綜合英語4 Unit5 The Tapestry of Friendship

《綜合英語4 Unit5 The Tapestry of Friendship》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關(guān)《綜合英語4 Unit5 The Tapestry of Friendship(63頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。
1、Unit 5 The Tapestry of Friendship A friend in need is a friend indeed.In prosperity our friends know us; in adversity we know our friends. Churton Collins Pre-reading discussion1. Do you still keep in touch with your childhood friends even you have made many new friends? What do you need friends for
2、?2. Is there any difference between the friendship of men and women? Why?3. Do you think there is true friendship between man and woman? Why? Background information:1. About the text: This text is taken from Close to Home, which was published by The Boston Globe Company / Washington Post Writers Gro
3、up in 1979. 2. about the author: Ellen Goodman, is a Boston Globe Online columnist and a stylish writer with a humanizing touch on any issue, public or personal. She is widely acclaimed as a voice of sanity, and readers depend on her to help them make sense of their changing lives and relationships.
4、埃倫古德曼:1941年出生的古德曼畢業(yè)子美國女子學院。她從1957年開始,成為波士頓環(huán)球報的一名編輯兼專欄作家。她在1979年出版過一本名為轉(zhuǎn)折點的書。1980年,她榮獲普利策杰出評論獎。2000年,她和另一位作家合作山版了一本書,名為我完全理解你的意思友誼在女性人生中的份量。 3. Claudia Weill:克勞迪亞威爾是拍實驗電影和紀錄片山身的導演她最有名的紀錄片是和莎莉麥克琳合拍的半邊天中國記懷 (THE OTHER HALF OF THE SKY: A CHINA MEMOIR), 記錄中國婦女的現(xiàn)狀,獲奧斯卡提名。她的劇情片女朋友( GIRLFRIENDS,1978)也是對女性生活
5、、處境有深刻反映的電影。 5. Hemingways:海明威(1899-1961)美國小說家、諾貝爾文學獎獲得者。1899年7月21日生于芝加路市郊像膠園小鎮(zhèn)。父親是醫(yī)生和體育愛好者,母親從事音樂教育。6個兄弟姐妹中,他排行第二,從小酷愛體育、捕魚和狩獵。中學畢業(yè)后曾去法國等地旅行,回國后當過見習記者。第一次大戰(zhàn)爆發(fā)后,他志愿赴意大利當戰(zhàn)地救護車司機。1918年夏在前線被炮彈炸成重傷,回國休養(yǎng)。后來去加拿大多倫多市星報任記者。1921年重返巴黎,結(jié)識美國女作家斯坦因、青年作家安德森和詩人龐德等。1923年發(fā)表處女作三個短篇小說和十首詩,隨后游歷歐洲各國。1926年出版了長篇小說太陽照樣升起,初
6、獲成功,被斯坦因稱為“迷惘的一代”。 1929年,反映第一次世界大戰(zhàn)的長篇巨著永別了,武器的問世給作家?guī)砹寺曌u。 30年代初,海明威到非洲旅行和狩獵。 1935年寫成非洲的青山和一些短篇小說。 1937年發(fā)表了描寫美國與古巴之間海上走私活動的小說有的和無的。西班牙內(nèi)戰(zhàn)期間,他3次以記者身份親臨前線,在炮火中寫了劇本第五縱隊,并創(chuàng)作了以美國人參加西班牙人民反法西斯戰(zhàn)爭為題材的長篇小說喪鐘為誰而鳴(1940)。他曾與許多美國知名作家和學者捐款支援西班牙人民正義斗爭。1941年偕夫人瑪莎訪問中國,支持我國抗日戰(zhàn)爭。后又以戰(zhàn)地記者身份重赴歐洲,并多次參加戰(zhàn)。戰(zhàn)后客居古巴,潛心寫作。 1952年,老人
7、與海問世,深受好評,翌年獲普利策獎。 1954年獲諾貝爾文學獎??ㄋ固亓_掌權(quán)后,他離開古巴返美定居。因身上多處舊傷,百病纏身,精神憂郁,1961年7月2日用獵槍自殺。海明威去世后發(fā)表的遺作主要有:海流中的島嶼(1970)和伊甸園(1986)。他那獨特的風格和塑造的硬漢子形象對現(xiàn)代歐 美文學產(chǎn)生了深遠的影響。 8.Babbitt巴比特是一部反映生活的小說。這本小說不僅塑造了一個典型的商人形象“巴比特”,還漫畫式地表現(xiàn)出美國上個世紀二十年代商業(yè)文化的方方面面,具有文化對照和藝術(shù)欣賞的雙重價值。巴比特是一位成功的房地產(chǎn)商人,過著富足而又平板的中產(chǎn)階級生活。然而作為一個人,他受到空虛的襲擊,于是企圖尋
8、找另一種“真正的生活”。為此,他外出漫游,嘗試過一種玩世不恭的生活,甚至染上了革命情緒。但巴比特又沒有勇氣去承受接之而來的社會冷落,于是,他重新投入了家庭生活和商人生涯的懷抱,在小說的結(jié)尾,巴比特將希望寄托在他的兒子身上。 Language Workchase v. follow rapidly in order to catch or overtake; pursueLiverpool are chasing their third league title in four years 利物浦隊正全力以赴準備四年后第三次贏得聯(lián)賽冠軍。(點撥)chase和pursue都含有“追隨”的意思。ch
9、ase意為“為了某種目的主動追逐、追趕”,句子的主語,賓語一般都是有生命力的人或動物,如:The little boy watched a cat chasing birds小男孩看見貓追小鳥。pursue意為“為了達到目的而追趕,追逐”,有堅持不懈,窮追不舍的勁頭,被追逐的可以是具體的人(物),也可以是抽象的事物。 cosmic: 1) very great; limitless; vastThis earthquake was a disaster of cosmic scale.2) relating to the universeThe other great cosmic reali
10、ty is time. reflect v. manifest as a result of sth反映,表現(xiàn) The election results do not always reflect back the views of the voters 選舉的結(jié)果并不總能真實地反映選民的意見。后接on或upon,意為“思索、蒙受、招致、博得”,如:reflect on a problem 仔細思考一個問題 reflect on ones conduct 反省某人的行為 Such results reflected great credit upon us. 這些成績給我們帶來了莫大的光榮。被
11、動結(jié)構(gòu)和過去分詞作后置定語時,后接in或from,如:The mountains are reflected in the water 群山倒映在水中。 作及物動詞,后接賓語從句,如: She reflected that life is short她認為生命太短暫了。 Cull: choose from various sources Here are a few facts and figures Ive culled from the weeks papers. Its a collection of fascinating stories culled from a lifetime
12、of experience.Cull, choose, select, pick inherit: 1)receive (money, a house etc.) from someone after they have died When I took on the job of manager, I inherited certain financial problems. 2)be born with (a physical or mental quality that a parent, grandparent or other relative has) Rosie inherite
13、d her red hair from her mother. The child has an inherited disease which attacks the immune system. capacity n. ability,quality of being suitable for or receptive to specified treatment能力;性能,品質(zhì)Housewives who do not go out to work often feel they are not working to their full capacity. 沒有外出工作的家庭主婦們常常
14、覺得沒有充分capacity和ability都有“能力”的意思 但capacity指人接受、容納、吸收、理解方面的能力,亦可表示無生命的事物的承受、容納、裝載能力; ability則一般指人辦事等實際應(yīng)用上的能力, 或智力和體力方面的才能,本領(lǐng)。 capacity后可接介詞for, of或不定式,如: The library has a capacity of more than 250,000 volumes. 這個圖書館藏書達25萬多冊。 He succeeded for he had infinite capacity for taking pains 他之所以成功在于他能吃苦耐勞。 T
15、he country has the capacity to compete with Japan in export trade 這個國家在出口貿(mào)易方面有能力和日本競爭。 count v. to believe or consider to be;deem認為,相信或認為是;認為She among the most gifted of the current generation of composers 她算是當代最有才華的作曲家。作動詞,后可接as, against, among, for, on 或upon;等介詞。后接as時,意為“把. .看作”,但as??墒÷?,如:He count
16、ed himself (as) lucky他認為自己很幸運。如: His age counted against him他的年齡對他不利。 如: You count among my best friends你算是我最要好的 朋友之一。 ”,如: For him fame does not count for much 在他看來,出名算不了什么。如: I have counted upon having it completed by March. 我原來指望到三月份能完成此事。作名詞,常用短語有:lose count of 數(shù)不清on all counts 從所有方面說,如: On all
17、counts,I have been greatly benefited by his counsel. 從各方面說,他的勸告/建議使我受益匪淺。 confidence n( often confidences ) a secret or private matter told to someone under a condition of trust秘密;私事;私房話(釋例)A friend does not betray confidences. 朋友是不會泄露秘密的。(點撥)confidence和assurance都表示一種信心。confidence是對某人能力的一種堅定的信任,例如:
18、I have every confidence in your ability to succeed. 我對你的成功有絕對把握。assurance更加強調(diào),例如: How can a nonscientist explain an abstruse theory with such assurance? 一個非科學家怎么能夠如此自信地解釋這一深奧的理 論? confess v. admit or acknowledge something reluctantly, typically because one feels slightly ashamed or embarrassed 承認,坦白
19、,懺悔He confessed himself to be totally ignorant of their plans. 他承認自己對于他們的計劃一無所知。(點撥)confess后接介詞賓語為名詞或動名詞,如: He confessed to cheating on the exam. 他承認考試作弊。 restraint n. deprivation or restriction of personal liberty or freedom of movement 抑制,制止,克制He exercised considerable restraint in not suing for a
20、 divorce. 他極力克制自己,不提出離婚訴訟。(點撥)后接in,意為“自我克制” ;后接on,意為“限制”,如:His restraint in not showing his anger was admirable 他對怒氣的克制真令人佩服。The government places a restraint on public spending 政府限制公費開支。 grieve grievances 抱怨;不平v. cause to be sorrowful; distress使人傷心,為傷心It grieves me to hear how disobedient youve bee
21、n 聽說你很不聽話,使我感到非常難過。 grieve, mourn和deplore有“悲痛,哀悼”的意思grieve常有獨自一人內(nèi)心悲痛的含義,比mourn的詞義強,如:The nation grieved for its war deadmourn常指表現(xiàn)出來的悲痛,多用于哀悼死者。如:She mourned for him so constantly that she became seriously ill 。deplore多用于不可挽回的悲慘之事,如: He deplored the loss of his dear friendgrieve的賓語通常是人,不可以是物,如: Her d
22、eath grieved him.她的死使他很悲傷。 intimate buddy-chum-paladj . having or being a very close and friendly relationshipWere not exactly ,but we see each other fairly often. 我們雖算不上關(guān)系親密,但還常見面。(點撥)作形容詞,后接with,意為“與某人很親密”,如I am intimate with Joe ; we have been friends for many years.作名詞,意為“知己,密友”,通常要受到前置或后置的定語修飾,
23、幾乎不單獨出現(xiàn)在句中,如:my intimate 我的知己 soulmate an intimate of the presidents 總統(tǒng)的一位密友 Structural Analysis Part I paragraph 1-2 In this part the author reveals what kind of film the woman had just seen and what attitude she had to it. Part II paragraph 3-6 This part describes the womans observation of the shi
24、ft of focus of the cinema and advances the argument for the distinction between two types of friendship.Part III paragraph 7-18 This part discusses in detail the distinctions between the Male Companionship and the Female Friendship.Part IV paragraph 19 This part restates the between the two types of
25、 friendship. Part I paragraph 1-2 In this part the author reveals what kind of film the woman had just seen and what attitude she had to it. 1. What kind of film did the woman see?2. What did she think of it? Text ExplanationIt was, in many ways,a slight movie. P1In many respects it was a simple and
26、 ordinary film.big-budget chase scene: P1a car-chase scene that costs a lot of moneySlowly,it panned across the tapestry of friendshipStep by step it gave an all-sided/ panoramic view of the complex structure/characteristics of friendship. P2 Part II paragraph 3-6 This part describes the womans obse
27、rvation of the shift of focus of the cinema and advances the argument for the distinction between the two types of friendship: that between men and that between women. 1. Why does the author list the movies the woman had seen?2. What led the woman to think that the cinema has drastically shifted its
28、 focus?3. What was the shift?4. Do you agree on the point of the distinction between the two types of friendship? Give your own reasons. Text ExplanationThis wasnt just another binge of trendiness, but a kind of cinema verite. P4This was not simply a shift from one fashion to another, but a trend to
29、ward more realistic and natural depictions in cinema-making. across millions of miles of celluloid .: P5 in large numbers of movies only men inherited a primal capacity for friendship: P5 only when were born with the instinctive capacity of making friends. In contrast, they portrayed women picking o
30、n each other, the way they once picked berries: P5本句話可理解為:On the contrary, women were described fastidious and superficial in films who chose friends just as picking berries. Well, that duality must have been mortally wounded in some shootout at the P6The tendency to present only men as capable of t
31、rue friendship was challenged by the appearance of a more subtle approach. Part III paragraph 7-18This part discusses in detail the distinctions between the Male Buddiness and the Female Friendship.Generally speaking, the former is action-oriented while the latter is emotion-oriented, the Male Buddi
32、ness is based on the need for co-operation in the activities that men are engaged in or in the they are confronted with. In contrast, the Female Friendship borders on . 1. Whats the fundamental difference between buddies and friends?2. What are the conditions of men becoming buddies and of women bec
33、oming friends?3. Why was the woman shocked by mens description of friendship? Text Explanation whilst women ask fewer proofs and more . P7 “through the wars: together corporate or athletic or military: P10through the commercial, athletic or military strives together. They had to soldier together: ha
34、d to struggle together P10loathsome confidences: disgusting secrets Buddies hang tough together; friends hang onto each other. P11A: Buddies act tough to show off to each other, so would not reveal weaknesses; friends show their need for each other and are ready to confess weaknesses.B: Buddies hold
35、 on together in face of adversity; friends cling tightly together for emotional support. who have been trained in , p15 to be The only relationship that gave meaning to the life of George Babbitt had been with Paul Riesling. P16Claustrophobic life: closed life with very little communication with the
36、 outsideWhat made the claustrophobic life of George Babbitt meaningful had been his relationship with Paul Riesling; Without his relationship with Paul Riesling, George Babbitt would have found his claustrophobic life meaningless. A man once told her that men werent real buddies until they had been
37、. P10 until和till兩者都可作介詞、連詞,一般情況下可以互換使用。用于肯定句時,主句的動詞只用延續(xù)性的,它所表示的動作一直延續(xù)到ill或until表示的時間為止,意為“直到為止”;用于否定句時,主句的動詞一般是非延續(xù)性的,也可以是延續(xù)性的,它所表示的動作直到till或until所表示的時間才發(fā)生,意為“直到(才)”。如:She watched TV untiltill her mother came back她看電視直到她母親回來。(看電視的動作延續(xù)到母來才結(jié)束)She didnt watch TV untiltill her mother came back直到她母親回來她才(開
38、始)看電視。(看電視的動作直到她母親回來才發(fā)生) 現(xiàn)將一相關(guān)知識點作具體的介紹: 1)until和till以作介詞或連詞。作介詞用時,后面接名詞或副詞;作連詞用時,常用來引導一個時間狀語從句。當它們用于肯定句中,主句動詞常為延續(xù)性動詞,表示這個動作一直延續(xù)到tilluntil所表示的時間為止。當它們引導。如:They worked until/till six oclock他們一直工作到六點鐘。 He will wait for you until/till your mother comes.他將等你直到你母親來。 2)not until/till意為“直到才”,主句常用終止性動詞(即非延續(xù)
39、性),表示until/till所表示的時間一到,該動作就發(fā)生。如:He didnt go to bed until/till eleven last night.昨天夜里他直到十一點才上床睡覺。She didnt know me until/till last week.她直到上一周才認識我。Einstein was not able to return to his homeland until the war was over直到戰(zhàn)爭結(jié)束后愛因斯坦才得以回國. 注意:not until放在句首時要用倒裝語序,如上面第三個例句可以改為放在句首的倒裝句: the war was over Ei
40、nstein able to return to his homeland。 3)如果要,只能用until而不能用till 正:Until I finished my homework, mother didnt let me out直到我做完家庭作業(yè)媽媽才準我出去。 4),常見句型為:It iswas not untilthat。如下面這個句子:She didnt find me until I called her from behind.改為強調(diào)結(jié)構(gòu):It was not until I called her from behind that she found me.注:但在強調(diào)句型中
41、,not until置于句首構(gòu)成倒裝句以及until放在句首時,均不能用till替換until。例如:It was not until 1920 that regular radio broadcast began.直到1920年才開始有定期的無線電廣播。Not until 12 oclock last night did Tom come back.(倒裝句) 昨晚直到十二點湯姆才回來。Until I was 20 I had never been away from my hometown.我二十歲以前,從未離開過家鄉(xiāng)。 Part IV paragraph 19This part is t
42、he Conclusion of the text, which restates the distinction between the two types of friendship. In what ways buddies and friends differ?Buddies are those you can do things together with in your lifetime, but friends are those with whom you can share roses and thorns in your life. Text Conclusion In t
43、he text the author discusses the differences between a buddy and a friend in a forceful way. We can summarize the authors viewpoint with the following sentence: A buddy is a fine life-companion but a friend is that part the race with which you can be human. The more specific differences between a bu
44、ddy and a friend are: 1. Buddies bond, but friends love. 2. Buddies face adversity together, but friends face each other. 3. Buddies seemed to “do” things together; friends simply “are” together. Rhetorical Features To show the differences between buddiness and friendship effectively, the author of
45、the text coordinates sentences in various ways. Sometimes he uses such as but, yet and while. And sometimes he simply puts two clauses together without using any conjunction at all. For example: 1) Buddies bonded, friends loved. 2) Buddies faced adversity together, friends faced each other. ( 3) Men
46、 affect each other in the reflection of noble or friendly acts, women ask fewer proofs and more signs and expressions of attachment. 4) Men often keep their buddies in these categories women keep a special category for friends. 5) Buddies seemed to “do” things together; friends simply “are” together
47、. IV. Class Check1. He was punished _ he should make the same mistake again.A) unless B) lest C) if D) provided2. In Africa, educational costs are very low for those who are _ to get into universities.A) ambitious B) fortunate C) aggressive D) substantial3. The film provides a deep _ into a wide ran
48、ge of human qualities and feelings. A) insight B) imagination C) fancy D) outlook 4. In the Chinese household, grandparents and other relatives play _ roles in raising children. A) incapable B) indispensable C) insensible D) infinite5. The group technicians are engaged in a study which _ all aspects
49、 of urban planning.A) embraces B) performs C) inserts D) grips6. On New Years Eve, New York City holds an out door _ which attracts a crowd of a million or more people.A) incident B) event C) case D) affair Vocabulary II1. hang together2. picking on3. soldiering4. showingoff5. will make a difference
50、6. binges7. intimacy8. resiliency Vocabulary III1. fragility2. drastic3. replacement4. athleticism5. portrayal6. inheritance7. confidence8. embarrassing Vocabulary IV1. B2. B3. C4. B5. A outwit hoarding 6. A wretched-unwell7. C impose-imposition8. D modish Vocabulary V1. alter/ transfer/ change2. sh
51、ow/ indicate/ manifest/ exhibit3. delicate/ slight4. prosperity/ success5. consider/ regard/ deem/ judge6. embarrassed/ uneasy/ uncomfortable7. embrace/ hold/ cuddle8. astonishing/ amazing Vocabulary VI1. argument2. projects3. friendly/ intimate4. finished5. not to hurry6. sensible/ well-founded VII
52、. Translation exercises1. Your remarks border on rudeness.2. Any unemployed person counts as deserving government help.3. On the whole I am quite satisfied with the experiment.4. A persons appearance makes a difference in how others judge him. 5. Advertising tends to portray women in very traditiona
53、l roles.6. Having inherited a considerable wealth, the twin sisters were eager to show off their jewelry.7. Public interest has once again shifted focus to the changes in the urban environment. 8. The new type of trains can run smoothly at the speed of about 500 kilometres per hour; in contrast, the
54、 old ones are clumsy and slow. VIWriting Practice What is a good friend? As we all know, human is collective animal, which cannot be isolated from the society. In the society, people build many different relationships with others. Among these relationships, there are some basic ones which are necess
55、ary to all the people. Everyone has parents, friends, relatives and lovers. Today we will talk about friends. Everyone needs friends. From childhood to the old age, people get many friends during different periods. You need friends to help you, to praise you, to protect you, to warm you .It is peopl
56、es nature to make friends, but it is not easy to get good friends. What is a good friend? A good friend shares sweetness and hardness with you. He or she trusts you and understands you. When you make success, they will feel happy as you and keep you calm as usual. When you are hurt, they will comfor
57、t you and encourage you to recover. They can understand your minds though maybe they do not agree with you. You need not see them very often but in your hearts, they are always there. I have a good friend named Fang. Fang and l was both born in peasant families. The same ambitions and interests tied
58、 us when we were children. We had studied in the same school for six years. We both hoped to pass the National College Entrance Examinations and change our poor families. so we studied hard in the high school and imagined our bright future together. But one month before we attended the National Coll
59、ege Entrance Examinations, Fang left school. She even did not say good-bye to me. I did not know why she gave up the chance to study in the college. At that time she was the top student in our class and every student and teacher thought she could enter a good university. One year later, I received a
60、 letter from her. From her letter I knew that her father had got serious illness before the National College Entrance Examinations and her whole family could not afford her study in university so she chose to give up. She worked in a factory in South China. She said she never gave up study. Followed
61、 the letters, she supported me five hundred RMB every month till l graduated from the university. She encourages me to realize our common dreams. II. Translate the following passage into Chinese.如同在其它許多歐美國家一樣,在法國,朋友通常是相同性別的,友誼則基本上被認為是男人之間的一種關(guān)系。法國婦女嘲笑“女人不能成為朋友”這種說法,但他們有時也承認,對女人來說,朋友是“另外一回事兒”。另外,許多法國人
62、對男女之間是否存在的友誼表示懷疑。在一個團體中還存在著這樣一種關(guān)系,男女在一起工作了很久一段時間,他們之間的關(guān)系可能很密切,彼此忠誠,感覺親切。他們可能互稱“copains”這個詞的英文意思是朋友,但卻更接近“老鐵”或“哥們”的含義。在法國人眼里這不是友誼,雖然這種團體中兩個成員很可能成為朋友。IV. Class Check答案16: B B A B A B Text II My Daughter, My Friend Reference for questions1. Through note writing the daughter told her mother how she felt
63、 and what growing pains she had experienced as an adolescent and the mother told her daughter how she felt as a middle aged woman.2. Mom, your letter make me feel great no matter what kind of mood Im in. sometimes they even make me cry because they touch me so deeply. Im really glad we have the kind
64、 of relationship that we do, even though we have our arguments. I love you, Mom! 3. Here are a couple of hints for your discussion: 1) what is the usual way of communication between members of your family? 2) Do you think your family climate is democratic? 3) Do you think note writing between family members living under the same roof can lead to some undesirable consequence? http:/ 視頻:英女王發(fā)表登基60周年演說 Thank You, and Enjoy Your Weekend!
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