在?每位考生的?身上,所以范圍無?法縮小,每位考
62、生在?第一部分會?遇到名字,家鄉(xiāng),學習、工作,然后還會遇?到另外1到?2方面內(nèi)容?,例如,生日和自行?車,或家和互聯(lián)?網(wǎng),這個題目是?考官從題庫?中選取的。所以建議大?家都準備好?思路,一定想出漢?語答案。 如果同學們?遇到了新內(nèi)?容,請一定寫出?來,這樣我們就?知道會有什?么變化了。 請同學們考?試時千萬要?注意時態(tài),用詞。例如:問同學郵件?的好處,不要上來就?說it’s fast and conve?nient?.這就是用詞?簡單,分數(shù)最多6?分。請在家組織?好語言,這樣更有自?信。 注意:各位考生不?要把流利作?為口語的標?準,考官更看重?的是語調(diào),語法和用詞?。雅思考試不?是大詞
63、就能?得高分,而是用詞要?準確。 第二部分一?定要注意下?面常考的話?題 An excit?ing sport?請大家準備?好極限運動? A scien?ce lesso?n you learn?ed 一門科學科?目 A succe?ssful? exper?ience? 成功的經(jīng)歷? Famil?y event? 一次家庭聚?會 A party? you enjoy?ed 一次晚會 a habit? that influ?ences? your life 影響生活的?習慣 A chang?e you would? like to make 將來想改變?的方面 An i
64、nter?estin?g speec?h 聽過的有趣?演講 A cours?e you want to learn? 想學的一門?課程 A case that you were caugh?t in the traff?ic jam 一次交通堵?塞的經(jīng)歷 Favor?ite song in child?hood 兒童歌曲 Good news from phone? 電話里聽到?的好消息 Somet?hing that is good for healt?h 對健康有好?處的事情 impor?tant stage? in life 人生中的重?要階段 sport?s event?
65、you watch?ed 一次體育賽?事 a job that you want to do 理想的工作? part2?:a trip not as good as you plann?ed 實際就是要?同學們描述?旅游中的突?發(fā)事件,丟東西啦。交通啦。堵車啦。天氣啦。。。。。 part3?:什么樣的人?喜歡tri?p,busin?ess trip和?self trip的?區(qū)別,旅游要注意?什么,旅游的目的?。 PART2?:a picni?c or a meal in a park PART3?:你喜歡邀請?你的朋友去?你家玩嗎?你覺得在家?吃和在外面?吃飯有什么?
66、區(qū)別和好處?壞處 part 2 what helpe?d you in learn?ing a secon?d langu?age.(妙語連珠上?有) what, where?, with who 第三部分 出國的最大?挑戰(zhàn),出去以后你?是否會改變?對中國的看?法,怎樣學語言?最有用 part 2 an impor?tant conve?rsati?on where? when with whom what it was about? part 2 a place? where? you studi?ed or worke?d befor?e. 妙語連珠上?有。 人物 old perso?n a frien?d famou?s perso?n a good cook a famil?y membe?r who you spend? time with 物品 Newsp?aper Magaz?ine TV progr?am Adver?tisem?ent Favor?ite photo? Book/story?
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