1、基于基于 S7-200PLC 的四層電梯控制系統(tǒng)設(shè)計的四層電梯控制系統(tǒng)設(shè)計 摘摘 要要 本課題設(shè)計的意義在于改變了以往繼電器控制的電梯可靠性和穩(wěn)定性差的 缺點,鑒于繼電器控制存在著上述的種種弊端,現(xiàn)將 PLC 應(yīng)用于電梯控制,收到 了良好效果??删幊炭刂破鲬?yīng)用于電梯控制,用軟件編程替代原有繼電器硬件 布線控制,使控制系統(tǒng)具有了極大的柔性和通用性。隨著人們對其要求的提高, 電梯得到了快速發(fā)展,其拖動技術(shù)已經(jīng)發(fā)展到了智能控制,其邏輯控制也由 PLC 代替原來的繼電器控制。本設(shè)計在已有的變頻器的基礎(chǔ)上,采用 PLC 對電 梯進行控制,通過合理的選擇和設(shè)計,提高了電梯的控制水平, 并改善了電梯 運行的
2、舒適感, 使電梯達到了較為理想的控制效果。 本文介紹一種電梯 PLC 控制系統(tǒng)。電梯是垂直方向的運輸設(shè)備,是高層建 筑中不可缺少的交通運輸設(shè)備。它靠電力,拖動一個可以載人或物的轎廂,在 建筑的井道內(nèi)導(dǎo)軌上做垂直升降運動,在人們生活中起著舉足輕重的作用。而 控制電梯運行的 PLC 系統(tǒng)也要求越來越高,要求達到電梯運行的“穩(wěn)、準、快” 的運行目的。該系統(tǒng)主要由 PLC、邏輯控制電路組成。其中包括交流異步電動 機、繼電器、接觸器、行程開關(guān)、按鈕、發(fā)光指示器組成為一體的控制系統(tǒng)。 本機控制單元采用以西門子的可編程控制器 PLC 對機器進行全過程控制。 關(guān)鍵字:可編程控制器 PLC,繼電器控制,垂直運輸
3、設(shè)備 目目 錄錄 一、一、緒論1 2、方案設(shè)計2 2.1 電梯繼電器控制系統(tǒng)的特點及存在問題.2 2.1.1 電梯繼電器控制系統(tǒng)的優(yōu)點2 2.2.PLC 控制電梯的優(yōu)點.2 2.3.設(shè)計方案確定3 三、PLC 硬件系統(tǒng)的設(shè)計.3 3.1.控制器的選擇3 3.2.電梯曳引電機及門電機電路圖4 3.3.輸入輸出點數(shù)的確定4 四、軟件設(shè)計4 4.1 系統(tǒng)結(jié)構(gòu)框圖6 4.2 .重要程序設(shè)計.7 4.2.1.初始平層程序設(shè)計7 4.2.2.開關(guān)門控制程序設(shè)計7 4.2.3.上下行控制程序設(shè)計8 五、總結(jié)與展望.12 參考文獻.13 附錄.14 附錄一 完整程序匯總14 附錄二 實驗接線圖19 第 1 頁
4、 共 19 頁 一、緒緒 論論 可編程序控制器(PLC)是近十幾年發(fā)展起來的一種新型工業(yè)控制器,由于 它把計算機的編程靈活,功能強大,應(yīng)用面廣等優(yōu)點與繼電器系統(tǒng)的控制簡單, 使用方便,抗干擾能力強,價格便宜,體積小等優(yōu)點結(jié)合起來,在工業(yè)生產(chǎn)控制 中廣泛地應(yīng)用。 電梯是一種特殊的垂直運輸工具,都市人們的日常生活已經(jīng)越來越離不開 它?,F(xiàn)在隨著我國經(jīng)濟的高速發(fā)展,高樓處處可見,而高樓的主要運輸工具都 是電梯,所以接觸電梯的人也越來越多,且隨時影響人們的工作、生活、學(xué)習(xí)。 因此人們對電梯的安全性,穩(wěn)定性也越來越高。 從電梯控制統(tǒng)的實現(xiàn)方法分,電梯的控制系統(tǒng)經(jīng)歷了繼電器控制、可編程 序控制(PLC) 、
5、單片微機控制、多微機控制多種形式。繼電器控制系統(tǒng)是 80 年 代最廣泛的一種電梯控制方式,有控制邏輯線路簡單、直接、易于理解和掌握 的優(yōu)點,但由于該類系統(tǒng)是由眾多繼電器、接觸器構(gòu)成,使用一段時間后其接 觸點往往接觸不良,所以電梯故障高,眾多的繼電器、接觸器動作噪聲較大, 整個控制柜體積大。隨著多微機系統(tǒng)在電梯控制系統(tǒng)中的應(yīng)用,電梯控制發(fā)生 了限大的變化,因為微機在電梯中的應(yīng)用不僅取代了大部分繼電器和選層器, 整個系統(tǒng)更加可靠,靈活性更加提高,功能大增強了。但微機的集成度高,功 能項目固化,一般維修人員及工程人員修改或增加不了其功能。如要修改或增 加其功能要找回生廠家或用專用的工具。可編程序控制
6、器取代繼電器構(gòu)成的電 梯控制系統(tǒng),可以實現(xiàn)由繼電器實現(xiàn)的邏輯控制功能,而且觸點少、可靠高、 故障率低、維修方便、噪聲小最主要的是可編程序控制系統(tǒng)的“可編程“功能, 使得當(dāng)改變電梯的控制功能時,只要更改程序即可。而 PLC 的編程語言需不盡 相同,但都有通俗易懂,便于自學(xué)的優(yōu)點一般維修及工程人員都能掌握,當(dāng)然 PLC 電梯控制系統(tǒng)只適用于小高層的樓房。 PLC 可靠性高,程序設(shè)計方便靈活。本設(shè)計在用可編程 PLC 控制,不但 提高了電梯可靠性、可維護性以及靈活性,同時延長了使用壽命,縮短了電梯 的開發(fā)周期,并提高了電梯的控制水平,改善了電梯運行的舒適感,使電梯達 到了較為理想的控制效果。 第 2
7、 頁 共 19 頁 二、方案二、方案設(shè)計設(shè)計 2.1. 電梯繼電器控制系統(tǒng)的特點及存在問題電梯繼電器控制系統(tǒng)的特點及存在問題 2.1.1.電梯繼電器控制系統(tǒng)的優(yōu)點 (1)所有控制功能及信號處理均有硬件實現(xiàn),線路直觀,易于理解和掌握, 適合于一般技術(shù)人員和技術(shù)工人所掌握。 (2)系統(tǒng)的保養(yǎng)、維修及故障檢查無需較高的技術(shù)和特殊的工具、儀器。 (3)大部分電器均為常用控制電器,更換方便,價格較便宜。 (4)多年來我國一直生產(chǎn)這類電梯,技術(shù)成熟,已經(jīng)形成系列化產(chǎn)品,技術(shù) 資料圖紙齊全,熟悉、掌握的人員較多。 2.1.2.電梯繼電器控制的缺點 (1) 系統(tǒng)觸點繁多、接線線路復(fù)雜,且觸點容易燒壞磨損,造成
8、接觸不良, 因而故障率較高。 (2) 普通控制電器及硬件接線方法難以實現(xiàn)較復(fù)雜的控制功能,使系統(tǒng)的控 制功能不易增加,技術(shù)水平難以提高。 (3) 電磁機構(gòu)及觸點動作速度比較慢,機械和電磁慣性大,系統(tǒng)控制精度難 以提高。 (4) 系統(tǒng)結(jié)構(gòu)龐大,能耗較高,機械動作噪音大。 (5) 由于線路復(fù)雜,易出現(xiàn)故障,因而保養(yǎng)維修工作量大。費用高;而且檢 查故障困難,費時費工。 2.2.PLC2.2.PLC 控制電梯的優(yōu)點控制電梯的優(yōu)點 隨著社會的不斷發(fā)展,樓房越來越高,而電梯成為了高層樓房的必須設(shè)備。 電梯從手柄開關(guān)操縱電梯、按鈕控制電梯發(fā)展到了現(xiàn)在的群控電梯,為高 層運輸做出了不可磨滅的貢獻。 PLC 在
9、電梯控制上的應(yīng)用主要體現(xiàn)在它的邏輯開關(guān)控制功能。由于 PLC 具 有邏輯運算,計數(shù)和定時以及數(shù)據(jù)輸入輸出的功能。在電梯控制過程中,各種 邏輯開關(guān)控制與 PLC 很好的結(jié)合,很好的實現(xiàn)了對電梯的控制。 電梯的電氣系統(tǒng)由拖動系統(tǒng)和控制系統(tǒng)兩部分組成。傳統(tǒng)的電氣控制系統(tǒng) 采 用的繼電器邏輯控制由于觸點多、故障率高、可靠性差、體積大等缺點, 第 3 頁 共 19 頁 正逐漸被淘汰。目前電梯設(shè)計使用可編程控制器(PLC),要求功能變化靈活,編 程簡單,故障少,噪音低。維修保養(yǎng)方便,節(jié)能省工,抗干擾能力強,控制箱 占地面積少。當(dāng)乘員進入電梯,按下樓層按鈕,電梯門自動關(guān)閉后控制系統(tǒng) 進行下列運作:根據(jù)轎廂所
10、處位置及乘員所處層數(shù)判定轎廂運行方向,保證 轎廂平層時減速。將轎廂停在選定的樓層上;同時,根據(jù)樓層的呼叫,順路停 車,自動開關(guān)門。另外在轎廂內(nèi)外均要有信號燈顯示電梯運行方向及樓層。 2.3.設(shè)計方案確定設(shè)計方案確定 (1) 初始時沒有呼叫信號時,電梯處于任意層,且在沒有呼叫信號是電梯禁 止不動。 (2) 根據(jù)電梯最早記憶信號,再判斷是上行還是下行。即就是電梯的定向。 電梯的定向根據(jù)初始信號的狀態(tài)可分為兩種。一種是指令定向,指令定向即是 把電梯的指令與初始狀態(tài)相比較再執(zhí)行“上行”或“下行” 。第二種是呼梯定向, 呼梯定向是根據(jù)呼梯信號的來源位置與當(dāng)前電梯位置比較,得出“上行”或 “下行”結(jié)論。
11、(3) 一個方向的任務(wù)執(zhí)行完要換向時,依據(jù)最遠站換向原則。例如,電梯在 一樓根據(jù)二樓指令向上,此時三樓、四樓分別在呼梯向下信號。電梯到達二樓 停站,下客后繼續(xù)向上。如果到三樓停站換向,則四樓的要求不能兼顧,如果 到四樓停站換向,則到三樓可順向截車。 (4) 電梯在運行過程中,轎廂在任何相反方向上升(或下降)的外乎信號都 不響應(yīng)。如果在相反方向沒有外呼信號時,則電梯響應(yīng)同方向外呼信號。 (5)電梯在關(guān)門之后電梯才可運行,且上行或下行指示燈顯示。 (6)電梯不在平層或運行時,開門關(guān)門按鈕開關(guān)不起作用。到達平層后,停 止 2s 之后轎廂門自動打開,轎廂門打開后經(jīng) 3s 后電梯門自動關(guān)閉,且如果有 進
12、入時重新計時 3s 后再關(guān)閉。且開關(guān)門信號可手動控制。 三、三、PLCPLC 硬件系統(tǒng)的設(shè)計硬件系統(tǒng)的設(shè)計控制器的選擇控制器的選擇 SIMATIC 小型 S7-200 系列 PLC 適用于各行各業(yè),各種場合中的檢測、監(jiān)測 及控制的自動化。S7-200 系列的強大功能使其無論在獨立運行中,或相連成網(wǎng) 第 4 頁 共 19 頁 絡(luò)皆能實現(xiàn)復(fù)雜控制功能。 S7-200 系列出色表現(xiàn)在以下幾個方面:極高的可靠性;極豐富的指令集; 易于掌握;便捷的操作;豐富的內(nèi)置集成功能;實時特性;強勁的通訊能力; 豐富的擴展模塊等。S7-200 系列在集散自動化系統(tǒng)中充分發(fā)揮其強大功能。使 用范圍可
13、覆蓋從替代繼電器的簡單控制到更復(fù)雜的自動化控制。應(yīng)用領(lǐng)域極為 廣泛,覆蓋所有與自動檢測,自動化控制有關(guān)的工業(yè)及民用領(lǐng)域,包括各種機 床、機械、電力設(shè)施、民用設(shè)施、環(huán)境保護設(shè)備等等。 STEP 7-Micro/WIN 32 是西門子公司專門為 S7-200 系列 PLC 設(shè)計在個人計 算機 Windows 操作系統(tǒng)下運行的編程軟件,它的功能強大,使用方便,簡單易 學(xué),可用梯形圖(LAD) 、語句表(STL)和功能塊圖三種編程語言編制程序,不 同的編程語言編制的程序可以相互轉(zhuǎn)換。STEP 7-Micro/WIN 32 提供兩套指令 集,即 SIMATIC 指令集(S7-200 方式)和國際標準指令
14、集(IEC1131-3 方式) 。 程序編制完成之后,利用 PLC 與計算機專用的 PC/PPI 電纜傳送程序至 PLC。 3.2. 電梯曳引電機及門電機電路圖電梯曳引電機及門電機電路圖 根據(jù)設(shè)計要求,本次設(shè)計的電氣控制系統(tǒng)主回路原理圖如圖所示。圖中 M1,M2 為曳引電機和門電機,交流接觸器 KM1-KM4 通過控制兩臺電動機的運 行來控制轎廂和廳門,從而進行對電梯的控制。FR1,F(xiàn)R2 為起過載保護作用的 熱繼電器,用于電梯運行過載時斷開主電路。FU1 為熔斷器,起過電流保護作 用。 第 5 頁 共 19 頁 圖一圖一 電梯曳引電機及門電機電路圖電梯曳引電機及門電機電路圖
15、輸入輸出點數(shù)的確定輸入輸出點數(shù)的確定 采用 PLC 構(gòu)成四層簡易電梯電氣控制系統(tǒng)。電梯的上、下行分別由 KM1 和 KM2 兩臺電機通過正反轉(zhuǎn)控制。KM1 正轉(zhuǎn)為上升,反轉(zhuǎn)為電梯下降,KM2 電機正 轉(zhuǎn)為開門,反轉(zhuǎn)為關(guān)門。一四樓內(nèi)選信號按鈕 S1S4 控制,一樓上呼由按鈕 U1 控制,二樓上(下)呼分別由按鈕 U2、D2 控制,三樓上(下)呼分別由按 鈕 U3、D3 控制,4 樓下呼用按鈕 D4 控制。手動開門、手動關(guān)門分別由按鈕 OP,CL 控制。一四樓平層由行程開關(guān) SQ1、SQ2、SQ3、SQ4 控制。開(關(guān))門 限位信號分別由行程開關(guān) SQ5、SQ6 控制。綜上所述輸入點共 18 點。
16、 一層有上升呼叫指示燈 HL1,二層有上升呼叫指示燈 HL2 以及下降呼叫指示 燈 HL3,三層有上升呼指示燈 HL4 以及下降指示燈 HL5,四層有下降呼叫指示燈 HL6。電梯內(nèi)有一至四層內(nèi)呼指示燈 HL7HL10 顯示。電梯開門和關(guān)門分別通過 電磁鐵 KM3 和 KM4 控制,轎廂上行和下行由接觸器 KM1 和 KM2 控制。則共有輸 出點 14 點。則由分析,輸入點共有 18 點,輸出點共有 14 點。 表一表一 四層電梯控制系統(tǒng)輸入四層電梯控制系統(tǒng)輸入/ /輸出編址表輸出編址表 輸入編址輸出編址 一層上呼按鈕 U1 I0.1轎箱上升 KM1Q1.1 二層上呼按鈕 U2 I0.3轎箱下降
17、 KM2Q1.0 三層上呼按鈕 U3 I0.5 一層上呼指示燈 Q0.1 二層下呼按鈕 D2 I0.2 二層上呼指示燈 Q0.3 三層下呼按鈕 D3 I0.4 三層上呼指示燈 Q0.5 四層下呼按鈕 D4 I0.6 二層下呼指示燈 Q0.2 一層內(nèi)選按鈕 S1 I1.6 三層下呼指示燈 Q0.4 二層內(nèi)選按鈕 S2 I1.7 四層下呼指示燈 Q0.6 三層內(nèi)選按鈕 S3 I2.0 四層內(nèi)選指示燈 Q1.5 四層內(nèi)選按鈕 S4 I2.1 三層內(nèi)選指示燈 Q1.4 開門按鈕 OP I0.7 二層內(nèi)選指示燈 Q1.3 關(guān)門按鈕 CL I0.0 一層內(nèi)選指示燈 Q1.2 一層行程開關(guān) SQ1 I1.1
18、 開門控制信號 Q0.7 二層行程開關(guān) SQ2 I1.2 關(guān)門控制信號 Q0.0 三層行程開關(guān) SQ3 I1.3 四層指示 L4 Q2.1 四層行程開關(guān) SQ4 I1.4 三層指示 L3 Q2.0 開門限位開關(guān) SQ5 I1.5 二層指示 L2 Q1.7 關(guān)門限位開關(guān) SQ6 I1.0 一層指示 L1 Q1.6 第 6 頁 共 19 頁 四 軟件設(shè)計 系統(tǒng)結(jié)構(gòu)框圖系統(tǒng)結(jié)構(gòu)框圖 開始 初始化(等待) 確認目標樓層 是否廳外呼叫 是否轎廂呼叫 電梯制動 延時 開門 關(guān)門 樓層信號 運行 電梯選向 目標層與所停層同層 是否目標 是否停止 Y N Y N Y Y N Y N 停止 目
19、標層與所停層之間的關(guān)系 第 7 頁 共 19 頁 圖二圖二 程序總流程圖程序總流程圖 4.24.2 . .重要程序設(shè)計重要程序設(shè)計初始平層程序設(shè)計初始平層程序設(shè)計 初次上電如果電梯不在平層位置,則自動向下運行,直到第一次平層停止.如 果沒關(guān)門還的先關(guān)門再平層運動.程序如下:開關(guān)門控制程序設(shè)計開關(guān)門控制程序設(shè)計 開關(guān)門控制程序分為開關(guān)門過程允許,開關(guān)門過程控制與平層過程控制,其 程序如下: (1)開關(guān)門允許部分程序,其他部分類推: (2)該關(guān)門過程控制程序: 第 8 頁 共 19 頁 (3)平層開關(guān)門過程控制 當(dāng)電梯沒有請求信號,在平層位置時,
20、本層的外部信號和內(nèi)部的開門信 號可以使電梯開門,程序如下:上下行控制程序設(shè)計上下行控制程序設(shè)計 電梯上下行程序分為請求信號確定程序,上行控制程序與下行控制程序,其 程序如下: (1)請求信號確定程序,其作用是根據(jù)請求信號來確定上行,下行響應(yīng),如: 第 9 頁 共 19 頁 (2)上行控制程序,直接控制牽引電機的正轉(zhuǎn),如: 第 10 頁 共 19 頁 (3)下行控制程序,直接控制牽引電機的反轉(zhuǎn),如: 第 11 頁 共 19 頁 5、總結(jié)與展望總結(jié)與展望 針對這個五層電梯的控制系統(tǒng),本文采用西門子 S7 200 可編程控制器設(shè) 計成電梯的樓層位置指示、轎內(nèi)指令、廳外召喚指
21、令、自動/手動開關(guān)門控制等 控制任務(wù)。經(jīng)實踐證明:用 P L C 可編程控制器可以非常好地模擬電梯控制系 統(tǒng)的測試運行,有利于 P L C 控制系統(tǒng)的設(shè)計、檢測,具有良好的應(yīng)用價值。 本論文研究的課題背景是“基于 s7-200PLC 的四層電梯的控制系統(tǒng)設(shè)計” , 針對這個四層電梯的控制系統(tǒng) 本文采用西門子 S7200 可編程控制器設(shè)計 電梯的控制系統(tǒng)并完成電梯的轎內(nèi)指令、廳外召喚指令、樓層位置指示、平層 換速控制、開門控制等控制任務(wù),建立電梯控制的系統(tǒng)模型。在此基礎(chǔ)上研究 運用變頻器進行速度的控制,以達到電梯更好的運行性能, 使其具有良好的應(yīng) 第 12 頁 共 19 頁 用價值。 此外還有對
22、計算機, 傳感器的一些研究。通過對電梯控制系統(tǒng)的實 驗研究,我們可以大致得出以下一些結(jié)論: 由于電梯自身的特點,要求實現(xiàn)了每個操作按鈕功能都能模擬電梯的實物 上的按鈕功能一樣,各樓層電梯內(nèi)的按鈕,按下數(shù)字鍵,該鍵指示燈亮,在電 梯關(guān)門后,電梯將開往該樓層,到達后指示燈滅,模擬電梯的上下位置是用檢 測開關(guān)獲得的??紤]到使用 S7-200 的 PLC,我用的是 Step7-Micro/Win 4.0 來編寫程序的,它沒有硬件態(tài)功能,所以的硬件 I/O 地址都由模塊物理位置確 定的,相比 STEP7 V5.3 軟件來說,Step7-Micro/Win 4.0 要簡單得多,易于 操作。 在電梯設(shè)計的機
23、械電氣方面,還有一些可以改進的地方。電梯的平層功能 中用的傳感器是紅外線的,性能不太好,外界光線對它的影響較大,同時其物 理尺寸也太小,只要轎廂稍有些偏差就不動作或損壞。 電梯不僅是代步的工具,也是人類物質(zhì)文明的標志。 電梯技術(shù)的發(fā)展水平 體現(xiàn)了社會的科學(xué)進步水平。摩天大樓的高度限制,不僅是建筑技術(shù)上的困難, 一個重要的因素是受電梯提升高度的限制。相信隨著電梯技術(shù)的開發(fā)研究,高效、 高速、智能化控制的電梯一定會提供優(yōu)質(zhì)良好的服務(wù)。無機房、無齒輪、電磁 兼容性、遠程監(jiān)控、使用新材料等技術(shù)將是電梯工業(yè)今后幾年的主要研究方向。 由于國外先進的安裝技術(shù)和維護保養(yǎng)技術(shù)的引進,目前電梯安裝,特別是 提升高
24、度較高的電梯安裝,普遍采用無腳手架安裝法進行電梯的安裝。同時, 與電梯相關(guān)的基礎(chǔ)工業(yè)的進步、現(xiàn)代化管理手段的貫徹和安裝工人的技術(shù)能力 的培養(yǎng), 為電梯安裝的快捷、準確提供了方便。為提高維護保養(yǎng)工作的質(zhì)量, 及時解決和預(yù)防電梯在使用過程中的突發(fā)故障和運行隱患,一些電梯企業(yè)借助 計算機網(wǎng)絡(luò)建立了電梯監(jiān)視或監(jiān)控系統(tǒng),有效地提高在用電梯的完好率,及時排 除電梯所發(fā)生的故障,最大限度地維護電梯用戶的權(quán)利。 雖然目前中國是世界上最大的電梯市場,但是,各類電梯使用普及率與國 外發(fā)達國家相比,還存在相當(dāng)?shù)陌l(fā)展空間。即使達到了國外發(fā)達國家的水平, 每年電梯的更新,也具有相當(dāng)?shù)臄?shù)量。 目前電梯在國際上發(fā)展的比較迅
25、速,特別是在某些特殊場合和有發(fā)展前景, 而國產(chǎn)電梯在性能上存在著一些問題,因此加強電梯的研究成果很有必要, 研 究運用高級控制,傳感器的提高以此來彌補元件的不足,達到更好的運行性能, 將中國國產(chǎn)的電梯推向國際市場。因此,充分了解電梯發(fā)展趨勢,掌握其中的 核心技術(shù),創(chuàng)建含有自主知識產(chǎn)權(quán)的民族品牌,任重而道遠。 第 13 頁 共 19 頁 參考文獻: 1吳中俊,黃永紅.可編程控制器原理及應(yīng)用2. 北京: 機械工業(yè)出版社,2004 2陳立定,吳玉香,蘇開才.電氣控制與可編程控制器M.廣州:華南理工大學(xué)出版社,2001 3鄭學(xué)偉.基于 PLC 的電梯控制系統(tǒng)DB.中國優(yōu)秀碩士學(xué)位論文全文數(shù)據(jù)庫,200
26、9 4黃立培.變頻器應(yīng)用技術(shù)及電動機調(diào)速M.北京:人民郵電出版社,1997 5張燕賓.SPWM 變頻調(diào)速應(yīng)用技術(shù)M. 北京:機械工業(yè)出版社,1997 6李秧耕,何喬治,何峰.電梯基本原理及安裝維修全書M.北京:機械工業(yè)出版社,2003 7劉裁文.電梯控制系統(tǒng)M.北京:電子工業(yè)出版社,1996 8賀玲芳.基于 PLC 控制的全自動變頻恒壓供水系統(tǒng)J.西安:西安科技學(xué)院學(xué)報,2000 9林小峰.可編程控制器原理及應(yīng)用M. 北京: 高等教育出版社, 1991 10張曉峰,張靜電氣控制與可編程控制技術(shù)及應(yīng)用M 北京:國防工業(yè)出版社, 2010 第 14 頁 共 19 頁 附錄附錄 附錄一 完整程序匯總
27、 第 15 頁 共 19 頁 第 16 頁 共 19 頁 第 17 頁 共 19 頁 第 18 頁 共 19 頁 第 19 頁 共 19 頁 附錄二 實驗接線圖 第 20 頁 共 19 頁 第 21 頁 共 19 頁 請刪除以下內(nèi)容,請刪除以下內(nèi)容,O(_)O 謝謝!謝謝!The origin of taxation in the United States can be traced to the time when the colonists were heavily taxed by Great Britain on everything from tea to legal and bu
28、siness documents that were required by the Stamp Tax. The colonists disdain for this taxation without representation (so-called because the colonies had no voice in the establishment of the taxes) gave rise to revolts such as the Boston Tea Party. However, even after the Revolutionary War and the ad
29、option of the U.S. Constitution, the main source of revenue for the newly created states was money received from customs and excise taxes on items such as carriages, sugar, whiskey, and snuff. Income tax first appeared in the United States in 1862, during the Civil War. At that time only about one p
30、ercent of the population was required to pay the tax. A flat-rate income tax was imposed in 1867. The income tax was repealed in its entirety in 1872. Income tax was a rallying point for the Populist party in 1892, and had enough support two years later that Congress passed the Income Tax Act of 189
31、4. The tax at that time was two percent on individual incomes in excess of $4,000, which meant that it reached only the wealthiest members of the population. The Supreme Court struck down the tax, holding that it violated the constitutional requirement that direct taxes be apportioned among the stat
32、es by population (pollock v. farmers loan the explanation of the tax reform act of 1986 was more than thirteen hundred pages long (Pub. L. 99-514, Oct. 22, 1986, 100 Stat. 2085). Commerce Clearing House, a publisher of tax information, released a version of the Internal Revenue Code in the early 199
33、0s that was four times thicker than its version in 1953. Changes to the tax laws often reflect the times. The flat tax of 1913 was later replaced with a graduated tax. After the United States entered world war i, the War Revenue Act of 1917 imposed a maximum tax rate for individuals of 67 percent, c
34、ompared with a rate of 13 percent in 1916. In 1924 Secretary of the Treasury Andrew W. Mellon, speaking to Congress about the high level of taxation, stated, The present system is a failure. It was an emergency measure, adopted under the pressure of war necessity and not to be counted upon as a perm
35、anent part of our revenue structure. The high rates put pressure on taxpayers to reduce their taxable income, tend to destroy individual initiative and enterprise, and seriously impede the development of productive business. Ways will always be found to avoid taxes so destructive in their nature, an
36、d the only way to save the situation is to put the taxes on a reasonable basis that will permit business to go on and industry to develop. Consequently, the Revenue Act of 1924 reduced the maximum individual tax rate to 43 percent (Revenue Acts, June 2, 1924, ch. 234, 43 Stat. 253). In 1926 the rate
37、 was further reduced to 25 percent. The Revenue Act of 1932 was the first tax law passed during the Great Depression (Revenue Acts, June 6, 1932, ch. 209, 47 Stat. 169). It increased the individual maximum rate from 25 to 63 percent, and reduced personal exemptions from $1,500 to $1,000 for single p
38、ersons, and from $3,500 to $2,500 for married couples. The national industrial recovery act of 1933 (NIRA), part of President franklin d. roosevelts new deal, imposed a five percent excise tax on dividend receipts, imposed a capital stock tax and an excess profits tax, and suspended all deductions f
39、or losses (June 16, 1933, ch. 90, 48 Stat. 195). The repeal in 1933 of the eighteenth amendment, which had prohibited the manufacture and sale of alcohol, brought in an estimated $90 million in new liquor taxes in 1934. The social security act of 1935 provided for a wage tax, half to be paid by the
40、employee and half by the employer, to establish a federal retirement fund (Old Age Pension Act, Aug. 14, 1935, ch. 531, 49 Stat. 620). The Wealth Tax Act, also known as the Revenue Act of 1935, increased the maximum tax rate to 79 percent, the Revenue Acts of 1940 and 1941 increased it to 81 percent
41、, the Revenue Act of 1942 raised it to 88 percent, and the Individual Income Tax Act of 1944 第 22 頁 共 19 頁 raised the individual maximum rate to 94 percent. The post-World War II Revenue Act of 1945 reduced the individual maximum tax from 94 percent to 91 percent. The Revenue Act of 1950, during the
42、 korean war, reduced it to 84.4 percent, but it was raised the next year to 92 percent (Revenue Act of 1950, Sept. 23, 1950, ch. 994, Stat. 906). It remained at this level until 1964, when it was reduced to 70 percent. The Revenue Act of 1954 revised the Internal Revenue Code of 1939, making major c
43、hanges that were beneficial to the taxpayer, including providing for child care deductions (later changed to credits), an increase in the charitable contribution limit, a tax credit against taxable retirement income, employee deductions for business expenses, and liberalized depreciation deductions.
44、 From 1954 to 1962, the Internal Revenue Code was amended by 183 separate acts. In 1974 the employee retirement income security act (ERISA) created protections for employees whose employers promised specified pensions or other retirement contributions (Pub. L. No. 93-406, Sept. 2, 1974, 88 Stat. 829
45、). ERISA required that to be tax deductible, the employers plan contribution must meet certain minimum standards as to employee participation and vesting and employer funding. ERISA also approved the use of individual retirement accounts (IRAs) to encourage tax- deferred retirement savings by indivi
46、duals. The Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 (ERTA) provided the largest tax cut up to that time, reducing the maximum individual rate from 70 percent to 50 percent (Pub. L. No. 97-34, Aug. 13, 1981, 95 Stat. 172). The most sweeping tax changes since world war ii were enacted in the Tax Reform Act o
47、f 1986. This bill was signed into law by President ronald reagan and was designed to equalize the tax treatment of various assets, eliminate tax shelters, and lower marginal rates. Conservatives wanted the act to provide a single, low tax rate that could be applied to everyone. Although this single,
48、 flat rate was not included in the final bill, tax rates were reduced to 15 percent on the first $17,850 of income for singles and $29,750 for married couples, and set at 28 to 33 percent on remaining income. Many deductions were repealed, such as a deduction available to two- income married couples
49、 that had been used to avoid the “marriage penalty“ (a greater tax liability incurred when two persons filed their income tax return as a married couple rather than as individuals). Although the personal exemption exclusion was increased, an exemption for elderly and blind persons who itemize deduct
50、ions was repealed. In addition, a special capital gains rate was repealed, as was an investment tax credit that had been introduced in 1962 by President john f. kennedy. The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993, the first budget and tax act enacted during the Clinton administration, was vigorou
51、sly debated, and passed with only the minimum number of necessary votes. This law provided for income tax rates of 15, 28, 31, 36, and 39.6 percent on varying levels of income and for the taxation of social security income if the taxpayer receives other income over a certain level. In 2001 Congress
52、enacted a major income tax cut at the urging of President george w. bush. Over the course of 11 years the law reduces marginal income tax rates across all levels of income. The 36 percent rate will be lowered to 33 percent, the 31 percent rate to 28 percent, the 28 percent rate to 25 percent. In add
53、ition, a new bottom 10 percent rate was created. Since the early 1980s, a flat-rate tax system rather than the graduated bracketed method has been proposed. (The graduated bracketed method is the one that has been used since graduated taxes were introduced: the percentage of tax differs based on the
54、 amount of taxable income.) The flat-rate system would impose one rate, such as 20 percent, on all income and would eliminate special deductions, credits, and exclusions. Despite firm support by some, the flat-rate tax has not been adopted in the United States. Regardless of the changes made by legi
55、slators since 1913, the basic formula for computing the amount of tax owed has remained basically the same. To determine the amount of income tax owed, certain deductions are taken from an individuals gross income to arrive at an adjusted gross income, from which additional deductions are taken to a
56、rrive at the taxable income. Once the amount of taxable income has been determined, tax rate charts determine the exact amount of tax owed. If the amount of tax owed is less than the amount already paid through tax prepayment or the withholding of taxes from paychecks, the taxpayer is entitled to a
57、refund from the IRS. If the amount of tax owed is more than what has already been paid, 第 23 頁 共 19 頁 the taxpayer must pay the difference to the IRS. Calculating the gross income of restaurant employees whose income is partially derived from gratuities left by customers has led to disputes with the
58、 IRS and employers over how much they should contribute in federal insurance contribution act (fica) taxes. Although customers pay these tips directly to employees, federal law deems the tips to have been wages paid by the employer for FICA tax purposes. Employers are imputed to have paid large sums
59、 of money they never handled and for which they no way of ascertaining the exact amount. The Supreme Court, in United States v. Fior DItalia, 536 U.S. 238, 122 S. Ct. 2117, 153 L. Ed. 2d 280 (2002), upheld the IRS “aggregate method“ of reporting tip income. Instead of requiring the IRS to make indiv
60、idual determinations of unreported tips for each employee when calculating FICA tax, the Court held that the IRS could make employers report their gross sales on a monthly statement to help determine tip income. Employees also must report their tip income monthly on a form. The IRS then uses these two pieces of information to calculate what the employer needs to contribute in FICA tax.
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- 教育強國建設(shè)規(guī)劃綱要(2024—2035年)要點解讀(教育是強國建設(shè)民族復(fù)興之基)
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