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In the article has analyzed the elevator loadcharacteristics, elaborated uses the trapezoid acceleration curve theelevator ideal velocity curve, unifies the frequency changer and thePLC performance, elaborated the elevator control system constitutionand the operational factor. Elaborated the elevator speed curveproduces the method, has induced the characteristic which designs byPLC constitution control system software.
Key word: Load characteristics ideal velocity curve control systemsoftware design
關鍵詞:負載特性 理想速度曲線 控制系統 軟件設計
1.??? Outline
Along with the urban construction unceasing development, thehigh-rise construction unceasingly increases, the elevator has thewidespread application in the national economy and the life. Theelevator took in the high-rise construction the vertical movementtransportation vehicle already and people's daily life is inseparable.In fact the elevator is according to exterior movement and so oncalling signal as well as own control rule, but calls is stochastic,the elevator is a person machine interactive control system in fact,purely is cannot satisfy the control request with the sequentialcontrol or the logical control, Therefore, the elevator control system uses the stochastic logical waycontrol. At present the elevator control generally has selected twomethods, one is uses the microcomputer to take the signal controlunit, completes the elevator signal gathering, the running status andthe function hypothesis, realizes the elevator automatic dispatch andthe collection chooses the movement function, drives the control tocomplete by the frequency changer; The second control mode (PLC)substitutes for the microcomputer realization signal collection withthe programmable controller to choose the control. Said from the control mode and the performance, these two methodscertainly not too big difference. The domestic factory mostly choosesthe second way, its reason lies in the production scale slightly, owndesign and the manufacture microcomputer control device cost ishigher; But PLC reliability high, programming convenience nimble, theantijamming ability strong, the movement stable is reliable and so onthe characteristic, therefore the present elevator control systemwidely uses the programmable controller to realize.
2.??? Elevator ideal performance diagram
Indicated according to the massive research and the experiment, theperson may accept the maximum acceleration is am <= 1.5m/s2,acceleration rate of change rho m <= the 3m/s3, elevator idealperformance diagram may divide according to the acceleration is thetriangle, the trapezoid and the sine profile, As a result of sine profile acceleration curve realization moredifficult, but the triangle curve maximum acceleration and is startingand applies the brake the section turning point acceleration rate ofchange to be bigger than the trapezoidal curve, namely + rho m jumpsto - rho m or jumps from - rho m to + rho the m acceleration rate ofchange, therefore very little uses, because the trapezoidal curve iseasy to realize and has the good acceleration rate of change frequenttarget, therefore is widely used, uses the trapezoidal accelerationcurve elevator ideal performance diagram like chart 1 to show:
根據大量的研究和實驗表明,人可接受的最大加速度為am≤1.5m/s2, 加速度變化率ρm≤3m/s3,電梯的理想運行曲線按加速度可劃分為三角形、梯形和正弦波形,由于正弦波形加速度曲線實現較為困難,而三角形曲線最大加速度和在啟動及制動段的轉折點處的加速度變化率均大于梯形曲線,即+ρm跳變到-ρm或由-ρm跳變到+ρm的加速度變化率,故很少采用,因梯形曲線容易實現并且有良好加速度變化率頻繁指標,故被廣泛采用。
The intelligent frequency changer is for the elevator special-purposefrequency changer request and so on elevator nimble velocitymodulation, control and high accuracy even level which but speciallydesigns, may use for parts the general three-phase asynchronous motor,and has function and so on intellectualized software, standardconnection, menu prompt, input elevator curve and other essentialparameter. It has the debugging convenience quickly, moreover can automaticallyrealize the single multilayered function, and has the automaticoptimization deceleration curve the function, is composed the velocitymodulation system crawling time by it few, the even level distance isshort, no matter is the double winding electric motor, or electric motor suitable, its highest design speed may reach 4m/s, itsunique computer monitoring software, may choose the serial interfacerealization input/output signal the non- electronic contact control. The frequency changer constitutes elevator system, when the frequencychanger receives the controller to send out shouts the ladderdirection signal, the frequency changer basis hypothesis speed and theacceleration value, the starting motor, after achieved the maximumspeed, the uniform speed moves, when arrives the goal leveldecelerates, the controller sends out shuts off the high velocitysignal, reduces the speed which the frequency changer establishes themaximum speed to reduce to the crawling speed, In decelerates in the movement process, the frequency changer can theautomatic computation decelerate to the even level spot betweendistance, and calculates the optimized curve, thus can according tothe optimized curve movement, cause the low speed crawling time toreduce to 0.3s, the frequency changer through adjusts leveling thespeed in the elevator even level process or applies the brake thepitch to adjust leveling the precision. Namely when the elevator stops too early, the frequency changerincreases the low speed value or the reduction applies the brake thepitch value, otherwise reduces the low speed value or increasesapplies the brake the pitch value, when the elevator to leaves evenlevel position 4 - 10cm, has the even level switch automaticseparation low speed signal, the system according to the optimizedcurve realization high accuracy even level, thus achieved the evenlevel accurate is reliable.
3.??? Elevator speed curve
Elevator movement comfortableness is decided in its movementprocess acceleration a and the acceleration rate of change p size, theoversized acceleration or the acceleration rate of change can createpassenger's ill feeling. At the same time, for guaranteed the elevatorthe operating efficiency, a, the p value not suitable excessively issmall. Can guarantee a, the p best value elevator performance diagramis called the elevator the ideal performance diagram. The elevatormovement ideal curve should be the parabola - straight linecomprehensive velocity curve, namely elevator Canada, reduces theprocess constitutes by the parabola and the straight line. Theelevator assigns the curve is whether ideal, direct influence actualperformance diagram.
3.1??? velocity curves have the method
Uses FX2-64MR PLC, and a consideration input output requestincreased FX-8EYT, FX-16EYR, the FX-8EYR three expansions modules andthe FX2-40AW twisted pair line correspondence adapter, FX2-40AW usesin the system serial communication. Using PLC the expansion functionmodule D/A module realization speed ideal curve output, whenbeforehand the digitized ideal velocity curve stores the PLC register,the procedure movement, through looks up the table way to read in D/A,transforms the simulation quantity after D/A the speed ideal curveoutput.
采用的FX2-64MR PLC,并考慮輸入輸出點要求增加了FX-8EYT、FX-16EYR、FX-8EYR三個擴展模塊和FX2-40AW雙絞線通信適配器,FX2-40AW用于系統串行通信。利用PLC擴展功能模塊D/A模塊實現速度理想曲線輸出,事先將數字化的理想速度曲線存入PLC寄存器,程序運行時,通過查表方式寫入D/A,由D/A轉換成模擬量后將速度理想曲線輸出。
3.2 Acceleration assign the curve the production
8 D/A outputs 0 ~ 5V/0 ~ 10V, the corresponding numerical valueis 16 enters system several 00 ~ FF, altogether 255 levels. Ifelevator rise time between 2.5 ~ 3 seconds. According to theconservative value computation, in the elevator acceleration processeach time Zha Biao time-gap not suitably surpasses 10ms.
As a result of elevator logic control section procedure biggest, butthe PLC movement uses the cyclical scanning mechanism, thus usuallyuses looks up the table method, Zha Biao instruction time-gapexcessively is each time long, cannot satisfiedly assign the curve theprecision request. In the PLC movement process, its CPU with variousequipment between exchange of information, user program execution,signal gathering, control quantity operation and so on output all isdefers to the fixed order to circulate the scanning way to carry on,each circulation all must carry on the inquiry, the judgement and theoperation to all functions. This kind of order and the form capableperson are not the change. The usual scanning cycle, is basic mustcomplete six steps the work, including movement surveillance, andprogramming exchange information, and digital processor exchangeinformation, and communication processor exchange information,execution user program and input output connection service and so on.In a cycle, CPU only carries out to the entire user program. This kindof mechanism has its convenient one side, but timeliness is bad. Theexcessively long scanning time, directly affects the system to thesignal response effect, in under the guarantee control functionpremise, maximum limit reduces CPU the cyclical scanning time is avery complex question. Generally only can short adopt the method fromthe user program execution time. The elevator logic control sectionprocedure scanning time has surpassed 10ms, although has adopted somereduced procedure scanning time means, but still will be unable toscan the time to fall to 10ms below. At the same time, applies thebrake the section curve to use according to is away from theprinciple, each section of distances arrive the response time notsuitably surpasses 10ms. In order to satisfy the system the timelyrequest, in the velocity curve production way, uses the severancemethod, thus effectively has overcome the PLC scanning mechanismlimit.
The starting acceleration movement by decides the cycle interruptservice isr to complete. This kind of severance cannot carry on theswitch by the procedure, once establishes, continuously presses thehypothesis time-gap circulation severance, therefore, the startingmovement condition must put in the interrupt service isr, when doesnot satisfy the movement condition, the severance namely returns.
3.2??? Decelerates applies the brake the curve production
In order to guarantee applies the brake process completing,must carry on in the master routine applies the brake the condition tojudge and to decelerate a determination. In decelerates before adetermination, the elevator continuously is in the acceleration or thesteady fast movement process. The acceleration process completes bythe fixed cyclical severance, accelerates after the correspondingpattern maximum value, the acceleration procedure movement conditionno longer satisfies, after each time severs, no longer carries out theacceleration procedure, directly returns from the severance. Theelevator corresponds the pattern the maximum value movement,decelerates in this pattern to after, has the high-speed countingseverance, the execution decelerates the service routine. Revises thecounter in this interrupt service isr to suppose the definite valuethe condition, guaranteed the next time will sever the execution. In the PLC internal register, deceleration curve table value from big to small , each time severs all carries out time "theindicator needle to add 1" the operation, then the next severance willlook up the table number is smaller than this severance to look up the table numbers. Thegate area peaceful level area judgement produces by exterior signal,guarantees the moderating process the reliability.
4. Elevator control system
4.1 Elevators control system characteristic
Is relates the elevator movement comfortable feeling target in theelevator performance diagram start section the key link, but thecomfortable feeling with the acceleration direct correlation,according to controls the theory, must cause some quantity accordingto prearrange the rule change to have to carry on the positivegoverning to it, said regarding the elevator control system, mustcause the acceleration to have to use the acceleration feedbackaccording to the ideal curve change, according to electric motormoment of force equation: M - MZ= Delta M=J (dn/dt), obviously theacceleration rate of change had reflected the system dynamic extensionis apart from the change, the control acceleration is apart from DeltaM=M - MZ on the control system dynamic extension. Therefore uses theacceleration in this section the timing control principle, when thestart ascent portion speed achieved when stable state value 90%,systematically will cut the speed control from the accelerationcontrol, because in the steady fast section, the speed will besmaller for the permanent value control undulation, the accelerationchange will not be big, also will use the speed closed-loop controlto be allowed to cause the stable state speed hold certain precision,will be applies the brake the section precise even level to create thecondition. Uses the PI regulator control in the system speed ascentportion and steady fast Duan Suidu, but two section of PI parameter isdifferent, enhances the system the dynamic response target.
Applies the brake the section in the system, namely must to reduce thespeed to carry on the essential control, guarantees the comfortablefeeling, also must strictly controls according to the elevatormovement speed and the distance relations, guarantees the even levelthe precision. In system’s rotational speed reduces to 120r/min in front of, in orderto enable two to obtain the proper attention to both, adopts by theacceleration to the timing control primarily, simultaneously actsaccording to on each as soon as the stopping distance the actualrotational speed and the theory rotational speed deviation revises theacceleration to assign the curve the method. For example in is awayfrom the even level spot some as soon as to be away from L place, thespeed should reduce to Vm/s, but the actual rotational speed is highis V ' m/s, then explained adds the system turns is apart frominsufficiently, after therefore calculates the here to assign reducesspeed value -ag, causes it to add on a negative deviation againepsilon, even if the here reduces the speed given value to revise for- (ag+ epsilon) causes to assign reduces the speed and the true speednegative deviation enlarges, thus enlarged the system to turn thedistance, caused the speed very quickly to fall to the standard value,when electric motor’s rotational speed reduces
to 120r/min after, this time thetheater box above the level only had several centimeters, The elevatorrunning rate is very low, for did not prevent phenomenon appearancewhich stops to the even level area, enables the elevator comparativelyquickly to enter the even level area, uses the proportional control inthis section, and uses the time optimization control, guaranteed theelevator accurately promptly enters the even level area, achieves theaccurate reliable even level.
在系統的制動段,即要對減速度進行必要的控制,以保證舒適感,又要嚴格地按電梯運行的速度和距離的關系來控制,以保證平層的精度。在系統的轉速降至120r/min之前,為了使兩者得到兼顧,采取以加速度對時間控制為主,同時根據在每一制動距離上實際轉速與理論轉速的偏差來修正加速度給定曲線的方法。例如在距離平層點的某一距離L處,速度應降為 Vm/s,而實際轉速高為V′m/s,則說明所加的制動轉距不夠,因此計算出此處的給定減速度值-ag后,使其再加上一個負偏差ε,即使此處的減速度給定值修正為-(ag+ε)使給定減速度與實際速度負偏差加大,從而加大了制動轉距,使速度很快降到標準值,當電動機的轉速降到120r/min 以后,此時轎廂距平層只有十幾厘米,電梯的運行速度很低,為防止未到平層區(qū)就停車的現象出現,以使電梯能較快地進入平層區(qū),在此段采用比例調節(jié),并采用時間優(yōu)化控制,以保證電梯準確及時地進入平層區(qū),以達到準確可靠平層。
4.2 elevators controls constitution
Because the elevator movement is according to the floor and the theater box calling signal, the travelling schedule signalcarries on the control, but the floor and the theater box call isstochastic, therefore, the systems control uses the stochastic logicalcontrol. Namely in realizes in the elevator basic control requestfoundation by the smooth logic control, according to stochastic inputsignal, as well as elevator corresponding condition at the rightmoment control elevator movement. Moreover, the theater boxposition is determined by the pulse encoder pulse number that, anddelivers PLC the counter to carry on the control. At the same time,each building establishes to approach the switch to use in to examinethe system the floor signal. In order to be advantageous for the observation, is at the floor tothe elevator movement direction as well as the elevator to carry onthe demonstration, uses LED and the photo tube demonstrated, but tothe floor and the theater box calling signal to the indicating lampdemonstrated (on switch has indicating lamp).
In order to enhance the elevator the operating efficiency peacefullevel precision, the system requests PLC to be able to theater boxCanada, to decelerate as well as to apply the brake to carry on theeffective control. Realizes according to the theater box physicallocation as well as the exchange velocity modulation system controlalgorithm. For the elevator movement security, the system shouldestablish the reliable fail safe and the corresponding demonstration.Uses the PLC realization the elevator control system to constitute byfollowing several main parts.